3.50 Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Special Area

2.1. The applicable location and boundaries of the Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Special Area are shown in Appendix I


4.1. The following defined Use terms apply to all Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Special Area Zones
Term Definition
Business Support Service Means development used to provide support services to businesses which are characterized by one or more of the following features: the use of mechanical equipment for printing, duplicating, binding or photographic processing; the provision of office maintenance or custodial services; the provision of office security; and the sale, rental, repair or servicing of office equipment, furniture and machines.
Commercial School Means development used for training and instruction in a specific trade, skill, service, or artistic endeavour.
Convenience Retail Store Means development used for the retail sale of those goods required by area residents or employees on a day to day basis, from business premises which do not exceed 275 m2 in gross Floor Area
Equipment Rental Means development used for the rental of tools, appliances, recreation craft, office machines, furniture, light construction equipment, or similar items.
Limited Contractor Service Means development used for the provision of electrical, plumbing, heating, painting and similar contractor services primarily to individual households and the Accessory sale of goods normally associated with the contractor services where all materials are kept within an enclosed building, and there are no Accessory manufacturing activities or fleet storage of more than four vehicles.
Market Means development used for the sale of new or used goods by multiple vendors renting tables or space either in an enclosed building or outdoors. Vendors may vary from day to day, although the general layout of space to be rented remains the same. The goods sold are generally household items, tools, electronic equipment, food products or concessions, plants, clothing and furniture.
Land Treatment Means the distribution, placement and aeration of soils containing hydrocarbons for the purpose of reducing hydrocarbon concentrations in soils containing refined petroleum products that are used or could be used as fuel or lubricants. Soils containing benzene, toluene, ethyl benzene or xylene, or any combination of them as the sole contaminant, are excluded.
Specialty Food Service Means development where limited types of prepared foods and beverages, excluding alcoholic beverages, are offered for sale to the public, for consumption within the premises or off the Site. This typically relies primarily on walk-in clientele, and includes coffee, donut, bagel or sandwich shops, ice cream parlours, and dessert shops.
Mobile Catering Food Service Means development using a fleet of 3 or more vehicles for the delivery and sale of food to the public.
Personal Service Shop Means development used for the provision of personal services to an individual which are related to the care and appearance of the body, or the cleaning and repair of personal effects. This includes barbershops, hairdressers, beauty salons, tailors, dressmakers, shoe repair shops, and dry cleaning establishments and laundromats. This does not include Health Services.
4.2. The following defined terms apply to all Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Special Area Zones:  
Term Definition
Eco-Industrial Development Means a community of manufacturing and service businesses seeking enhanced environmental and economic performance through collaboration in managing environmental and resources issues including energy, water and materials. By working together, the community of businesses seeks a collective benefit which is greater than the sum of the individual benefits each company would realize if it optimized its individual performance only.
Eco-Industrial Networking

Means embraces a systems approach and lessons from nature. In practice, EIN creates collaborative relationships (networks) between businesses, governments, and communities to more efficiently and effectively use resources, such as materials and energy, but also including land, infrastructure, and people. Possible benefits are:

a. More efficient land use planning
b. Greater returns for capital investment
c. Leveraged partnerships between public and private organizations
d. Integral consideration of ecological, social, and economic impacts
e. Multi-objective infrastructure systems (utilities / services)
f.  Sustainable economic development
g. Green buildings, technologies & practices
h. "Waste = food" synergies

Eco-Industrial Design Plan
5.1.An eco-industrial design plan will be required for each development within the Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Special Area to address green performance standards and industrial efficiency and ecology. The eco-industrial design plan will provide a detailed description of how the development will incorporate and implement some or all of the following:
5.1.1.Construction of high performance Green Buildings addressing: conservation and management; conservation and management; environment; and materials; and indoor environment; certification or other third party certification Green Building rating may waive detailed descriptions of the above elements; and Roofs.
5.1.2.A Statement of confirmation that the applicant has proposed and consulted with neighbouring properties in order to establish shared use agreement to ensure Eco-Industrial Networking between properties to create a corridor for the transshipment of goods and by-products, raw materials through private pipe, rail and/or road above or below the ground for some or all of the following: collection and recycling initiatives; business intelligence and technologies;; Site access and service lanes; logistics areas; and share material/resource input and output shipping; facilities; source (geothermal) heat systems; to recover water, specifically rainwater (rooftop, on-lot); stormwater (street, off-lot); grey water; and black water (sanitary); energy systems;; or network.
Landscaping Plan
5.2.A Landscape Plan must be submitted in compliance with Section 5.60, which must include the following:
5.2.1.consistency with recommendations and objectives identified in the applicable Natural Area Management Plan;
5.2.2.the location of new and existing landscape areas. Proposed Landscaping must be integrated with adjacent ecological features and be designed to support ecological network;
5.2.3.arterial or freeway Frontages which include additional Landscaping;
5.2.4.landscape areas which are connected to those landscaped areas with adjacent parcels, and park and natural areas;
5.2.5.tree trunk protection from winter snow clearing equipment and designated snow clearing and storage areas;
5.2.6.the planting of native species and use of alternatives to pesticides and herbicides to ensure reduction in the spread of invasive species;
5.2.7.canopy trees along all walking routes;
5.2.8.Landscaping is coordinated with the Street right-of-way and on adjacent lands to create a seamless transition between public and private space;
5.2.9.tree and shrub plantings located in strategic areas to provide shading, climate protection, and windbreaks;
5.2.10.low water demand plants to reduce or eliminate the need for Site watering and improve survivability; 
5.2.11.the following Low Impact Development elements: natural Site features; and disconnecting impermeable areas; materials and light coloured materials in hard landscaped areas to improve ground water recharge, reduce stormwater runoff, and reduce heat radiation; of a rain garden is a landscape feature that is planted with native perennial plants used to slow down the stormwater runoff from impermeable surfaces and allow it to infiltrate back into the soil; areas;; or Roofs.
5.2.12.that storm water runoff from Site and roofs is quality-controlled through the use of best environmental practices in on-Site retention, collection, conveyance, and treatment, prior to discharge into receiving watercourses or storm sewers;
5.2.13.that use of natural areas as defining elements of the Lot, such as using the buffered edges of watercourse corridors, forest patches or wetlands to delineate rear or side lot lines, to reinforce the role and function of the ecological network in shaping the area’s built form. These edges must be established through the applicable Natural Area Management Plan;
5.2.14.that green vegetated buffer areas between the edge of protected natural areas and adjacent buildings, parking lots, Drive Aisles, and service areas. The dimensioning of these buffered areas must be to the satisfaction of the Development Planner;
5.2.15.that stormwater wetlands are incorporated for holding and treatment of stormwater runoff; and
5.2.16.determination of Crown bed and shore claims prior to Site clearing or preparation.
Drainage Servicing Report
5.3.An applicant for a Development Permit on a Site in the Petrochemical Precinct must submit a Site specific drainage servicing report to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with Drainage Services. The drainage servicing report must include, but not be limited to: 
5.3.1.waste water and storm water discharge rates, quality and quantity; and
5.3.2.a geotechnical report for the location of any storm water management facilities and outfalls.
5.4.The drainage servicing report may, at the discretion of the Development Planner, include a bird hazard mitigation plan for any planned storm water management facilities.
Risk Management Plan
5.5.An applicant for a Development Permit on a Site in or adjacent to the Petrochemical Cluster Precinct must submit a risk management plan, including a risk assessment plan pertaining to catastrophic events, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the City department responsible for Fire Rescue Services and the City department responsible for Emergency Response Services to ensure all Site and building designs within all Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Zones are designed for ease of evacuation and provide protection to building occupants specific to the potential for industrial accidents.
5.6.The risk management plan must include:
5.6.1.the cumulative effects of multiple risk management Sites, which refers to the cumulative risk of facilities, pipelines, corridors, dangerous goods roads, and dangerous goods rail;
5.6.2.a quantitative risk analysis using accepted risk analysis methods; and 
5.6.3.any on-Site production, processing, handling, storage, use or disposal of dangerous goods in excess of the quantities identified under the Alberta Fire Code, with reference to small quantity exemptions for Dangerous Goods to determine the risk of an industrial accident and the potential for additional risk resulting from the cumulative quantities of Dangerous Goods located at other surrounding facilities.
5.7.Despite Subsection 5.5 and 5.6, a risk management plan may be conducted for and shared by multiple adjoining Sites provided development is in conjunction with one another, which must include the identification and assessment of: 
5.7.1.the Uses or activities for Sites with proposed heavy industrial or Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Zoning, or for Sites with a proposed Use that is incompatible with other Uses within 1.5 km of the Site
5.7.2.the Uses or activities of other Sites within 1.5 km that may be incompatible with the proposed Uses
5.7.3.potential hazards, including hazardous substances, quantities, their use, and transportation, storage, and transfer points; 
5.7.4.the likelihood of a catastrophic incident occurring, including a frequency analysis with a historical review of the operation of the facility, other typical examples, and/or research on industrial or transportation accidents, with information sources documented; 
5.7.5.the consequences of an incident, which may include the: of failure; of event (e.g., gas release, explosion, fire); of event; of impact; of exposure to hazardous materials; through which risk exposure occurs; of harm; of people affected; property damage; on the environment; factors; of event; and an uncontrolled release may occur. 
5.7.6.the information limitations, and the assumptions that were made in the preparation of the risk management plan;
5.7.7.risk and proposed risk mitigation measures, which may include:; design; layout; procedures; routes; and description of how such measures will be implemented.
5.7.8.emergency planning and response provisions; and
5.7.9.an effective communication plan to inform potentially affected parties about the potential and type of risk, and means to deal with it.
5.8.A vehicle parking plan is required for proposed Vehicle Parking, to the satisfaction of the Development Planner in consultation with the applicable City Department. 
5.9.Vehicle parking must be in an above ground Parkade or underground Parkade and be integrated into multi-use buildings where large vehicle parking volumes are unavoidable.
5.10.Green Parking Lots must be incorporated where feasible. 
Transportation Impact Analysis
5.11.A transportation impact analysis that details the traffic impacts and any related network improvements needed to support the proposed development may be required, at the discretion of the Development Planner.
Additional Development Regulations
5.12.The applicant for a development within the heliport approach and bird hazard zone as shown on Appendix II must be required to consult with the Department of National Defence to ensure that the proposed development is consistent with applicable federal regulations regarding, but not limited to;
5.12.1.Height; and 
5.12.2.stormwater management facilities.
5.13.Renewable Energy Devices that are characterized as free standing solar and/or wind turbine structures require a Development Permit and must comply with the following regulations:
5.13.1.Signs on the device are limited to those needed to identify the property, the owner, and warn of any danger, and educational Signs providing information on the technology and renewable energy usage.
5.13.2.Maximum Height requirements do not apply to Renewable Energy Devices as a utility.
5.13.3.The minimum distance from the base of any structure, or tower to any property line, habitable structure, business or institutional Use must be equal to 1.2x the total Height of the structure to the highest point.
5.13.4.Building mounted micro wind structures must be sited so that all parts of the system are located within the Setbacks or a minimum of 1.0 m from any property line, whichever is greater.
5.13.5.The Development Planner may require that equipment necessary for the monitoring and operation of the Renewable Energy Device be screened from view from any Streets, and from adjacent Sites if such protections are inconsistent with the character and appearance of surrounding development or the intended visual qualities of this Zone.
5.14.If a non-conforming building is damaged or destroyed to the extent of more than 75% of the value of the building above its foundation, a building permit may be issued, within 6 months of the building being damaged or destroyed, under an existing valid Development Permit, in order to allow the building to be repaired or rebuilt in its original form. 


Appendix I – Special Area Edmonton Energy and Technology Park
Edmonton Energy and Technology Park Special Area boundary map


Appendix II - Special Area Edmonton Energy and Technology Park 
Special Area, Edmonton Energy and Technology Park