2.250 FPO - Floodplain Protection Overlay

To mitigate the potential negative effects of a flood event and ensure the safety of those living in lands partially or wholly contained within the defined floodplains of the North Saskatchewan River and its tributaries.

2.1.This Overlay applies to those lands identified in Appendix I of this Overlay.
2.2.Despite Subsection 2.1, for lands on which the boundary of this Overlay applies to only a portion of a Lot, the provisions of this Overlay apply to the entire Lot.


3.1.For the development of a parcel of land partially or wholly contained within the Floodplain Protection Overlay, the applicant must submit a certificate from a qualified, registered professional engineer or architect that indicates:
3.1.1.the proposed development complies with the floodplain management policies of the applicable statutory plans or provides recommendations on how to bring the proposed development in compliance with the applicable statutory plans.
3.2.In addition to the requirements of Subsection 3.1, for the development of a parcel of land partially or wholly contained within the Floodplain Protection Overlay, the Development Planner may require the applicant to submit:
3.2.1.the geodetic elevation of the proposed building location;
3.2.2.the geodetic elevation of the lowest point of all openings to the proposed building; and 
3.2.3.written confirmation from a qualified, registered professional engineer or architect indicating that the following factors have been addressed in the design of the building: flood-proofing of habitable rooms, electrical panels, heating units, and operable windows; drainage; and drainage.
3.3.The requirements listed in Subsections 3.1 and 3.2.3 must be authenticated and validated professional work products, prepared by either a qualified Professional Engineer (P Eng.) licensed by the Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta to practice in Alberta or a registered architect. The submitted requirements must include:
3.3.1.written confirmation with date and signed professional stamp; or
3.3.2.written confirmation that must be sealed, dated and signed by an Alberta Association of Architects Authorized Entity or registered architect. 
3.4.The Development Planner must impose conditions in accordance with the recommendations identified in the certificate outlined in Subsection 3.1 to ensure that the development complies with the floodplain management policies of the applicable statutory plans and to ensure any specific design concerns outlined in Subsection 3.2.3 have been addressed.