DC2 867

Windermere - north of Windermere Boulevard and east of Windermere Road

Bylaw 16872 (July 14, 2014)

To accommodate the development of three mixed retail/office buildings that provide a greater range of commercial uses while maintaining the day-to-day needs of the community, planned in a comprehensive manner that is compatible with adjacent developments.

This DC2 Provision shall apply to Lot 3, Block 1, Plan 1225060 containing approximately 1.47 ha, as illustrated conceptually on Schedule ”A” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision; Windermere.

a. Business Support Services
b. Child Care Services
c. Commercial Schools
d. Convenience Retail Stores
e. General Retail Stores, up to a maximum Floor Area of 1000 m2
f. Government Services
g. Health Services
h. Household Repair Services
i. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
j. Personal Service Shops
k. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
l. Residential Sales Centres
m. Specialty Food Services, for less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space
n. Veterinary Services
o. Fascia On-premises Signs
p. Freestanding On-premises Signs
q. Projecting On-premises Signs
r. Temporary On-premises Signs
a.The Site shall be developed in general accordance with the Site Plan, as shown on Appendix 1.
b.The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 1.0.
c.The maximum Building Height shall not exceed 10 m nor 2 Storeys for Sub-Area A and shall not exceed 18.0 m nor four Storeys for Sub-Area B, as shown on Appendix 2.
d.A minimum building Setback of 6.0 m shall be required for Area A, as shown on Appendix 1, Site Plan.
e.A minimum building Setback of 7.5 m shall be required for Areas B and C, as shown on Appendix 1, Site Plan.
f.A minimum building Setback of 3.0 m shall be required for Area D, as shown on Appendix 1, Site Plan.
g.No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required Setback. Vehicular parking, loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be screened from view from any adjacent Sites or public roadways in accordance with the provisions for Off-Street Vehicular Loading Facilities in the Zoning Bylaw.
h.The minimum number of on-site above and underground parking spaces required shall be 376.
i.The location of Site access and parking shall be as generally shown on Appendix 1.
j.Underground parking shall be in accordance with the provisions for Parking Garages in the Zoning Bylaw.
k.Retail uses shall be limited to the ground floor of each Building.
l.A landscaping plan for the Site shall be provided in accordance with the Zoning Bylaw to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. To ensure a high standard of appearance and sensitive transition to the surrounding land uses, the landscaping plan shall include details of pavement materials, exterior lighting, plazas and open spaces, and sizes and species of plant materials.
m.Notwithstanding 4(l.) of this Provision, the number of trees and shrubs along Area C of Appendix 1, Site Plan, shall exceed the minimum landscaping requirements in the Zoning Bylaw by 15%.
n.Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59F of the Zoning Bylaw. Notwithstanding Schedule 59F, Temporary On-premises Signs and Freestanding On-premises Signs shall be designed to complement the colours and materials of the dominant building architecture to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. In addition to regulations in Section 59 of the Zoning Bylaw, signs shall be designed and screened so as to minimize visual and light impacts on abutting sites, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
a.The development shall include outdoor sitting areas, plazas, landscaping and other features that contribute to a pedestrian-friendly environment, lend visual interest and provide a public amenity.
b.In addition to regulations in the Zoning Bylaw, all exterior lighting of the Site shall be designed to prevent light pollution by ensuring that illumination shall not extend beyond the boundaries of the Site to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
a. Building design shall accommodate design techniques to minimize building massing and shadow impacts, and provide architectural interest, complimentary to surrounding residential uses such as varied roof lines and architectural projections or other.
b. In consideration of principles of Crime Prevention Through Environment Design (CPTED), primary building entrances shall be identifiable, prominent, accessible, and inviting and shall incorporate weather protection features in the form of architectural elements such as a canopy, and provide adequate lighting to identify these areas at night, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
c. All development shall comply with, but is not limited to, the following Architectural Design Guidelines:
i. Elevation articulation shall be considered for all sides of each building over two Storeys.
ii. Building finishes shall be of a high quality, durable and attractive in appearance.
iii. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening or incorporating it within the building roof in a manner that is consistent with the finishing of the building and the overall architectural style of the development.
iv. Placement of windows, entrance features, canopies and features that lend visual interest and human scale shall be included in the development.
v. Façade treatment of building(s) located along public frontages or adjacent to residential uses shall provide a consistent architectural profile and create a sensitive design interface with adjacent buildings and uses.
d. Buildings shall be developed in general accordance with the elevations and views shown on Appendices 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Bylaw attachments