a. |
Building Massing and Articulation |
i. |
All buildings greater than 25.0 m in Height shall be allowed in the form of a podium plus Tower composition or other configuration that ensures design treatments are compatible with the façades of adjacent buildings in the immediate area. |
ii. |
Towers shall Stepback from the podium wall a minimum of 2.5 m on all sides abutting a Public Park or a public roadway other than a Lane. |
iii. |
The minimum space between Towers shall be 25.0 m. |
iv. |
The Development Officer may vary Tower spacing in consideration of the following: |
A. |
The visual, sun/shadowing, and other microclimatic impacts on adjacent residential development; and |
B. |
The recommendations and mitigation measures specified in any required technical studies. |
v. |
The maximum Floor Plate Area for any portion of a building taller than 25.0 m shall be 750.0 m2, but in no case shall exceed 85% of the podium Floor Plate. |
vi. |
Notwithstanding Section 6.a.v, should more than one Tower be constructed within Area 4, the second Tower Floor Plate Area shall not exceed 85% of the podium Floor Plate, except at the discretion of the Development Officer, where articulation and architectural treatments are required to improve massing and microclimate conditions. |
vii. |
The top level(s) of Towers shall contribute to the ‘signature’ of the building and the City’s skyline through sculpting of the upper floors and roofs. |
viii. |
The Tower Floor Plate(s) of at least the top 3 floors shall be reduced a further 10% to 15%, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, through Stepbacks to create the articulation, visual interest, and reduced massing effects. |
ix. |
Buildings 25.0 m in Height or less are not required to provide Stepbacks. |
x. |
The design of a roof or podium roof may include a green roofs, solar panels, patios, and open spaces. |
xi. |
All mechanical equipment on a roof of any building shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or concealed by incorporating it within the building. |
b. |
Building Façade, Materials, and Exterior Finishing |
i. |
For buildings located at the intersection of public roadways the Façade treatment shall wrap around the side of the building to provide a consistent profile facing both public roadways. |
ii. |
Building Façade(s) abutting a public roadway or Public Park shall be designed with detail and articulation to a maximum of 12.0m intervals to create attractive streetscapes and interfaces. Building Façades shall be articulated by a combination of recesses, entrances, windows, projections, change in building materials, colours, and/or physical breaks in building mass. |
iii. |
All exposed building faces shall have consistent and harmonious exterior finishing materials such as stone, masonry, metal, wood panels, cement panels, and/or glass. |
iv. |
Exterior finishing materials must be durable, sustainable, high quality and appropriate for the development within the context of the block face. |
v. |
Within Area 4, ground floor residential units shall require a minimum of 50% transparent glass along the ground floor facades that face 106a Avenue and the LRT Corridor. |
c. |
Building Relationship to Streets |
i. |
Weather protection in the form of a canopy or other architectural element shall be provided above ground floor commercial entrances to create a comfortable environment for pedestrians. |
ii. |
Residential entrances at grade shall be clearly differentiated from non-residential entrances through distinct architectural treatment and address the street in a prominent manner. |
iii. |
Parkade entrances shall maintain the architectural harmony with the building façade. |
iv. |
The ground floor residential units shall provide individual entrances and other features such as a porch, stoop, landscaped terrace, pedestrian lighting, and/or patio that are clearly visible from the adjacent sidewalk. |
v. |
The elevation of the ground floor shall not exceed the elevation of the abutting public sidewalk by more than 1.0 m, except at the discretion of the Development Officer where the Grade or other Site conditions require a greater separation. |
d. |
Building Relationship to Public Parks |
i. |
Where non-residential uses are provided abutting a Public Park, they shall be designed to create a pedestrian-friendly environment, which may include such things as entrances, outdoor seating areas, canopies, landscaping and other features that lend visual interest and a human scale to development. |
ii. |
All ground floor residential units shall provide features such as a porch, stoop, landscaped terrace, pedestrian lighting, and/or patio that are clearly visible from the Public Park. |
iii. |
The elevation of the ground floor shall not exceed the Grade elevation of the abutting Public Park by more than 1.0 m, except at the discretion of the Development Officer where the Grade or other Site conditions require a greater separation. |
e. |
Building Relationship to LRT Right-of-Way |
i. |
Ground floor residential units shall address the LRT ROW with individual front or rear entrances and / or other features such as porches, stoops, landscaped terraces, pedestrian lighting, and/or patios that are clearly visible from the LRT ROW. |
A. |
Within Area 4, Tower 1 shall provide design articulation along the LRT Right-of-Way through a combination of architectural treatments including, but not limited to, the use of landscaping and pedestrian lighting. |
f. |
Main Street Regulations |
i. |
Buildings shall provide multiple points of interaction in the form of stoops, porches, doorways, windows, and/or large windows to facilitate pedestrian interaction. |
ii. |
All street level Uses that abut a public roadway shall provide a primary direct access to the street. |
iii. |
Providing continuous ground floor Uses using a pattern of small frontages no more than 12.0 m in width at street level shall be required. |
iv. |
Where residential uses are provided on the ground floor: |
A. |
All units shall provide separate, individual access at Grade and feature identifiable doorways, landscaped terraces, pedestrian lighting, and patios. To ensure adequate privacy, screening shall be provided to indicate separate individual access to each unit. |
B. |
The geodetic elevation of the floor that is directly above Grade shall be greater than the geodetic elevation of the abutting public sidewalk by at least 0.75 m. |
v. |
Where non-residential uses are provided on the ground floor: |
A. |
The first Storey shall have a minimum Height of 3.5 m. |
B. |
The geodetic elevation of the top of the floor on the level that is directly above Grade shall not exceed the geodetic elevation of the abutting public sidewalk by more than 0.3 m. |
C. |
At least 70% of each individual store frontage and the flanking side of a store located on a corner shall have clear non-reflective glazing on the exterior on the first Storey. Transparency is calculated as a percent of linear metres at 1.5 m above the finished Grade. |
g. |
Street Wall Design |
i. |
The portion of the building façade that comprises the Street Wall shall range in Height from 7.0m to 25.0 m. This Height may be reduced at the discretion of the Development Officer to respect building Height proportionality or to accommodate podium gardens, restaurants/cafes, or natural slope of the site. |
ii. |
The architectural treatment of the building up to the first 25.0 m shall adhere to the general alignment of the horizontal and vertical elements of the abutting and adjacent buildings along the same block face. |
iii. |
Notwithstanding Section 6.g.i of this provision, the maximum Height of any Street Wall abutting the south boundary of Main Street shall be 18.0 m. |
h. |
Entrances and Corners |
i. |
Where provided, ground floor commercial uses shall open to the public roadway rather than an internal atrium. |
ii. |
Where commercial buildings are provided at corners they shall provide courtyards, major entry ways or distinctive architectural features. |
iii. |
Entrances for residential uses and residential-related uses shall be differentiated from non-residential entrances and provide access at Grade. The entrances will feature identifiable doorways, landscaped terraces, and pedestrian lighting to ensure adequate privacy and distinct architectural treatment. |
i. |
Greenways |
i. |
Within Area 4, greenways to the LRT corridor shall be provided as shown on Appendix 3. |
ii. |
For the greenways: |
A. |
As a condition of a Development Permit for construction of a principal building, the owner shall register a 4.5 m wide 24-hour Public Access Easement for the greenway along the northeast Side Lot Line and a 4.5 m wide 24-hour Public Access Easement for the greenway along the southwest Side Lot Line. Under this Easement, the owner shall be responsible for maintenance and liability and the spaces shall be accessible to the public at all times. |
B. |
A minimum 3.0 m wide shared pathway must be provided along the northeast Side Lot Line and a minimum 3.0 m wide shared pathway must be provided along the southwest Side Lot Line. Other design elements to include within the greenway shall include a combination of trees, planting beds, benches, special paving, or pedestrian scaled lighting. |
iii. |
The design of the greenways shall be in general conformance with the Stadium Station Area Redevelopment Plan to ensure public access to and from pedestrian and bicycle facilities along the LRT corridor. |