DC2 1100

West Jasper Place - southwest corner of Stony Plain Road NW and 149 Street NW

Charter Bylaw 19128 (February 4, 2020)

To accommodate a mixed use node adjacent to the 149 Street LRT Stop by allowing transit-oriented development in a range of built forms, integrated with ground floor commercial Uses in appropriate areas to create a walkable, human-scaled development.

This Provision shall apply to Lot 5, Block 61, Plan 9022090; Lots 6 & 7, Block 61, Plan 9022422; and Lot 8, Block 61, Plan 9023127 located on the southwest corner of Stony Plain Road NW and 149 Street NW as shown in Schedule “A” of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, West Jasper Place.

a. Apartment Hotels
b. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
c. Breweries, Wineries and Distilleries
d. Business Support Services
e. Cannabis Retail Sales
f. Child Care Services
g. Commercial Schools
h. Community Recreation Services
i. Convenience Retail Stores
j. Creation and Production Establishments
k. Extended Medical Treatment Services
l. General Retail Stores
m. Government Services
n. Group Home
o. Health Services
p. Hotels
q. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
r. Liquor Stores
s. Limited Group Home
t. Live Work Unit
u. Lodging Houses
v. Major Amusement Establishments
w. Major Home Based Business
x. Market
y. Minor Amusement Establishments
z. Minor Home Based Business
aa. Minor Impact Utility Services
bb. Multi-unit Housing
cc. Non-accessory Parking
dd. Personal Service Shops
ee. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
ff. Public Library and Cultural Exhibits
gg. Publicly Accessible Private Park
hh. Residential Sales Centre
ii. Restaurants
jj. Special Event
kk. Specialty Food Services
ll. Spectator Entertainment Establishment
mm. Urban Gardens
nn. Urban Indoor Farms
oo. Urban Outdoor Farms
pp. Fascia On-premises Signs
qq. Fascia Off-premises Signs
rr. Freestanding On-premises Signs
ss. Minor Digital On-premises Signs
tt. Projecting On-premises Signs
uu. Temporary On-premises Signs
a. For the purpose of this Site Specific Development Control Provision, the following terms shall be defined as follows:
i. “Internal Roadway(s)” means all privately owned and maintained roadways and associated pedestrian and bicycle infrastructure contained within the lands within this Provision which shall be openly accessible to the Public at all times through the registration of a 24-hour Public Access Easement in favour of the City of Edmonton.
ii. “Active Frontage(s)” means ground floor Uses that have individual front entrances to the public roadways, Internal Roadways, or Publicly Accessible Private Parks and provide a high degree of transparency into and out of the premises.
iii. “Quiet Frontage(s)” means Facades that may provide access to parking facilities, waste collection areas, and loading, that maintain a consistent architectural quality through transparency, articulation and materials.
iv. “Development Setback(s)” means the distance that a development or a specified portion of it must be from the nearest edge of:
A. a property line or an abutting Walkway along an Internal Roadway; or
B. an abutting Publicly Accessible Private Park.
v. “Building(s)” shall mean a structure not exceeding a Height of 30.0 m.
vi. “High Rise Tower(s)” means a structure exceeding 30.0 m in Height.
a. The Development Officer shall have regard for the phasing of development that may have varying Floor Area Ratio (FAR) calculations across each phase of development and Sub-Area provided that at full build-out to the maximum FAR for the lands within this Provision is not exceeded.
b. The Development Officer may vary the following regulations at the owner’s discretion, up to a maximum of 20%:
i. Stepbacks, to mitigate sun shadow or wind impacts, enhanced architectural interest, or accommodate structural engineering requirements; and
ii. elevation limits to accommodate site grade conditions.
c. The location of Active Frontages may vary, if required for the purpose of loading, servicing, or utilities, provided these items are sufficiently screened and the overall purpose of the Façade remains Active as per the definitions in this Provision, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
d. Variances to the number of vehicular parking spaces may be granted if the owner can demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Parking Management Services, through the provision of a Parking Impact Assessment or Parking Justification that the parking required for a Use is less than the minimum or more than the maximum requirements of this Provision.

Redevelopment, including demolition, of the existing shopping centre shall be staged in a manner that minimizes disruption to daily operation of the remaining centre. Interim pedestrian connections shall be provided where possible during construction for safe access to and through the lands within this Provision, including access to the future LRT Stop.

b. Each phase of development shall include the portion of public realm that serves the development, such as abutting Internal Roadways, Walkways, and Landscaping.
c. The first phase of new building development within this Provision shall occur in Area A or B as identified in Appendix 1.
a. Temporary On-premises Signs shall be limited to project advertising associated with an on-Site Residential Sales Centre and shall not include trailer mounted or signs with changeable copy.
b. Residential Sales Centres shall be limited to the marketing of the on-Site condominium or rental Dwellings.
c. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs shall:
i. not abut 100 Avenue NW;
ii. not abut 151 Street NW, In Area D; and
iii. use design techniques such as structural soundproofing and downward direction of applicable exterior lighting on the proposed development, to mitigate the effects of noise, when located within the same building as Residential and Residential-Related Uses, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
d. Signs shall comply with the General Provisions of Section 59 and regulations found in Schedule 59E of the Zoning Bylaw and also in accordance with the following:
i. if required by the Development Officer, Development Permit applications for the construction of new buildings shall submit a Comprehensive Sign Design Plan and Schedule for the subject development to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
ii. notwithstanding Schedule 59E.2 of the Zoning Bylaw:
A. Fascia On-premises Signs shall be permitted to face Internal Roadways;
B. there shall be a maximum number of four per Sub-Area for each of the following Signs: Freestanding On-premises Signs, Roof On-premises Signs, Major Digital Signs, Minor Digital On-premises Signs, Minor Digital Off-premises Signs, and Minor Digital On-premises Off-premises;
C. Fascia Off-premises Signs shall only be permitted facing Stony Plain Road; and
D. Fascia On-premises Signs shall not extend higher than 75 cm above the floor of the sixth storey.
e. Non-Residential and Non-Residential-Related Uses shall not be permitted in any freestanding structure separate from a structure containing Residential Uses.
a. Development shall be in general conformance with the attached Appendices to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
b. The Internal Roadways shall be developed in general conformance with the figures and cross-sections shown in Appendices 4 and 5, with minor deviations to accommodate specific building features, active pedestrian-oriented frontages, or to respond to a specific building context or proximity to public roadways, permitted at the discretion of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
c. The maximum number of Dwellings shall be 1,000.
d. The maximum Floor Area for Non-Residential and Non-Residential-Related Uses shall be 22,600 m2.
e. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 2.5.
f. The Heights for each Sub-Area shall be as follows:
Sub-Area Height Category Maximum Building Height Maximum High Rise Tower Height (including podium)
A 2 30.0 m 75.0 m
B 1 30.0 m 90.0 m
C 2 30.0 m 75.0 m
3 30.0 m Not permitted
4 23.0 m Not permitted
D 3 30.0 m Not permitted
4 23.0 m Not permitted
g. The maximum number of High Rise Towers shall be 4.
h. Development Setbacks shall be provided as follows and in general conformance with Appendices 4 and 5:
Lot Line Minimum Maximum
North (Stony Plain Road NW) 1.0 m No maximum
East (149 Street NW) 2.0 m 6.0 m
South (100 Avenue NW) 4.5 m 6.0 m
West (151 Street NW) 3.0 m No maximum
i. High Rise Tower Development Setbacks shall be provided as follows:
Lot Line Minimum
North (Stony Plain Road NW) 4.5 m
East (149 Street NW) 4.0 m
South (100 Avenue NW) 80.0 m
West (151 Street NW) 5.0 m
j. Overhangs, canopies, balconies, and other similar architectural projections shall be permitted to project a maximum of 2.5 m into Development Setbacks.
k. The portions of a Parking Garage below Grade shall not be subject to required Development Setbacks and can extend to all Lot lines provided there is sufficient soil depth maintained to support any required Landscaping above.
l. Overhangs, canopies and other similar architectural projections shall be permitted to extend into Development Setbacks and above Walkways.
a. Built Form
i. The length of any one Façade above 16.0 m in Height shall not exceed 65.0 m.
ii. Buildings shall have a minimum Stepback of 2.0 m at a maximum height of 16.0 m, except:
A. buildings adjacent to the south Lot Line shall provide a minimum Stepback of 2.0 m at a maximum height of 12.0 m.
B. the minimum Stepback shall not be required for a maximum of 30% of the total Façade to allow variation and visual interest in the design of each High Rise Tower above;
iii. The massing of Buildings shall be minimized through a combination of building orientation, Stepbacks, roof treatment and/or the variation of exterior materials and colours.
iv. High Rise Towers shall be designed as follows:
A. The maximum Floor Plate for each High Rise Tower above 30.0 m in Height shall be 800 m2;
B. The minimum distance between High Rise Towers shall be 30.0 m;
C. to add visual interest and variation to the skyline, High Rise Towers shall vary in height by a difference of at least 2 storeys with adjacent High Rise Towers;
D. High Rise Towers shall be designed, oriented and constructed to articulate the skyline and maximize views and sunlight penetration to Amenity Areas; and
E. High Rise Towers shall contribute to the ’signature’ of the development and the City’s skyline through treatment of the upper floors and roofs. The High Rise Tower shall provide articulation, visual interest and reduced massing effects by a combination of sculpting of the building, variation of materials/color or other means to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
b. Street Interface
i. Buildings which accommodate Non-Residential and Non-Residential-Related Uses shall strengthen the pedestrian-oriented shopping experience by:
A. designing the ground Storey to a minimum Height of 3.5 m;
B. along Stony Plain Road NW and 149 Street NW, major shopping complexes and large-format stores that are over 3,000 m2 provide articulation and variation suggestive of smaller scale retail spaces with more fine-grained ground level street frontage; and
C. requiring that large format stores over 3,000 m2 be an integral part of a phased comprehensive design and not developed as a standalone building; and
D. ensuring that Residential and Residential–Related Uses above Non-Residential Uses at ground level shall have access at ground level that is separate and distinct from the Non-Residential Uses.
ii. Non-Residential and Non-Residential Related Uses fronting Stony Plain Road NW shall address the street and/or the transit plaza through multiple entrances, transparent glazing, and distinctive architecture features consistent with the style of the building.
iii. Active Frontages shall:
A. be generally located as shown in Appendix 1;
B. when the ground level Storey is designated for Residential Uses, ground-oriented Dwellings shall be provided and shall:
1. provide an individual external entrance to Grade, oriented and clearly visible to be readable from and lend a sense of occupancy to the public roadway and/or Internal Roadway using features such as, but not limited to, porches, staircases, and stoops. Sliding doors shall not serve as entrances;
2. provide a semi-private outdoor area that is provided in a manner that establishes a transition area between the Dwelling and publicly accessible land using landscape features such as decorative fencing, change in grade, shrub beds, planters, rock gardens, and/or other built elements, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
3. have an elevation for the entrance that shall be a maximum of 1.0 m above the adjoining and/or abutting public land or Walkway; and
4. not have solid fences higher than 1.2 m in Height adjacent to Walkways. Landscaping, retaining walls, or other low height elements may be utilized to visually separate the semi-private courtyards facing the public streets or Internal Roadways;
C. When the ground level Storey is designated for Mixed Use, the ground level Storey shall:
1. provide a minimum of 70% of the linear frontage of Non-Residential Uses as transparent and unobstructed glazing that allows for viewing in and out of the Use. Linear frontage shall be measured as the horizontal plane at 1.5 m above Grade;
2. be designed with detail and articulation to a maximum of 11.0 m intervals to create attractive streetscapes and interfaces, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
3. address the public streets and Internal Roadways through multiple entrances and distinctive architectural features consistent with the style of the building; and
4. provide weather protection in the form of a canopy or other architectural element above entrances to create a comfortable environment for pedestrians.
iv. Quiet Frontages shall:
A. be generally located as shown in Appendix I.
B. When the ground level Storey is designated for Mixed Use the ground level Storey  shall:
1. provide a minimum of 30% of the linear frontage of Facades for Non-Residential Uses, excluding loading and waste collection access areas, as transparent and unobstructed glazing that allows for viewing in and out of the Use to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. Linear frontage shall be measured as the horizontal plane at 1.5 m above Grade;
2. limit blank walls to a maximum of 11.0 m intervals and shall be designed with visual interest and articulation through the use of, but not limited to, architectural details, varied materials, and art; and
3. have at least one primary entrance adjacent to 151 Street
C. When the ground level Storey is designated for Residential Uses, the ground level Storey shall:
1. provide a minimum of 40% of the linear frontage of Residential Uses as transparent glazing with elements such as windows and/or patios. Linear frontage shall be measured as the horizontal plane at 1.5 m above Grade;
2. along 149 Street NW, provide detail and articulation to a maximum of 20.0 m intervals to create an attractive interface with 149 Street NW;
3. have an elevation that shall be a maximum of 1.0 m above the adjoining and/or abutting public land or Walkway; and
4. have at least one primary residential entrance adjacent to 149 Street
c.  Building Facade, Materials and Exterior Finishing
i. All Building Façades shall be designed with detail and articulation to create a pedestrian friendly streetscape and interface and include elements such as entrance features and variation in rooflines, recesses, windows, projections, exterior finishing materials, colours, textures, cladding, and/or varied architectural design.
ii. Exterior finishing materials must be durable, high quality and appropriate for the development within the context of the surrounding area. Vinyl siding and masonry stucco as a finishing material shall not be permitted.
iii. Buildings shall be designed and oriented to face all abutting public roadways and Internal Roadways with primary entrances that are clearly visible.
iv. On corners facing the intersections of public roadways and/or Internal Roadways, the corner shall be distinguished from the rest of the Façade to enhance the block corners using methods such as variation in entrance features, curved Façade, or other architectural articulation.
v. On corners not facing intersections, Façade treatment shall wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile.
vi. All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, surface level venting systems and transformers, shall be screened in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building. Ground level vents for underground Parking Garages shall be oriented away from adjacent Sites or on-Site amenity or pedestrian circulation areas.
vii. Where podium roofs are visible from adjacent buildings, at the time of Development Permit for new building construction, the development shall improve rooftop aesthetic. Improvements to aesthetics may include roof surface material, colour, texture variations, hard or soft Landscaping, community gardens, Green Roofs and Rooftop Terraces.


a. All Internal Roadways and associated Walkways and bicycle infrastructure shall remain privately owned and maintained but be openly accessible to the Public at all times through the registration of a 24-hour Public Access Easement in favour of the City of Edmonton.
b. With the exception of short term, visitor and/or Non-Residential vehicular parking located along Internal Roadways, vehicular parking spaces are to be provided in an underground Parking Garage.
c. Vehicle access to Parking Garages shall only be from  Quiet Frontages along Internal Roadways except that up to two accesses may be allowed from Quiet Frontages on 151 Street NW.
d. Parking Garages developed below ground level adjacent to a public roadway or Internal Roadway shall provide a minimum of 1.2 m soil depth above to contribute to healthy root development for adjacent Landscaping.
e. Vehicular parking shall be provided as per the Zoning Bylaw, except that:
i. visitor Parking shall be provided at a rate of 1 parking space per 20 Dwellings; and
ii. parking for Non-Residential Uses may share parking spaces with residential visitor parking through an owner-operated parking management program.
f. Visitor parking and commercial parking may be provided as on-street parking located on Internal Roadways as shown in Appendix IV.
g. Access to parking, loading, storage, and waste collection areas shall be designed to ensure safe movement and crossing of pedestrians on adjacent Walkways and located to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Waste Management Services and Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
h. Bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with the regulations for Bicycle Parking Facilities in the Zoning Bylaw, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation), and the following:
i. Bicycle Parking shall be provided at a minimum rate of 0.5 spaces per Dwelling and 1 Bicycle Parking spaces per 200 m2 of Floor Area for Non-Residential or Non-Residential-Related Uses; and
ii. At least 10% of Bicycle Parking spaces shall be short term spaces.
i. No parking, loading, storage, waste collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within required Development Setbacks, with exception for bicycle infrastructure.
j. Loading, storage, and waste collection areas shall:
i. be located within buildings and/or be screened from adjacent views in accordance with Landscaping regulations of the Zoning Bylaw;
ii. be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Waste Management Services and Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation);
iii. only be provided along Quiet Frontages; and
iv. not be accessed from public roadways except for 151 Street NW.
k. Vehicular and servicing access shall be established to reduce disruption to pedestrian Walkway connections and designed to minimize the visual impact through screening, orientation, and other applicable techniques to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
a. The required Landscape Plan submitted with a Development Permit application for new building construction shall be prepared by a Landscape Architect registered with the Alberta Association of Landscape Architects (AALA).
b. Landscaping that extends onto or over City-owned lands shall be developed in accordance with Traffic Bylaw 5590 and the City Design and Construction Standards.
c. For the purposes of interpreting Landscaping Regulations of the Zoning Bylaw, the term “Setback” in the Zoning Bylaw shall be deemed to be “Development Setback” as defined in this Provision.
d. Enhanced Landscaping, including tree planting, shall be provided within Development Setbacks adjacent to Mixed Use Quiet Frontages to help minimize the impact of service vehicle access, enhance the pedestrian experience, and contribute to a sensitive transition with the surrounding properties, while maintaining necessary sightlines and operational demands for loading and waste collection access, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
e. Throughout the site, there shall be Landscaping and tree-lined boulevards, to break apart massing and provide convenient and high-quality Walkways through the site.
f. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished to a high quality of development and shall be provided to ensure a well-lit environment for pedestrians, and to accentuate architectural elements and public art.
g. Detailed exterior lighting plans shall be required for Development Permits for new building construction and associated developments at the discretion of the Development Officer when there is reason to be concerned about safety, security or creating a nuisance on a nearby Use.
a. Notwithstanding the regulations found within this Provision, any development existing or commenced under a Development Permit that was valid at the time of passage of the Charter Bylaw adopting this Provision, shall be deemed a validly existing development and any additions up to 100.0 m2 of Floor Area shall be deemed to be in conformance with this Provision.
b. Prior to the issuance of any Development Permit for new building construction, except for the purpose of a demolition,  excavation or signage, a Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) Assessment shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer to ensure that the development provides a safe urban environment in accordance with the guidelines and principles established in the Design Guidelines for a Safer City (City of Edmonton, 1995).
c. Built form, public realm interfaces, streetscape elements and pedestrian connections shall consider the City of Edmonton’s Winter Design Guidelines in their design and implementation,  A report outlining how the development conforms to the these guidelines shall be submitted with each Development Permit for a principal building to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
d. To ensure ongoing analysis of transportation related issues throughout the phased development of the lands within this Provision, an updated Transportation Impact Assessment (TIA) and/or additional analysis may required at the time of the first Development Permit that cumulatively takes the development of the land within this Provision over 40% of the total potential Gross Floor Area allowed by this Provision. The following shall also apply:
i. The updated TIA and/or additional analysis shall include updated transportation demand management strategies and measures (including but not limited to car share spaces and memberships, bicycle maintenance and end-of-trip facilities, shared bicycle programs, transferable transit passes, and other measures to support alternative travel modes), parking requirement review, and multi-modal data collection and analysis to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
ii. Notwithstanding the other Development Regulations and Appendices of this Provision or the Zoning Bylaw, transportation infrastructure improvements, transportation demand management strategies and measures, and/or parking requirements shall be adjusted and required based on the review of this TIA and/or additional analysis, as required, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
iii. With each Development Permit application for new building construction, the applicant shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation), that transportation demand management strategies are identified, including but not limited to:
A. On-site car share program, including parking stalls;
B. End of trip facilities such as secure Bicycle Parking and shower facilities; and
C. Subsidized transit passes.
e. The owner(s) shall enter into a servicing agreement(s) with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvements, with any Development Permit, for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development, including but not limited to, improvements recommended by the latest approved Transportation Impact Assessment, at the owner(s) expense, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation).
f. The storm and sanitary drainage systems required to service the development, including on-site stormwater management, shall be in general conformance with the Drainage Servicing Report or to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Development Services (drainage). 
g. Sun Shadow and Wind Impact Studies shall be prepared and submitted with a Development Permit application for any building or portion of a building with a Height greater than 23.0 m.  The development shall incorporate design features to minimize adverse microclimatic effects such as wind tunneling, snow drifting, rain sheeting, shadowing, and loss of sunlight, both on and off-Site, consistent with the recommendations of the Sun Shadow Impact Study and Wind Impact Study.
h. Notwithstanding the Edmonton Design Committee Bylaw 14054, Development Permits within this Provision for all principal buildings as well as the Urban Plaza described in Section 13.b of this Provision and the Publicly Accessible Private Park described in Section 13.c of this Provision shall be reviewed by the Edmonton Design Committee.
i. Notwithstanding the other Development Regulations of this Provision, the Appendices of this Provision and the Zoning Bylaw, in the event that the owner does not obtain a Building Permit and commence construction in Areas A or B under a valid Development Permit within 10 years of the passage of the Bylaw adopting this Provision or within 5 years from the Service Commencement Date for the 149 Street LRT Stop, whichever is later, development shall be in accordance with this Provision, except that:
i. the maximum Height in Areas A and B shall be 16.0 m;
ii. the maximum Height in Areas C and D shall be 12.0 m; and
iii. the maximum FAR shall be 2.0.
j. Prior to the issuance of a development permit for:
i. a building that contains 12 or more Dwelling units; or
ii. a building that contains less than 12 Dwelling units, but is part of a Site with 12 or more Dwelling units in total
the Development Officer shall ensure a signed agreement has been executed between the City and the owner requiring the owner to provide the City, at the time of each development permit approval, the option to purchase up to 5% of the proposed number of Dwelling units (rounded to the nearest Dwelling unit) in each building with Dwelling units, at 85% of market value or the equivalent value as cash in lieu (at the discretion of the owner) to the City.
k. For the areas and buffers depicted in Appendix 6, prior to the issuance of a Development Permit, excluding a development permit for demolition, excavation or signage, Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) work such as, but not limited to, additional Phase II ESAs, Remedial Action Plan(s), Remediation Report, and/or Risk Management Plan(s), may be required at the discretion of the Development Officer in consultation with the Environmental Planner, to be submitted and reviewed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. The Development Office shall impose any Development Permit conditions necessary, prior to the release of drawings for Building Permit review, to ensure that the Site is suitable for the full range of uses contemplated in the Development Permit application. 
a. As a condition of any Development Permit, the owner shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvements to support and enhance the development and surrounding streetscape as generally shown on Appendix 5, which may be staged such that improvements are constructed with the development of the adjacent Sub-Area. The Agreement shall include an engineering drawing review and approval process. Improvements shall be constructed at the owner’s cost, be designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Subdivision and Development Coordination (Transportation), City Operations, Edmonton Transit Service, and Integrated Infrastructure Services, and shall include, but may not be limited to, the following:
i. improvements to the public realm along Stony Plain Road NW between 149 Street NW and 151 Street NW. Improvements shall include:
A. vehicular access for the Internal Roadway, the location and design of which shall prioritize pedestrian access to and from the future LRT platform and integrate with the Urban Plaza;
B. a minimum 2.3 m wide Walkway which shall integrate seamlessly with the Transit Plaza where it abuts;
C. other improvements to create a high quality pedestrian oriented public realm such as, but not limited to, the provision of trees, new curb and gutter, street lighting and furniture.
D. Notwithstanding 13.a.i., improvements may vary, subject to review and coordination with Valley Line West LRT design.
ii. improvements to the public realm along 100 Avenue NW between 149 Street NW and 151 Street NW. Improvements shall include:
A. vehicular access for the Internal Roadway, including upgrades to the existing midblock pedestrian crossing and/or relocation to the Internal Roadway with appropriate pedestrian crossing control measures;
B. a minimum 2.0 m wide Walkway;
C. a new curb and gutter; and
D. a minimum 1.5 m wide landscaped boulevard including street lighting, trees and soft Landscaping.
iii. improvements to the public realm along 151 Street NW between 100 Avenue NW and Stony Plain Road NW. Improvements shall include:
A. vehicular access for the Internal Roadway;
B. a minimum 2.5 m wide Walkway;
C. a new curb and gutter;
D. a minimum 1.5 m wide landscaped boulevard including soft Landscaping; and
E. other improvements to create a high quality pedestrian oriented public realm such as, but not limited to, the provision of trees, street lighting and furniture.
iv. improvements to the public realm along 149 Street NW between 100 Avenue NW and Stony Plain Road NW. Improvements shall include:
A. vehicular access for the Internal Roadway;
B. a minimum 3.0 m wide shared use path, including any modifications required to the west leg of the 149 Street / 100 Avenue intersection to connect cyclists to the shared use path on the south side of 100 Avenue NW;
C. a new curb and gutter;
D. a feasibility study and any improvements required for implementing an at-grade pedestrian crossing of 149 Street NW generally located at the vehicular access to the Internal Roadway. This review shall, among other things, identify the benefits of such a crossing, the impacts to and mitigations for vehicular traffic, and the required crossing control elements for safe and effective operation. The review shall be required post LRT construction and operation; and
E. other improvements to create a high quality pedestrian oriented public realm such as, but not limited to, trees, street lighting and furniture.
v. repair of any damage resulting from construction of the development to the abutting roadways, Walkways, street furniture, and/or boulevards.
b. An Urban Plaza shall be located in general conformance with Appendix 3 and shall:
i. be constructed as a condition of the first Development Permit for new building Construction in Area A;
ii. be a minimum total area of 1,200 m2
iii. actively interface with adjacent building(s);
iv. facilitate access to the 149 Street LRT Stop ;
v. integrate the Internal Roadway access to Stony Plain Road, including measures to prioritize and enhance the pedestrian experience, which may include the use of textured or coloured paving materials and a raised crosswalk;
vi. be openly accessible to the Public at all times through the registration of a 24-hour Public Access Easement in favour of the City of Edmonton which shall be a condition of the Development Permit for such a Use;
vii. have regard for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles to provide safe and defensible space, clear sightlines into and through the site, adequate lighting, and provision of multiple access points;
viii. provide amenities for all seasons. This area may include features such as, but not limited to, public art, hard and/or soft Landscaping, seating areas and/or Bicycle Parking; and
ix. be constructed at the owner’s cost.
c. A Publicly Accessible Private Park(s) shall be located in general conformance with Appendix 3 and shall:
i. be constructed as a condition of the first Development Permit for new building Construction in Area C or D;
ii. be a minimum total area of 500 m2;
iii. be integrated with the pedestrian zones of adjacent Internal Roadways;
iv. be openly accessible to the Public at all times through the registration of a 24-hour Public Access Easement in favour of the City of Edmonton which shall be a condition of the Development Permit for such a Use;
v. have regard for Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design principles to provide safe and defensible space, clear sightlines into and through the site, adequate lighting, and provision of multiple access points;
vi. provide amenities for all seasons. This area may include features such as, but not limited to, public art, hard and/or soft Landscaping, seating areas and/or Bicycle Parking; and
vii. be constructed at the owner’s cost.

Bylaw attachments