2.140 IH - Heavy Industrial Zone

To allow for heavy industrial developments that may have the potential to create Nuisance conditions that extend beyond the boundaries of the Site, and to allow for industrial operations that have large land requirements. This Zone is generally located in the interior of industrial areas or other locations where it does not present a major risk to the health and safety of the general public, the enjoyment of Abutting developments, or the integrity of the natural environment.

Industrial Uses
3.1. Major Industrial and Minor Industrial Uses
3.1.1. The maximum Floor Area for any indoor display, office, technical and administrative support, or retail sale operations is 33% of the total Floor Area of the building(s) devoted to a Major Industrial or Minor Industrial Use, except that: this restriction does not apply when more than 50% of the Site Area is used for outdoor industrial activities.
3.1.2. The Development Planner may approve a development that is intended to provide temporary sleeping accommodation for employees as an Accessory Use to a Major Industrial or Minor Industrial Use. Where these Uses provide Accessory temporary sleeping accommodations for employees, they must comply with the following: The Accessory temporary sleeping accommodation must not be larger than is necessary to support industrial activities on the Site, and the design and layout of the accommodation must not be suitable for use as a permanent residence.
3.2. Natural Resource Developments must comply with Section 5.40.
Sign Uses
3.3. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.


4.1. Development must comply with Table 4.1:
Table 4.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value Symbol
Site Area
4.1.1. Minimum Site area 1.0 ha -
4.1.2. Maximum Height 30.0 m -
Floor Area Ratio
4.1.3. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 2.0 -
4.1.4. Minimum Setback Abutting a Street 3.0 m A
4.1.5. Minimum Setback Abutting an Alley or an Abutting Site 0 m B
Diagram for Subsection 4.1
Diagram for 2.140_4.1
4.2. Despite Subsection 6 of Section 7.100, the Development Planner may vary the maximum Height to accommodate building features that are necessary to the operation of a proposed development.


Parking, Loading, and Storage
5.1. Surface Parking Lots and loading, storage, waste collection, service, and display areas must not be located within a required Setback.
5.2. Storage and service areas must not be located between a principal building and a Street, and must be screened from view from Streets and from Abutting Sites, except where:
5.2.1. the Street is a Local Road serving a Site Zoned IH or IM; or
5.2.2. the Abutting Site is Zoned IH or IM.
Other Regulations
5.3. 1 or more of the following may be required for any development, in compliance with Section 7.140:
5.3.1. a Risk Assessment; 
5.3.2. an Environmental Impact Assessment; or
5.3.3. an Environmental Assessment Information.