To establish an entertainment district intended for indoor and outdoor activity, with a supporting mix of Uses.
Commercial Uses |
2.1. | Bar |
2.2. | Body Rub Centre |
2.3. | Cannabis Retail Store |
2.4. | Food and Drink Service |
2.5. | Hotel |
2.6. | Indoor Sales and Service |
2.7. | Liquor Store |
2.8. | Major Indoor Entertainment |
2.9. | Minor Indoor Entertainment |
2.10. | Standalone Parking Facility |
Community Uses |
2.11. | Child Care Service |
2.12. | Community Service |
2.13. | Outdoor Recreation Service |
2.14. | Park |
2.15. | Special Event |
Agricultural Uses |
2.16 | Urban Agriculture |
Sign Uses |
2.17. | Fascia Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising |
2.18. | Freestanding Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising |
2.19 | Projecting Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising |
Commercial Uses |
3.1. | Health Service |
3.2. | Office |
Sign Uses |
3.3. | Fascia Sign, limited to Off-premises Advertising |
3.4. | Freestanding Sign, limited to Off-premises Advertising |
3.5. | Major Digital Sign |
3.6. | Minor Digital Sign |
3.7. | Projecting Sign, limited to Off-premises Advertising |
3.8. | Portable Sign |
Commercial Uses
4.1. | Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20. | ||||||||
4.2. | Cannabis Retail Stores must comply with Section 6.30. | ||||||||
4.3. | Liquor Stores must comply with Section 6.70. | ||||||||
Community Uses | |||||||||
4.4. | Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40. | ||||||||
4.5. | Special Events must comply with Section 6.100. | ||||||||
Agricultural Uses | |||||||||
4.6. | Urban Agriculture | ||||||||
| |||||||||
Sign Uses | |||||||||
4.7. | Signs must comply with Subsections 3 and 6 of Section 6.90. | ||||||||
4.8. | A Comprehensive Sign Design Plan consistent with the overall intent of Subsection 3 of Section 6.90, must be prepared for the development and submitted with the Development Permit application, to be approved by the Development Planner. | ||||||||
4.9. | Signs must be designed and located to complement the architectural theme and context of the Marquis Town Centre. | ||||||||
4.10. | Despite Section 6.90, the following regulations apply: | ||||||||
5.1. | Development must comply with Table 5.1: |
Table 5.1. Site and Building Regulations | ||
Subsection | Regulation | Value |
Height | ||
5.1.1. | Maximum Height | 26.0 m |
Floor Area Ratio | ||
5.1.2. | Maximum Floor Area Ratio | 0.25 |
Setbacks Abutting Arterial Roads | ||
5.1.3. | Minimum Setback | 4.0 m |
Setbacks Abutting Collector Roads | ||
5.1.4. | Minimum Setback | 3.0 m |
Setbacks Abutting any other Street or private road | ||
5.1.5. | Minimum Setback | 2.0 m |
Site Planning and Design |
6.1. | Site amenities such as public art, seating areas, street furniture, small parks, squares, or plazas must be provided in general conformance with the Potential Amenity Area locations in Appendix I. |
Building Design and Architectural Standards |
6.2. | Buildings must have consistent materials, colours, and architectural design elements to establish an architectural theme. |
6.3. | Exterior finishing materials must include high quality materials such as, but not limited to, brick, stone, or other masonry materials, concrete or concrete fibre board, stucco, glazing, wood, aluminum, or metal trim. |
6.4. | Building Facades facing Streets must be articulated with Architectural Elements such as columns, ribs, pilasters or piers, changes in plane (e.g., recesses and projections), changes in building finishes, materials and textures, or features so that no one portion of the Facade is longer than 15.0 m, to break up building massing. |
6.5. | Buildings must incorporate features to improve pedestrian comfort such as, but not limited to, linear transparency at ground level, wall niches, seating areas, overhead weather protection, and entrance features. |
6.6. | Main building entry points must be clearly identifiable through the use of recesses, outdoor patios, display windows, planters, walls, or other similar design elements. |
6.7. | Buildings must incorporate exterior and decorative lighting to enhance building architecture and Landscaping elements. |
Pedestrian Environment |
6.8. | Direct pedestrian connections and linkages must be provided to sidewalks, in general accordance with Appendix II. |
6.9. | Pedestrian connections to building entrances, amenities and transit must be convenient, safe, and well lit, with distinct paving, or Landscaping to define the connections where practical. |
Parking, Loading, Storage and Access |
7.1. | Loading, waste collection, storage and service areas must be located towards the rear or sides of the principal buildings and screened from view from an Abutting Street or non-industrial Zone. |
7.2. | Any surface Parking Area having 40 or more parking spaces must provide a minimum 10.0 m2 Landscaped island every 40 stalls, to provide interruption of the view of the parking lot. |
7.3. | Surface Parking Areas must incorporate design elements such as, but not limited to, Landscaped Parking Area islands, Public Amenity Area, private roads, or pedestrian Pathways within the Parking Area. |
7.4. | Parkades must be screened from view where visible from a Street, through methods such as public art, architectural screening, Landscaping, Commercial Uses, or Community Uses. |
7.5. | A staged Access Management Plan must be provided, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner at each Development Permit stage, identifying the proposed access locations to the Site. Through each Development Permit submission, the Access Management Plan must be updated resulting in an overall access plan at the final Development Permit stage. |