Arlington Apartment DC1 Historic Designation - located northeast corner of 100 Avenue and 106 Street, Downtown
Bylaw 11515 (April 5, 2005)
Bylaw 14553 (May 1, 2007)
On June 23, 1998 the Arlington Apartments were designated as a Municipal Historic Resource (Bylaw 11575). On April 5, 2005 the majority of the Arlington Apartment building was destroyed by fire, however the east, south and west brick facades were salvaged. These three facades now constitute the Municipal Historic Resource.
This Provision is designed to accommodate the use, preservation and redevelopment of the Arlington Apartment building and site. The Provision preserves three facades of the historic Arlington Apartment building, allows the development of a high rise apartment building provided the three remaining facades of the Arlington Apartment are incorporated into the new building, allows an appropriate mix of residential and commercial uses, and includes regulations that ensure development of the site is both sensitive to the adjacent development and sympathetic to the original historic characteristics of the Arlington Apartment building as specified under its designation as a Municipal and Provincial Historic Resource.
Lots 51 and 52, Block 5, Plan NB, located on the northeast corner of 100 Avenue and 106 Street, Downtown.
a. | Apartment Hotels |
b. | Apartment Housing |
c. | Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs, limited to less than 200 occupants and 240m2 of Public Space. |
d. | Boarding and Lodging Houses |
e. | Business Support Services |
f. | Child Care Services |
g. | Commercial Schools |
h. | Community Recreation Services |
i. | General Retail Store |
j. | Government Services |
k. | Hotels |
l. | Indoor Participant Recreation Services |
m. | Major and Minor Home Based Business |
n. | Minor Alcohol Sales |
o. | Mobile Catering Food Services |
p. | Personal Service Shops |
q. | Professional, Financial and Office Support Services |
r. | Private Clubs |
s. | Private and Public Education Services |
t. | Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits |
u. | Residential Sales Centre |
v. | Restaurants, limited to less than 200 occupants and 240m2 of Public Space |
w. | Specialty Food Services, limited to less than 100 occupants and 120m2 of Public Space |
a. | Development shall be in general accordance with the Site Plan and Elevations illustrated on Appendix 1. | |
b. | The historic east, south, and west facades of the Arlington Apartment building must be retained and rehabilitated to the original building elements, as required in the Designation Bylaw 11575, including roof line, cornice, door and window openings and trims, exterior finishing material, fire escapes and matching architectural features to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer, and the following guidelines: | |
i. | The three historic walls will be secured through approved structural engineering measures prior to, during and after all construction activity to ensure they are stable, secure and capable of being tied into the proposed new expansion; | |
ii. | In order to prevent further deterioration of the building, construction on this project will commence within six (6) months after this Bylaw is approved and completed within three (3) years thereafter. This clause can be varied by the General Manager of the Planning and Development Department. | |
c. | The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 10. The podium terrace area shall be excluded in the calculation of Floor Area Ratio. | |
d. | The maximum Height shall not exceed 68.3m nor 20 storeys. | |
e. | The maximum number of Dwelling units shall be 113. | |
f. | The minimum Yards shall be provided in accordance with the Site Plan. | |
g. | Development of the tower portion of the building above the 5th Storey shall be in accordance with the following architectural guidelines, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer: | |
i. | The tower must be set back a minimum of 6.8m from the south façade of the podium. | |
ii. | All exterior finishing materials must be of a high quality, durable and attractive in appearance; all exposed building faces shall have consistent and harmonious exterior finishing materials which shall include elements of brick, acrylic stucco and glass to reinforce the architectural character Arlington Apartment Building; | |
iii. | The tower portion of the building above the 5th Storey shall respect the Arlington Apartment Building’s original building elements including: roof line, doors and windows, trim, exterior finishing materials and similar architectural features, in accordance with the ”Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada” and the ’General Guidelines for Rehabilitation’ in Bylaw 11575 to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer; and, | |
iv. | All mechanical equipment on the roof of any building shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building roof. | |
h. | The Apartment Housing Use and any Commercial Use shall have separate at grade access into the Development. | |
i. | A detailed landscape plan, including the podium terrace area, shall be prepared by a registered landscape architect, and shall be submitted and approved by the Development Officer prior to any approval of any Development Permit(s). The plan shall include appropriate protection of existing street trees during construction; incorporate design principles contained in the Capital City Downtown Plan and the Downtown Edmonton Design Guidelines Manual and shall include details of pavement materials, exterior lighting, street furniture elements, pedestrian seating areas and sizes and species of new planting for the entire site. | |
j. | Ornate metal fencing along 100th Avenue, 106th street, and the alley to the east of the Site must be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer and the Transportation Department. | |
k. | Parking, Bicycle Parking and 1 Loading space shall be provided in accordance with Section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw and will be located underground to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and Transportation Department, in accordance with the following: | |
i. | Vehicular access to the site and the entrance to the underground parkade shall be provided in accordance with the site plan; | |
ii. | Vehicular ramp to access to underground parking must not exceed a slope of 6% for a distance of 4.5 m inside the property line, or to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department; and, | |
iii. | Storage and trash collection areas shall be screened from view from any adjacent Sites, and public roadways in accordance with the provisions of Section 54 and 55 of the Zoning Bylaw | |
l. | A Comprehensive Sign Design Plan, with the overall intent of Section 59 and Schedule 59H of the Zoning Bylaw, shall be prepared for the development to be approved by the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer. Signage shall be integrated into the general architectural design of the building. The architectural scheme established for the building shall be submitted for approval by the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer prior to the issue of any Sign permits. | |
m. | A Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Assessment shall be provided to the Development Officer and approved, prior to development approval to ensure that development provides a safe urban environment in accordance with the guidelines and principles established in the Design Guide for a Safer City. | |
n. | Main building entrances for any Use shall be designed for universal accessibility. Level changes from the sidewalk to entrances of the building shall be minimized. Sidewalk furniture and other elements shall be located out of the travel path to ensure they are not obstacles to building access. | |
o. | Any application for development of this site will be referred to NAV Canada, Transport Canada and the Edmonton Regional Airports Authority.” |
a. | The ”Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada” published by Parks Canada and the Minister of Alberta Community Development; | |
b. | The Statements of Significance for the Arlington Apartment building; | |
c. | The City of Edmonton Designation Bylaw 11575 approved by City Council on June 23, 1998 and Policy C-450A’s General Guidelines for Rehabilitation; | |
d. | All modification and/or alteration shall be reviewed and approved by the Development Officer in consultation with the Heritage Officer and the government agency responsible for the site’s historic designation, Alberta Community Development; and | |
e. | New development shall not attempt to mimic the style of the Arlington Apartment building, which is designed in the Italianate Classical Style, by means of its own design features, rather new development shall meet the intent of the following (the Site Plan and Elevations are deemed to meet these principles): | |
i. | New development shall interpret the architectural details of the Arlington Apartment building, such as dentillated cornice, stringcourses, corner pilasters and prominent central entrance, delicate corbelling, pilaster strips at the corners, entablature with cornice, and stone keystones and sills at the windows, through banding features at the lower level; | |
ii. | New development shall exhibit a regular, geometric appearance in which the wall expanses are broken up by the horizontal elements, windows and decorations; | |
iii. | New building material shall be compatible with the existing red brick, limestone and painted wood; and | |
iv. | New development shall be designed with a flat roof. |