Land Acquisition: 118 Avenue - 78 Street to 82 Street
118 Avenue is a discontinuous route from the east City Limits to the west City Limits. From the east, 118 Avenue serves as the primary Highway 16 entrance to the City. It also provides access to the north-east industrial area and adjacent strip commercial developments. 118 Avenue is designated as a 24 hour truck route from the Beverly Interchange to the 101 Street traffic circle.
The City of Edmonton Transportation System Bylaw #4368, approved by City Council October 9, 1974, designates 118 Avenue as an arterial roadway from 34 Street to 106 Street.
Present congestion at the 118 Avenue and 82 Street intersection during peak hour traffic, and before and after special events in the Exhibition grounds area, necessitate an upgrading of 118 Avenue, between 78 Street and 82 Street, from a 4-lane undivided roadway to a four-lane divided facility. The right-of-way widening required for this upgrading is as follows:
82 Street to 81 Street 10 feet on north side
81 Street to 80 Street 3 feet on north side
80 Street to 79 Street 10 feet on both sides
79 Street to 78 Street 10 feet on north side
10-16 feet on south side
The purchase of the properties will be financed by short-term borrowing under P.P.B.S. Program #101, Land Management, Real Estate and Housing Department.
Cost of Project (Based on 1982 Units)
Road Construction $333,500
Land Acquisition $138,000
Staging of Construction
No construction date has been established for the improvements to 118 Avenue. A construction date is dependent upon City budget and the acquisition of the majority of the road widening property.
Prepared by:
Transportation Planning November, 1982