3.52 EETC - Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Chemical Cluster Zone

Industrial Uses
4.1. Minor Industrial is only permitted in areas within the 1.5 km Risk Buffer adjacent to the Medium Industrial Precinct, as shown in Appendix II
4.2. Major Industrial that may emit a significant level of noise, smoke, dust, odour, fumes, flares, vibration, or other similar Nuisances, is not permitted within the 1.5 km Risk Buffer, as shown in Appendix II
4.3. Temporary storage is only allowed as part of a Minor Industrial or Major Industrial Use
Basic Service Uses
4.4. Major Utilities does not include sanitary landfills Sites or nuclear power facilities.
Community Uses
4.5. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Sign Uses
4.6. Sign Uses must comply with Subsections 3 and 7 of Section 6.90


5.1. Development must comply with Table 5.1:
Table 5.1. Site Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
Site Area
5.1.1. Minimum Site area 1.0 ha
5.1.2. Minimum Setback where a Lot line Abuts a Street 3.0 m
5.2. Despite Subsection 5.1.2 the Development Planner may require a greater Setback for those components of an industrial development that may interfere with the safety or amenity of developments upon Abutting Sites, having particular regard to any separation spaces required by Alberta Ministry of Environment and Protected Areas.


Parking, Loading, Storage and Access
6.1. All outdoor services, assembly, waste collection, and storage areas, including the trucking yards associated with such activities, must be located to the rear or side of the principal building. 
6.1.1. Despite Subsection 6.1, loading and waste collection facilities servicing warehouses and similar developments where the handling or assembly of goods is carried out within a building are allowed to the rear, sides, or front of the principal building. 
6.1.2. All outdoor services, assembly, waste collection, and storage areas, including the trucking yards associated with such activities, must be screened from view from any Street, and from adjacent Sites, unless the Street is a Local Road servicing only the Energy and Technology Park. 
Other Regulations
6.2. Outside display areas are allowed to be located to the side or front of the principal building, provided that such displays are limited to examples of equipment or material related to the industry or business located on the Site.