3.27 CCA - Core Commercial Arts Zone

To allow for a variety of high density and quality development that accommodates office, retail, service, institutional, Residential, arts, and entertainment Uses that meet the objectives for the Commercial Cultural Core to further strengthen the Downtown’s central area by providing continuous retail at ground level, enhancing arts and entertainment activities, accommodating Residential Uses, and supporting a pedestrian friendly environment.

Residential Uses
2.1. Home Based Business #  
2.2. Residential, limited to:  
2.2.1. Multi-unit Housing
2.2.2. Row Housing
2.2.3. Supportive Housing
Commercial Uses #
2.3. Bar  
2.4. Body Rub Centre  
2.5. Cannabis Retail Store  
2.6. Centre City Temporary Parking a
2.7. Cultural Exhibit   
2.8. Food and Drink Service  
2.9. Health Service  
2.10. Hotel  
2.11. Indoor Sales and Service  
2.12. Liquor Store  
2.13. Minor Indoor Entertainment  
2.14. Office  
2.15. Residential Sales Centre  
Community Uses
2.16. Child Care Service  
2.17. Community Service  
2.18. Library  
2.19. School  
2.20. Special Event  
Sign Uses
2.21. Fascia Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising  
2.22. Projecting Sign, not including in the form of a Roof Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising  
2.23. Portable Sign, limited to On-premises Advertising  


Residential Uses
3.1.Residential, limited to:
3.1.1.Lodging House
Commercial Uses #
3.2.Custom Manufacturing
3.3.Exhibition and Convention Facility
3.4.Natural Science Exhibit
3.6.Spectator Entertainment Establishment
Industrial Uses #
3.8.Fleet Service
Basic Services Uses
3.9.Emergency Service
3.10.Health Care Facility
3.11.Minor Utility
3.12.Transit Facility
3.13.Recycling Drop-off Centre
Agricultural Uses
3.14.Urban Agriculture
Sign Uses
3.15.Fascia Sign, limited to Off-premises Advertising
3.16.Major Digital Sign
3.17.Minor Digital Sign
3.18.Projecting Sign, not including in the form of a Roof Sign, limited to Off-premises Signs
3.19.Portable Sign, limited to Off-premises Advertising


Residential Uses
4.1. Home Based Businesses must comply with Section 6.60.  
4.2. Residential  
4.2.1. Must not exceed 90% of the total Floor Area of a building. 
4.2.2. Must not be the only Use in a building. 
4.2.3. Must not be developed on the Ground Floor
Commercial Uses
4.3. Bars  
4.3.1. Have a maximum Public Space of 240 m2 for each individual establishment. 
4.3.2. Have a maximum capacity of 200 occupants for each individual establishment. 
4.4. Body Rub Centres must comply with Section 6.20.  
4.5. Cannabis Retail Stores must comply with Section 6.30.  
4.6. Centre City Temporary Parking must comply with Section 6.120. a
4.7. Liquor Stores must comply with Section 6.70.  
4.8. Uses with Drive-through Services must comply with Section 6.110.  
Community Uses
4.9. Child Care Services must comply with Section 6.40.  
4.10. Special Events must comply with Section 6.100.  
Agricultural Uses
4.11. Urban Agriculture  
4.11.1. With the exception of outdoor display areas of products for sale, Urban Agriculture Uses must be located within or on a building.
4.11.2. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 4.10.1 based on the recommendations provided in an environmental site assessment in compliance with Section 7.140.
Industrial Uses
4.12. Crematoriums must comply with Section 6.50.  
Sign Uses
4.13. Sign Uses must comply with the regulations found in Subsections 3 and 6 of Section 6.90.  
4.14. Despite Section 6.90, Signs containing Digital Copy are prohibited when the Copy of the sign faces the Civic Precinct area on Sites Abutting 103A Avenue NW to the north, 102 Avenue NW to the south, 99 Street NW to the east, and 100 Street NW to the west.   
Public Space and Capacity Exceptions
4.15. The Development Planner may consider a variance to the maximum Public Space or capacity of a Use if adequate mitigation measures are used to reduce negative impacts to on-Site or Abutting Uses, including:  
4.15.1. measures specified in Subsection 2 of Section 5.120
4.15.2. modification of Site plans to locate Uses or activities in a location to minimize noise, lighting, odour or other similar Nuisances; or
4.15.3. other similar measures.


5.1. Development must comply with Table 5.1:
Table 5.1. Building Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
Floor Area Ratio
5.1.1. Maximum Floor Area Ratio east of 100 Street NW 8.0
5.1.2. Maximum Floor Area Ratio west of 100 Street NW 12.0
5.1.3. Despite Subsection 5.1.2, Maximum Floor Area Ratio for the area bounded on the east by 100 Street NW, on the north by Jasper Avenue NW, on the south by Macdonald Drive NW and on the west by the north/south Alley and pedestrian Pathway 13.1
5.1.4. Maximum Height 150 m
Ground Floor and Street Wall Height
5.1.5. Minimum Ground Floor Height 3.5 m
5.1.6. Minimum building Street Wall Height 9.0 m
5.1.7. Maximum building Street Wall Height 26.0 m
5.2. Despite Subsection 6 of Section 7.100, a Development Planner may grant a variance to the Maximum Floor Area Ratio, up to an additional 4.0, for Hotels where development is compatible with the urban context of the area and adverse environmental impacts, such as sun shadow and wind are minimized.
5.3. Despite Subsection 6 of Section 7.100, a Development Planner may grant a variance to the Maximum Height, up to an additional 50.0 m, where the development’s built form, its profile, sculpting, and detailing, as well as the quality of its material is a significant positive addition to the city’s skyline.
5.4. Despite Subsections 5.1.6 and 5.1.7, Street Wall Height must be within 7.0 m of the Street Wall Height of adjacent buildings. 
5.5. Despite Subsections 5.1.6, 5.1.7, and 5.4, the Development Planner may vary the Street Wall Height in consideration of:
5.5.1. the visual, sun/shadowing, and other microclimatic impacts on adjacent residential development; and
5.5.2. the recommendations, and mitigative measures specified in any required technical studies.
5.6. Despite Subsection 5.7, the Development Planner may consider a variance to the Setback regulations in consideration of the existing block face Setback and the Urban Design Framework for Downtown Streets within the Capital City Downtown Plan.
5.7. Setbacks must comply with Table 5.7:
Table 5.7. Setback Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
Setbacks Abutting Streets
5.7.1. Minimum Setback 1.5 m
5.7.2. Maximum Setback 2.5 m
Unless 1 or more of the following applies:
5.7.3. Required Setback on the north side of 103A Avenue NW between 97 Street NW and 101 Street NW 10.0 m
5.7.4. Required Setback on the south side of 103A Avenue NW between 97 Street NW and 101 Street NW 5.0 m
5.7.5. Required Setback on the south side of 104 Avenue NW between 101 Street NW and 103 Street NW 5.0 m
5.7.6. Minimum Setback for any building located west of 100 Street NW and south of 103A Avenue NW, and west of 101 Street NW and south of 104 Avenue NW that does not meet the requirements of 5.7.3, 5.7.4 or 5.7.5 0 m
5.7.7. Maximum Setback for any building located west of 100 Street NW and south of 103A Avenue NW, and west of 101 Street NW and south of 104 Avenue NW that does not meet the requirements of 5.7.3, 5.7.4 or 5.7.5 2.5 m
Side Setbacks
5.7.8. Required Interior Side Setback 0 m
Street Interface Regulations
6.1. Development must be designed in a manner consistent with the Urban Design Framework for Downtown Streets within the Capital City Downtown Plan
6.2. Buildings must be designed to accommodate Commercial Uses to strengthen the pedestrian oriented shopping area by:
6.2.1. breaking up major shopping complexes or large format stores over 2,000 m2 in area into smaller scale retail spaces with ground level Street Frontages to establish a rhythm of fine-grained street oriented retail establishments;
6.2.2. providing entrances to the Street for all Ground Floor Commercial Uses;
6.2.3. providing windows on the front Facade for each storey that allow viewing into the building;
6.2.4. providing a minimum of 60% of Street Frontage for retail, services, and other Commercial Uses; and
6.2.5. having a Ground Floor elevation within 0.3 m of ground level. 
6.3. Yards abutting a public sidewalk, including useable outdoor spaces, must continue the public sidewalk paving materials, finish, and pattern. 
Entrance Regulations
6.4. Ground Floor Commercial Uses must open to the Street rather than exclusively to an internal atrium.
6.5. In mixed-use buildings, Residential Uses must have access at ground level that is separate from the commercial premises.
6.6. Buildings at corners must provide courtyards, major entrances, or distinctive architectural features consistent with the style of the building or influences on the other corners of the intersection to enhance pedestrian circulation and, where applicable, enhance axial views.
6.7. Buildings must be designed and oriented to face the front property line with entrances that are clearly visible, except on Corner Sites where the building must be designed to face both the street and the avenue.
Tower Regulations
6.8. Buildings greater than 26.0 m in Height must have a Tower and Podium configuration, except for buildings with another configuration that ensures design treatments are compatible with the Facades of other buildings in the area.
6.9. Development must comply with Table 6.9:
Table 6.9. Tower Regulations
Subsection Regulation Value
6.9.1. Minimum Tower Stepback from the Street Wall 4.5 m
6.9.2. Minimum separation between a Tower with a Residential Use and any other Tower 25.0 m
6.9.3. Minimum separation between non-Residential Towers 20.0 m
6.10. The Development Planner may consider a variance to Subsection 6.9.2 and 6.9.3, taking into consideration factors such as:
6.10.1. the orientation and placement of the Tower and associated visual, sun, shadow, and microclimatic impacts on Amenity Areas, Pathways, and Abutting residential or mixed use developments; 
6.10.2. the context of the Site in relation to the location and Height of buildings on Abutting Sites; and
6.10.3. recommendations and mitigation measures specified in any required technical studies or applicable urban design guidelines. 
6.11. The mid-level of Towers must provide Setbacks and articulation to minimize the impact of massing.
6.12. Towers must be designed, oriented, and constructed to:
6.12.1. maximize views;
6.12.2. articulate the downtown skyline; and 
6.12.3. allow sun penetration at the street level, in public spaces, plazas, parks, and Amenity Areas.
6.13. A minimum 10% reduction in Floor Plate area for the top 4 Storeys of any Tower is required.
6.14. Despite Subsection 6.13, Towers less than 26.0 m in Height on sites 700 m2 or less may not be required to provide the Floor Plate reduction under a variance. 
Facade Regulations
6.15. Building Facades must incorporate architectural design details or features that recognize the predominant urban character of the Street, as identified in the Urban Design Framework for Downtown Streets within the Capital City Downtown Plan.
6.16. Building Facades must be strongly articulated at regular increments to add variety, rhythm, and a human scaled dimension along the block face.  
6.17. Building design and Facades must incorporate treatments such as awnings, canopies, window openings, reveals, offsets, multiple entrances, arcades, columns, quality materials, interesting design, fenestrations, double Height entrances, parks, plazas, appropriate landscaping, colour, and other architectural features.
6.18. Buildings must provide windows, balconies, shadow lines, textures, or similar treatments to distinguish residential portions of a building from non-residential portions of a building or non-residential buildings. 
6.19. Building materials must be sustainable, durable, high quality, and appropriate for the development within the context of the Commercial Cultural Core district. 
6.20. All exposed building Facades must have consistent and harmonious exterior finishing materials.
6.21. Infill developments must be sensitive to the rhythm, articulation, design character, scale, Facade, and materials colours and textures of the block face.
Rooftop Regulations
6.22. Rooftops of Towers must be designed with penthouses to accommodate mechanical penthouses, reduce the heat island effect, facilitate energy efficiency, and contribute to a distinctive and unique Downtown skyline. The roof design may include a combination of:
6.22.1. Green Roofs
6.22.2. Solar Collectors
6.22.3. patios; or 
6.22.4. private or public open spaces.
6.23. Enhancements to Podium roofs that are visible from adjacent developments are required, which may include elements such as patios, gardens, Green Roofs, or additional Amenity Area.


Amenity Areas
7.1. Despite Section 5.20, Amenity Areas must comply with the following: 
7.1.1. A minimum Amenity Area of 3% of total Floor Area of Residential Uses is required for buildings over 2,000 m2. Amenity Areas may include meeting rooms, fitness facilities, and outdoor space.
7.1.2. Non-Residential buildings on Sites less than 1,350 m2 are not required to provide Amenity Area.
7.1.3. Non-Residential or mixed use buildings on Sites greater than 1,350 m2 must provide a minimum Amenity Area of 3% of total Floor Area for non-Residential Uses which may include interior landscaped open spaces, arcades, atriums, plazas, and gardens.
7.2. Despite Section 5.60, only deciduous species are allowed in any Setback area Abutting a Street