Amenity Areas | |
7.1. | Despite Section 5.20, Amenity Area must be provided in compliance with the following: | |
| 7.1.1. | Amenity Areas may be provided as private individual areas such as balconies, or combined to provide Common Amenity Areas such as, but not limited to, meeting rooms, fitness facilities, balconies and outdoor spaces; | 7.1.2. | Non-Residential Uses in buildings that contain Residential Uses with a Site area equal to or greater than 1,394 m2 must provide Amenity Area equal to or greater than 3% of the non-Residential Floor Area, which may include courtyards, interior landscaped open space, arcades, plazas, atriums, gardens, and seating areas. |
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Landscaping | |
7.2. | Landscaping must comply with Section 5.60, except that only deciduous trees are allowed within any Setback that Abuts a Street or Potential Publicly Accessible Private Road, other than an Alley. | |
Parking, Loading, Storage and Access | |
7.3. | Vehicle access must only be from an Alley, except: | |
| 7.3.1. | for lands located west of 102 Street NW, east of 103 Street NW, south of the Shared Street, and north of 105 Avenue NW, a maximum of two vehicle accesses from an Abutting Street is permitted, in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. |
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7.4. | Vehicle access must be located and designed to provide a clearly defined, safe, efficient, and convenient circulation pattern for both on-Site and off-Site vehicle traffic and pedestrian movements. | |
7.5. | Surface Parking Lots | a |
| 7.5.1. | Surface Parking Lots, not including lots for the purposes of construction site offices, lay down areas, or construction parking associated with development of the lands within this Special Area Zone, are only permitted on the following parcels: Lot 271, Block 2, Plan 0729263; Lot 225-230, Block 2, Plan B3; and Lot 260-261, Block 3, Plan B3. | 7.5.2. | Despite Section 7.120 of the Zoning Bylaw, a Development Permit is required for any development that contains a Surface Parking Lot and any Development Permit that contains a Surface Parking Lot must be temporary and expire on December 31, 2028. | 7.5.3. | Subsection 4 of Section 5.80 of the Zoning Bylaw does not apply to temporary Surface Parking Lots. | 7.5.4. | A minimum of two east-west Pathways and one north-south Pathway within Surface Parking Lots must be provided for the land between 102 Street NW and 103 Street NW. | | | Despite the definition for such in the Zoning Bylaw, Pathways are not required to be Hard Surfaced but, if not, must be demarcated with solid barricades that prevent vehicle movement into the Pathway. |
| 7.5.5. | Directional and information signage consistent in design, colour, symbols and graphics shall be provided to: | | | direct patrons to pedestrian exits; | | direct patrons to vehicular exits; | | identify areas for patrons to locate their vehicles; | | advise patrons to lock their vehicles and remove all valuables; | | advise patrons of the presence of security patrols; and | | advise patrons of the presence of security cameras. |
| 7.5.6. | Lighting shall be a minimum of 6 lux or 1 foot-candle to provide a safe and secure pedestrian environment and comply with Section 5.110 and Subsection 3 of Section 5.120 of the Zoning Bylaw. | 7.5.7. | Despite Subsection 4 of Section 5.60 of the Zoning Bylaw, a minimum 3.0 m landscaped Setback shall be provided around the perimeter of the Site where abutting a Street. The buffer should visually screen parked vehicles but not completely obstruct views into and out of the parking lot for the purpose of supporting pedestrian safety and security. The following shall be provided within the 3.0 m Setback area: | | | trees and shrubs calculated at a rate of 1 tree and 2 shrubs for every 12 parking spaces in the Surface Parking Lot; | | a maximum of 15.0 m shall be provided between trees; | | only deciduous species of trees shall be allowed; | | tree and shrub species must be well suited to survive in high-traffic areas; | | dense shrubs greater than 1.0 m in height and solid fences shall not be permitted; and | | trees and shrubs do not have to be evenly spaced and can be concentrated or dispersed throughout the Setback area. |
| 7.5.8. | Every access must be Hard Surfaced from the curb to 10.0 m into the Site. | 7.5.9. | All parking facilities shall be clearly demarcated, have adequate storm water drainage and storage facilities. | 7.5.10. | The storage of materials inclusive of accumulated snow shall be in a location away from the public roadway to improve safety and visibility. | 7.5.11. | Surface Parking Lots may also be used for staging/parking of large vehicles associated with arena events. | 7.5.12. | Despite any other regulations in the Zoning Bylaw or this Special Area Zone, a minimum of 40 vehicle parking spaces must be provided to exclusively serve development located on Lots 199-207, Block 4, Plan B3, which: | | | may be provided as a Surface Parking Lot; | | must be located between 103 Street NW and 104 Street NW; | | must include Hard Surfacing, lighting, grading, drainage, screening, and Landscaping; | | if not located within a heated building, must have power receptacles for plugging in vehicles during cold weather; and | | must be securely enclosed within a building or within a 1.8 m high Fence complete with an access gate and card access system to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for Fire Rescue Services. |
| 7.5.13. | Despite Subsection 7.5.12, the requirement for vehicle parking may be waived if the Development Planner receives confirmation from Fire Rescue Services that the parking is no longer required. |
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Other Regulations | |
7.6. | The storm and sanitary drainage systems required to service the development, including drainage infrastructure extensions and on-Site stormwater management, must be in general conformance with the Drainage Servicing Report or alternatives to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for drainage. Such improvements are to be constructed at the owner's cost. | |
7.7. | For development within the areas and buffers depicted in Appendix III the following applies: | |
| 7.7.1. | a Development Permit for excavation for the purpose of remediation is required prior to excavation of the Site; | 7.7.2. | prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, except for Development Permits for demolition, excavation, shoring, or signage, additional Environmental Site Assessment work is required, including a Remedial Action Plan and, if requested by the Development Planner, an Environmental Risk Management Plan. The required reports must be submitted and reviewed to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for environmental planning. The Development Planner must impose any Development Permit conditions necessary, prior to the release of the drawings for Building Permit review, to ensure that the Site is suitable for the full range of uses contemplated in the Development Permit application; and | 7.7.3. | as a condition of Development Permit issuance, except for Development Permits for demolition, excavation, shoring, or signage, and prior to the release of drawings for Building Permit review, the Site must be remediated and a Remediation Report, along with any required reports or updates to the Risk Management Plan, must be submitted and reviewed to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for environmental planning. |
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7.8. | Prior to the issuance of any Development Permit for new building construction within this Special Area Zone, a subdivision of Lot 271, Block 2, Plan 0729263 must be registered. | |
7.9. | Land that is privately owned as of the date of approval of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Special Area Zone, but intended to be part of the mobility network, as shown in Appendix II, may be converted to public ownership, or remain privately owned. These parts are shown in Appendix II as “Potential Publicly Accessible Private Road, Potential Publicly Accessible Private Alley, and Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street”. If remaining as privately owned, their dimensions must be determined as follows: | |
| 7.9.1. | the minimum width of any Potential Publicly Accessible Private Alley or Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street must be 6.0 m; | 7.9.2. | the minimum width of the Potential Publicly Accessible Private Road aligned with 102 Street NW must be 24.0 m for the portion south of where the land identified as “Non-participating Landowner” on Appendix II (Lot 272, Block 2, Plan 0740621) Abuts the Potential Publicly Accessible Private Road; | 7.9.3. | the minimum width of the Potential Publicly Accessible Private Road Abutting the land identified as “Non-participating Landowner” on Appendix II (Lot 272, Block 2, Plan 0740621) must extend from the east Lot line of Lot 272, Block 2, Plan 0740621 to an alignment with the eastern boundary of the public 102 Street NW right-of-way to the south; and | 7.9.4. | the length of all Potential Publicly Accessible Private Roads/Alleys/Shared Streets must be such that they connect to a public Alley or Street on both ends. |
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7.10. | Prior to the issuance of the Development Permit for construction of the first principal building within this Special Area Zone, the owner must register a 24-hour Public Access Easement for all land subject to being Potential Publicly Accessible Private Roads/Alleys/Shared Streets that is still privately owned. Under this Easement, the owner is responsible for maintenance and liability and the spaces must be accessible to the public at all times. | |
7.11. | No building is allowed to be developed within areas shown as Potential Publicly Accessible Private Roads/Alleys/Shared Streets. | |
Public Improvements | |
7.12. | If requested by the Development Planner as a means of implementing direction of a Redevelopment Levy for Parkland Acquisition from the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan, the owner must submit a market value appraisal for the subject Site at the time of the submission of a Development Permit application for the purposes of determining the amount of the redevelopment levy that applies to the Site. The appraisal will estimate the market value of the subject Site, based on the highest and best use of the land, as if vacant, and with the effective date of valuation being within 30 days of Development Permit application. The appraisal report must be reviewed and approved by the Real Estate Branch of the Financial and Corporate Services Department, and the Community Services Department prior to issuance of a Development Permit. The redevelopment levy must be an amount representing 8% of the estimated market value of the Site, as if vacant, and must be paid to the City of Edmonton as a condition of the approval of a Development Permit. | |
7.13. | 104 Street NW | |
| 7.13.1. | As a condition of a Development Permit for construction of the first principal building Abutting 104 Street NW, the owner must enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-Site improvements necessary to serve or enhance the development. Improvements must focus on the east side of 104 Street NW only, improving conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. Improvements that could be implemented must be in general conformance with the cross sections within the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan. These improvements could include, but are not limited to, traffic calming elements, enhanced pedestrian crossings, widened sidewalks, street trees, and street furniture. Adjustments to the cross sections at the southern end of 104 Street NW may be required due to existing buildings and infrastructure. All improvements must be to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. |
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7.14. | 103 Street NW | |
| 7.14.1. | As a condition of a Development Permit for construction of the first principal building Abutting 103 Street NW, the owner must enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-Site improvements necessary to serve or enhance the development. Improvements must focus on prioritizing conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. Improvements that could be implemented must be in general conformance with the cross sections within the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan. These improvements could include, but are not limited to, traffic calming elements, enhanced pedestrian crossings, Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street crossing, widened sidewalks, street trees, and street furniture. Adjustments to the cross sections at the southern end of 103 Street NW may be required due to existing buildings and infrastructure. All improvements must be to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. |
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7.15. | 102 Street NW/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Road | |
| 7.15.1. | As a condition of a Development Permit for construction of the first principal building Abutting 102 Street NW/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Road, the owner must enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-Site improvements necessary to serve or enhance the development. Improvements must focus on improving conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. Improvements that could be implemented must be in general conformance with the cross sections within the Central McDougall/Queen Mary Park Area Redevelopment Plan. These improvements could include, but are not limited to, traffic calming elements, enhanced pedestrian crossings, widened sidewalks, street trees, and street furniture. Adjustments to the cross sections at the southern end of 102 Street NW/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Road may be required due to existing buildings and infrastructure. All improvements must be to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. |
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7.16. | 105 Avenue NW | |
| 7.16.1. | As a condition of a Development Permit for construction of the first principal building Abutting 105 Avenue NW, the owner must enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-Site improvements necessary to serve or enhance the development on the north side of 105 Avenue NW only. Improvements must focus on improving conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit users. These improvements must be in general conformance with the 105 Avenue Corridor Study and could include, but are not limited to, widened sidewalks, street trees, and street furniture. All improvements must be to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. |
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7.17. | Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Street | |
| 7.17.1. | As a condition of a Development Permit for construction of the first principal building Abutting the Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street between 103 Street NW and 104 Street NW, the owner must enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for improvements to the Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street between 103 Street NW and 104 Street NW, necessary to serve or enhance the development, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. The Agreement process must include an engineering drawing review and approval. Improvements to address in the Agreement include: | | | design elements in line with best practices for shared streets and that give modal priority to pedestrians and cyclists; | | special treatments to achieve this priority such as but not limited to pavers, stamped concrete, furnishings, etc.; and | | lighting provided through a combination of street lights and string lights running across the Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street. |
| 7.17.2. | As a condition of a Development Permit for construction of the first principal building Abutting the Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street between 102 Street NW and 103 Street NW, the owner must enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for improvements to the Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street between 102 Street NW and 103 Street NW, necessary to serve or enhance the development, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. The Agreement process must include an engineering drawing review and approval. Improvements to address in the Agreement include: | | | design elements in line with best practices for shared streets and that give modal priority to pedestrians and cyclists; | | special treatments to achieve this priority such as but not limited to pavers, stamped concrete, furnishings, etc.; and | | lighting provided through a combination of street lights and string lights running across the Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street. |
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7.18. | As a condition of a Development Permit that includes the completion of the Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street between 102 Street NW and 104 Street NW, the owner must enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for improvements to the Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street intersection with 103 Street NW, necessary to serve or enhance the development, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. The Agreement process must include an engineering drawing review and approval. Improvements to address in the agreement could include, but are not limited to: | |
| 7.18.1. | Surface materials and universal design elements to clearly define and establish a continuous crossing area along the Shared Street/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Shared Street; | 7.18.2. | Pedestrian crossing control measures, signage and/or devices; and | 7.18.3. | Other design elements, as required, to clearly demarcate the crossing area for pedestrian and cyclist modal priority. |
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7.19. | Alleys | |
| 7.19.1. | Alleys/Potential Publicly Accessible Private Alleys must be provided in general conformance with Appendix II and must be constructed to a commercial alley standard, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for transportation planning. |
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