Whitemud Creek Ravine - east side of May Common, north of May Gate and south of May Link
Bylaw 17412 (November 2, 2015)
To establish a Site Specific Development Control Provision to accommodate a range of residential housing forms and densities with the potential for mixed-use residential and commercial uses that provide opportunity for residents to live, work, shop and play. The site is designed and will be developed based on principles of sustainability and will include public pedestrian connections to the top-of-bank, located along the Whitemud Creek Ravine.
This provision shall apply to the northern portion of NE & SE ¼ 36-51-25-4; consisting of a 4.1 ha site located on the east side of May Common, north of May Gate and south of May Link, as shown on Schedule ”A” of this Bylaw adopting this provision.
a. | Apartment Housing |
b. | Community Recreation Services |
c. | Convenience Retail Stores |
d. | General Retail Stores |
e. | Indoor Participant Recreation Services |
f. | Minor Home Based Business |
g. | Personal Service Shops |
h. | Professional, Financial, and Office Support Services |
i. | Residential Sales Centre |
j. | Restaurants |
k. | Row Housing |
l. | Semi-Detached Housing |
m. | Specialty Food Services |
n. | Stacked Row Housing |
o. | Fascia On-premise Signs |
p. | Projecting On-premise Signs |
a. | Development shall be in general accordance with the attached appendices:
b. | The following building Setbacks shall be applied, as generally illustrated on Appendix I – Generalized Site Plan (attached):
c. | The number of dwellings shall not exceed 346 in the area of application. | ||||||
d. | Building Height:
e. | Community Recreation Services, Convenience Retail Stores, General Retail Stores, Indoor Participant Recreation Services, Personal Service Shop, Professional, Financial and Office Support Services, Restaurants and Specialty Food Services shall be located only within the ground floor of Apartment Housing, or at the corners of Semi-detached, Row, or Stacked Row Housing uses fronting on May Common SW and shall be accessory to residential uses. | ||||||
f. | Total non-residential Floor Area shall not exceed 929 m2, unless, a supplemental traffic study is provided demonstrating that traffic volumes can be accommodated without a need to revise the Generalized Site Plan, to the satisfaction of Transportation Services and the Development Officer, prior to issuance of a Development Permit. | ||||||
g. | A Comprehensive Sign Design Plan and Schedule shall be prepared and submitted with any Development Permit Application. | ||||||
h. | Individual business identification signs shall be similar in proportion, construction materials and placement such that signs do not detract from the overall appearance of the development and have regard for scale of buildings, lighting, orientation and location on the Site in proximity to surrounding residential development. | ||||||
i. | Window signs in businesses shall be limited to 15% of the businesses window area. | ||||||
j. | Sign illuminations shall be directed downward. |
a. | A landscape plan shall be prepared by a registered landscape architect, in conformance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw and shall include, but not be limited to the following elements, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
b. | Landscape material selection, placement and treatment shall include elements that minimize environmental and economic costs associated with their maintenance. | ||||||||||
c. | A 1.2 m fence consistent with the architectural features of the development shall be constructed wholly on privately owned lands along the north, south, and east boundaries of the site prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, and:
wholly on privately owned lands along the north, south, and east boundaries of the site prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, and:
a. | A public access easement shall be registered on title prior to Development Permit issuance to ensure safe public accessibility through the site to the Top-of-Bank Walkway, in the general north-south and east-west locations shown in Appendix 2 – Pedestrian Linkages, and at the internal roadway locations along May Common SW. |
b. | Internal private roadways shall be constructed at a minimum standard width to reduce impermeable surfaces and to accommodate waste management and emergency services vehicles, to the satisfaction of Transportation Services. |
c. | Parking shall be located in designated areas only. |
d. | Site entrance features shall not restrict vehicle movements, encroach onto public roadways or impair sight lines for safe vehicular movement, to the satisfaction of Transportation Services. |
e. | Site entrance features shall not restrict public access and pedestrian circulation from May Common SW into the site. |
f. | Designated corridors for walking/biking shall connect with the existing top-of-bank trail network and community-wide trails/sidewalks to provide opportunities for active circulation for residents, as well as for adjacent community residents, to the Satisfaction of the Development Officer. |
g. | The pavement used for the pedestrian corridors may be permeable, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Transportation Services. |
h. | Resident and visitor parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw. All resident and visitor vehicular parking shall be provided as a combination of at grade and below grade parking in the general locations as shown on Appendix I – Generalized Site Plan. Parking requirements will be applied to the site as a whole. If the site is developed in phases, the parking locations for each phase shall be located in the general locations as shown on Appendix 1 – Generalized Site Plan, for each phase. |
a. | Storage and garbage collection facilities shall be located on private property and screened from view of adjacent public roadways and residential units to the satisfaction of the Development Officer; |
b. | For any buildings that have more than four storeys, waste collection and waste storage areas shall be located adjacent to an internal roadway. Waste collection and waste storage areas shall be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Waste Management and Transportation Services. |
c. | Waste and recycling collection for ground-oriented Semi-detached, Row Housing and Stacked Row Housing uses shall be located at curb-side pick-up or at designated locations along the internal roadway, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Waste Management Services and Transportation Services. |
d. | A transition of building forms, from ground-oriented along May Common SW and in the northeast and southeast corners of the site to midrise in the interior of the site shall be arranged on-site to minimize impact of height and massing on adjacent properties, as generally shown on Appendix I – Generalized Site Plan. |
e. | The development Setbacks from the top-of-bank shall be determined by a geotechnical study, to ensure slope stability; |
f. | Covered storage facilities for securing bicycles for 15% or more of Apartment Housing units and uncovered storage for a minimum of 5% of Apartment Housing units shall be provided on site, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. |
The Site shall apply sustainable design targets that reduce consumption of energy, water, and materials through use of design techniques and implementation consistent with best practices in sustainable design with regard for, but not limited to:
a. | Developments shall meet energy efficiency standards equivalent to or exceeding BuildGreen Gold, LEED for homes Gold, R2000 with Energuide rating of 80, or Energuide rating of 87; | ||||
b. | Devices such as sunshades and large building overhangs shall be considered in the design of buildings to assist with the reduction of passive overheating; | ||||
c. | Materials and resources shall be used, such that the development provides an easily-accessible dedicated area or areas for the:
d. | Development and implementation of a construction waste management plan shall be provided that, at a minimum, identifies the materials to be diverted from disposal and whether the materials will be sorted onsite or comingled, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. |
The intention of this provision is to create high quality architecture through implementation of the following:
a. | Buildings shall be designed to achieve a cohesive style and architectural theme across the area of application through the use of similar exterior building materials and features. | ||||||||||||||||||
b. | Combinations of the following materials are permitted for all built structures, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
c. | The following exterior materials are not permitted, irrespective of building style: | ||||||||||||||||||
d. | vinyl siding; | ||||||||||||||||||
e. | aluminum siding; and | ||||||||||||||||||
f. | California and Arizona stucco. | ||||||||||||||||||
g. | All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building. | ||||||||||||||||||
h. | Development shall create an active frontage for all ground-oriented Semi-detached Housing, Row Housing and Stacked Row Housing uses directly accessible to May Common SW, featuring separated external front door entrance articulations with municipal addresses to provide a sense of occupancy to the streetscape. | ||||||||||||||||||
i. | Building facades shall be designed to reduce linear effect and massing of large buildings through design elements, finishing materials, and articulation. | ||||||||||||||||||
j. | Passive surveillance in the form of view corridors to the top-of-bank pathway shall be encouraged to promote safety and facilitate Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. |