Bylaw | Adoption Date | Content |
Bylaw 21039 | This amendment amends Section 3.175 Greisbach Low Density Residential Flex Zone to align with the regulations consistent with small scale residential development in Zoning Bylaw 20001. |
Bylaw 20989 | This amendment revises the Zoning Bylaw to introduce the Centre City Temporary Parking Use and associated regulations, and rezone five Direct Control Zones within Centre City. |
Bylaw 20812 | This omnibus amendment resolves minor errors or unintended consequences, and to improve the useability and outcomes of Zoning Bylaw 20001.
Bylaw 20907 | This amendment revises Section 3.22 CMU - Commercial Mixed Use Zone to allow for high-rise development west of 109 Street, between 99 Avenue NW and the lane south of Jasper Avenue NW, Downtown. |
Bylaw 20869 | This amendment revises the Zoning Bylaw to ensure ground floor entrances to dwellings be required when buildings are greater than 12.8 metres in length. |
Charter Bylaw 20836 | This amendment revises Section 3.43 BLMR - Blatchford Low to Medium Rise Residential Zone to bring key regulations for low and mid rise development in alignment with standard zoning. |
Charter Bylaw 20795 | This amendment revises Section 3.20 Downtown Special Area to reduce barriers to office tower conversion. |
Charter Bylaw 20816 | This amendment revises Section 3.60 Edmonton South Special Area - Appendix I. |
Charter Bylaw 20736 | This omnibus amendment resolves minor errors or unintended consequences, and to improve the useability and outcomes of Zoning Bylaw 20001. |
Charter Bylaw 20794 | This amendment revises Section 3.42 Blatchford Row Housing Zone. |
Charter Bylaw 20728 | This amendment revises Section 3.141 CMUV - Central McDougall Urban Village Zone. |
Charter Bylaw 20756 | This amendment revises Section 3.40 Blatchford Special Area - Appendix I. |
Charter Bylaw 20560 | This amendment revises Section 3.40 Blatchford Special Area - Appendix I. |