3.56 EETIM - Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Medium Industrial Zone

To allow for industrial development, including manufacturing and logistic Uses within the extent of the Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Area Structure Plan. Commercial Uses will be permitted within service commercial nodes, which will be restricted in location and size to preserve the industrial character of the Zone. Development in this Zone must be designed and constructed with a high standard of appearance, urban design and with regard to the environment through the use of Green Building technology and green design elements.

Commercial Uses
4.1. Specialty Food Services
4.1.1. The maximum Public Space is 120 m2 for each individual establishment.
4.1.2. The maximum capacity is 100 occupants for each individual establishment.
4.2. Outdoor Sales and Services, Mobile Catering Food Services, and Specialty Food Services must be located on a Lot Abutting Anthony Henday Drive.
Basic Service Use
4.3. Major Utilities must be greater than or equal to 300.0 m from a municipal boundary. 
Agricultural Uses
4.4. Urban Agriculture
4.4.1. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale to the public, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
4.4.2. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 4.4.1 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental and risk assessment report in compliance with Section 7.140.
Sign Uses
4.5. Sign Uses must comply with Subsection 3 of Section 6.90.


5.1. Development must comply with Table 5.1:
Table 5.1. Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
Floor Area Ratio
5.1.1. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 2.0
5.1.2. Maximum Height 18.0 m
5.1.3. Minimum Setback 0 m
5.1.4. Minimum Front Setback 6.0 m
5.1.5. Minimum Front Setback where the Front Lot Line Abuts a Street other than an Arterial, service or Collector Road 3.0 m
5.2. Despite Subsection 6 of Section 7.100, a Development Planner may grant a variance to the Maximum Height, to a maximum of 22.0 m in Height, where it is required to facilitate the industrial development of a Use


6.1. Certain locations must be considered Service Commercial Nodes in order to ensure that the Edmonton Energy and Technology Park provides a mix of Commercial Uses that will primarily serve the employees of the Medium Industrial, Petrochemical, and Research and Development precincts as shown in Appendix II, and provide support services to the businesses within those precincts.
6.2. For the purposes of this Section, a Site will be deemed to be located within a Service Commercial Node if the:
6.2.1. Site does not Abut the CN Rail line;
6.2.2. Site does not conflict with a current or future connection for a rail spur line; 
6.2.3. Site is located at the intersection of: 1 Collector Road and 1 Arterial Road; or 2 Collector Roads; and
6.2.4. Site is identified in Appendix I of Section 3.50.
6.3. Despite Subsections 2 and 3 of Section 3.56, the following Uses will be deemed to be Permitted Uses and Discretionary Uses within a Service Commercial Node:
Permitted Uses
6.3.1. Vehicle Support Services
6.3.2. Indoor Sales and Services
6.3.3. Food and Drink Services
6.3.4. Minor Industrial
6.3.5. Special Events
6.3.6. Fascia Signs, limited to On-premises Advertising
6.3.7. Freestanding Signs, limited to On-premises Advertising
6.3.8. Projecting Signs, limited to On-premises Advertising
6.3.9. Portable Signs, limited to On-premises Advertising
Discretionary Uses
6.3.10. Major Utilities
6.3.11. Minor Utilities
6.3.12. Freestanding Signs, limited to Off-premises Advertising
6.3.13. Minor Digital Signs, limited to On-premises Advertising 
Development Regulations for Uses Within a Service Commercial Node
6.4. Except for Minor Industrial and Major Utilities, the maximum Floor Area of any individual business premises must not exceed 275 m2.
6.5. Food and Drink Services
6.5.1. The maximum Public Space is 120 m2 for each individual establishment.
6.5.2. The maximum capacity is 100 occupants.
6.6. Service Commercial Node development must comply with Table 6.6:
Table 6.6. Service Commercial Node Site and Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
Site Area
6.6.1. Maximum Site area 2.0 ha
Floor Area Ratio
6.6.2. Maximum Floor Area Ratio 1.0
6.6.3. Maximum Height 10.0 m
6.6.4. Minimum Setback 0 m
6.6.5. Minimum Setback where a Site Abuts a Street 3.0 m
6.7. No parking, loading, storage, waste collection, outdoor service, or display areas are permitted within a Setback
6.8. Loading, storage and waste collection areas must be located to the rear or sides of the principal building and must be screened from view from any adjacent Sites, public Streets or an LRT line in accordance with the provisions of Section 5.60.
6.9. Sign Uses must comply with Subsections 3 and 5 of Section 6.90.
6.10. Vehicle access must be from Collector Roads or Local Roads only.


Parking, Loading, Storage and Access
7.1.All loading, service, waste collection, Accessory storage areas, and trucking yards must be located to the rear or sides of the principal building, and must be screened from view from any Street.
7.2.Outdoor storage must be located at the rear of the building and must be screened to the satisfaction of the Development Planner.
7.3.Despite Section 5.80, storage, display, and vehicle parking surfaces must be designed to minimize Impermeable Material on Site and must incorporate low impact development best management practices.
7.4.Any Site that Abuts a residential Zone, or is separated from a residential Zone by a Street or a waterway, must be screened by a berm. The berm must be Landscaped with a combination of trees and shrubs to provide additional screening and must be sized to the satisfaction of the Development Planner.
Other Regulations
7.5.All Uses and related activities, except those noted in Subsection 7.2 must be located and carried on within an enclosed building.
7.6.Any exposed projections outside the building such as mechanical and electrical equipment, transformer ducts, cooling towers and materials handling equipment be screened from view from any Street, and from adjacent Sites, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner.