DC2 688

Athlone - bounded by 132 Street on the west, 130 Avenue on the south, 130 and 129 Street to the east and 132 Avenue to the north

Bylaw 14453 (January 22, 2007)

To accommodate medium density residential uses, with site specific development regulations applied in a manner sensitive in scale and design to surrounding existing developments, while maintaining the character and pedestrian streetscape of the established Athlone neighbourhood.

This Provision shall apply to Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7, Block 75, Plan 1837 KS, a 6.6 ha parcel bounded by 132 Street on the west, 130 Avenue on the south, 130 and 129 Street to the east and 132 Avenue to the north, within the Athlone neighbourhood, as shown on Schedule ”A” of this Bylaw, adopting this Provision.

a.Apartment Housing
b.Community Recreation Services
c.Minor Home Based Businesses
d.Residential Sales Centre
e.Row Housing
f.Fascia On-premises Signs
g.Freestanding On-premises Signs
h.Temporary Signs
a. The site layout and building locations shall be generally in compliance with the Site Plan as illustrated on Appendix I, except that the building shapes and locations may be altered by the Development Officer if such alterations are in compliance with the following development regulations and are consistent with the General Purpose of this provision.
b. The maximum Floor Area Ratio for the site as a whole shall be 1.5.
c. A maximum number of 750 Dwellings is permitted.
d. Building type A shall have no more than 140 Dwellings per building.
e. Building type B shall have no more than 8 Dwellings per building.
f. Building type C shall have no more than 6 Dwellings per building.
g. The maximum Building Height for row housing, low rise apartments and amenity centre are specified in Table 1: Maximum Building Height for Row Housing, Low Rise Apartments and Amenity Centre. See Appendix I for the building forms and locations for each building type. Appendix II illustrates the transition of the built form across the site.
Table 1: Maximum Building Height for Row Housing, Low Rise Apartments and Amenity Centre
Building Type Max. No. of Storeys Max. Height (m)
Building A (Low Rise Apartment) 4 15.0 m
Building B (Row Housing) 3 12.0 m
Building C (Row Housing) 2 9.0 m
Building D (Amenity Centre) 2 9.0 m
h. A minimum 4.0 m Yard shall be provided adjacent to 132 Avenue, 132 Street, 130 Avenue, 130 Street, 131 Avenue and 129 Street.
i. Separation space shall be provided in accordance with Appendix I.
j. The development shall provide a minimum Private Outdoor Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 for each apartment housing Dwelling unit which will be achieved through the use of balconies, common area and the amenity centre.
k. The development shall provide a minimum Private Outdoor Amenity Area of 30 m2 for each row housing Dwelling unit, which will be achieved through the use of front yards, decks, common area and the amenity centre.
l. Landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw. Notwithstanding Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw, at least 10% more of the number of trees and shrubs required within any Yard or Setback at grade under Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw shall be provided.
m. The landscape plan required through Section 55.3 of the Zoning Bylaw, shall include the designs of the landscape feature area and outdoor amenity spaces, as indicated on Appendix I. Outdoor amenity spaces shall be landscaped for the purpose of achieving pedestrian connectivity, opportunities for play, social interaction, creating a sense of place, character and identity. In addition to landscaping, this can be achieved with the use of park benches, walkways connecting the public sidewalk to internal destinations within the site. The south east corner of 132 Avenue and 132 Street shall be treated as a prominent, clearly identified landscape feature for the site.
n. For all Type A Buildings, private amenity space, semi-private amenity space and public amenity space shall be delineated through the use of landscaping and/or fencing and shown in the landscaping plan as required in Regulation (m) of this Provision.
o. Pedestrian paths shall be developed generally in accordance with Appendix I. The Development Officer shall require the development of pedestrian paths to conform with the following guidelines:
i. Pedestrian paths should foster connectivity from various parts of the site and surrounding neighbourhood.
ii. Internal lanes and pedestrian paths should be lit at night with pedestrian level lighting.
iii. Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design should be considered in the design of pedestrian paths and open spaces.
p. Pedestrian pathways shall be distinguished from laneways with special treatment through hard surfacing such as concrete, asphalt, and/or paving stones.
q. A public access easement shall be registered for the pedestrian paths developed within the site and identified on Appendix I.
r. Site and building plans, generally in compliance with Appendix I, shall be submitted with the initial Development Permit application to ensure a high standard of development. Such plans shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and shall, among other things, conform to the following architectural and site design guidelines:
i. the design of the project shall establish a harmonious architectural theme that will be applied to all project phases;
ii. all building facades shall use compatible and harmonious exterior finishing materials and colours in all project phases;
iii. both the roof lines and building facades shall include design elements and variations that will reduce the perceived mass and linearity of the buildings, and will add architectural interest;
iv. all mechanical equipment on the roof of any building shall be completely screened from public view or be concealed by incorporating it within the roof envelope;
v. buildings shall be oriented on-site to facilitate accessibility to individual structures and surveillance of parking areas and amenity areas;
vi. exterior lighting shall not extend beyond the boundaries of the site; and
vii. Energy efficient design techniques will be incorporated into the dwellings.
s. All Type A Buildings shall incorporate design features as specified in Regulation (r) to encourage appropriate architectural articulation to establish a human scale as outlined in the General Purpose of this Provision and as illustrated by the elevations in Appendix III and IV.
t. Access to the principal entrance to each apartment building shall be well articulated, marked, lit and be clearly visible.
u. To provide an active and inviting streetscape at ground level, Row Housing units fronting onto 132 Avenue and 132 Street, shall have individual entrances fronting the right-of-way, and individual walkways to the public sidewalks. Building design shall also incorporate private amenity space and windows at ground level fronting 132 Street and 132 Avenue.
v. Community Recreation Services, in the form of an amenity centre, shall be developed as an accessory use to residential development on the site and shall be provided for the use of residents of the subject site.
w. Residential Sales Centres shall be developed in accordance with Section 82.0 of the Zoning Bylaw.
x. Vehicular parking on the site shall be developed in accordance with Schedule 1 of Section 54.2 of the Zoning Bylaw, with residential vehicular parking provided both underground and at grade, and visitor parking provided both underground and at grade. Residential Dwellings indicated as Building B on the site plan may allow for the required residential Dwelling parking to be provided as tandem parking spaces for the owners of each individual unit.
y. Outdoor parking, loading, trash collection and service areas shall be located, constructed and screened from the adjacent residential sites.
z. Signs shall be allowed in this District as provided for in Schedule 59B of the Zoning Bylaw.
aa. Temporary Signs, including portable signs of a freestanding nature shall be limited to project advertising and residential sale purposes only.
bb. Parking shall be provided on one side only of the internal roads provided the minimum width (carriageway) is 7.5 m, the other side will be signed ”No Parking”. Parking shall not be permitted on the internal roads if the road width is less than 7.5 m, and both sides of the road will be signed ”No Parking”.
cc. The internal roadway shall be signed ”Private Road”. The signs shall be located on private property at the site entrances.
dd. Any sidewalk, boulevard or roadway damage occurring as a result of construction traffic shall be restored to the satisfaction of the City of Edmonton Transportation Department. The sidewalks, boulevard, and roadways shall be inspected by a Roadway Maintenance Inspector prior to construction, and again once construction is complete. All expenses incurred for repair shall be borne by the owner.

Bylaw attachments