2.200 UF - Urban Facilities Zone

To allow for larger facilities that provide institutional services, community services, or recreational activities. 

Community Uses
2.1. Child Care Service
2.2. Community Service
2.3. Library
2.4. Outdoor Recreation Service
2.5. Park
2.6. School
2.7. Special Event
Basic Service Uses
2.8. Cemetery
2.9. Detention Facility
2.10. Emergency Service
2.11. Health Care Facility
2.12. Recycling Drop-off Centre
2.13. Transit Facility
Commercial Uses
2.14. Health Service
2.15. Major Indoor Entertainment
2.16. Outdoor Entertainment
Industrial Uses
2.17. Crematorium
Residential Uses
2.18. Residential, limited to:
2.18.1. Supportive Housing
Agricultural Uses
2.19. Urban Agriculture
Sign Uses
2.20. Fascia Sign
2.21. Freestanding Sign
2.22. Minor Digital Sign
2.23. Portable Sign
2.24. Projecting Sign


Community Uses
3.1. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.
3.2. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.
Basic Service Uses
3.3. Recycling Drop-off Centres
3.3.1. The maximum total area for a Recycling Drop-off Centre on a Site is 650 m2.
3.3.2. Perimeter screening using Fences, Landscape Buffers, or other similar features, must be provided to screen the view of drop-off areas and bins from Abutting Streets and Sites in non-industrial Zones.
Commercial Uses
3.4. Major Indoor Entertainment
3.4.1. The minimum Site Area for a Major Indoor Entertainment Use is 0.5 ha.
Industrial Uses
3.5. Crematorium
3.5.1. Crematoriums must comply with Section 6.50
3.5.2. Crematoriums are only permitted on a Site that contains a Cemetery.
Residential Uses
3.6. Despite Section 6.80, Supportive Housing must take place within a Multi-unit Housing building.
Agricultural Uses
3.7. Urban Agriculture
3.7.1. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
3.7.2. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 3.7.1 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental site assessment in compliance with Section 7.140.
Sign Uses
3.8. Fascia Signs, Minor Digital Signs and Projecting Signs are limited to On-premises Advertising.
3.9. Freestanding Signs and Portable Signs with Off-premises Advertising are only permitted where the Copy is advertising Community Uses, except that:
3.9.1. existing Freestanding Signs with general Off-premises Advertising are permitted where existing as of January 1, 2024.
3.10. Signs must comply with Section 6.90.


Parking, Loading, Storage, and Access
5.1.Surface Parking Lots and loading, waste collection, storage, service, and display areas must not be located within a required Setback. 
5.2.Despite Subsection 5.1, Surface Parking Lots, loading, and waste collection areas may project into a Setback from: a
5.2.1.an Alley; and
5.2.2.an Abutting Site in a residential Zone where a minimum 3.0 m Landscape Buffer is provided within the Setback.
5.3.Loading, waste collection, storage, and service areas must be located at the rear or sides of a principal building and screened from view from Abutting Streets and Abutting Sites in non-industrial Zones using methods such as Landscaping, Fencing, or other similar measures. 
Other Regulations
5.4.Where this Zone Abuts a Site in the A Zone or NA Zone, or is located within the North Saskatchewan River Valley and Ravine System Protection Overlay, the Development Planner, in consultation with the City department responsible for ecological planning: 
5.4.1.must require an environmental review where specified in an applicable statutory plan; and
5.4.2.may apply conditions to the Development Permit to ensure that recommendations resulting from the environmental review are met.