WHEREAS the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton by virtue of the provisions of Section 175 of The Municipal Government Act may pass a Bylaw for the purpose of closing and selling, leasing or holding the whole or any part of any street provided that no such Bylaw shall be passed until at least two weeks notice of the intention of the Council to pass the same is served upon the persons registered or assessed as the owners of the lands abutting upon the portion of highway so proposed to be closed and until a notice is published once a week for at least two weeks in some newspaper circulating in the City and until persons wishing to be heard upon the matter have had an opportunity of being heard in relation to the proposed Bylaw; and
WHEREAS notice of the proposed closing of the said portion of highway was published in the Edmonton Journal on Saturday, April 19th, 1975, and again on Saturday, April 26th, 1975, and all abutting owners were served with notice of the proposed closing and it was advertised in the said notice that the City Council at its meeting to be held on Tuesday, May 13th, 1975, would consider a Bylaw to bring about the required closing; and
WHEREAS City Council has considered the proposed closing and has agreed that it is in the public interest to pass the Bylaw.
NOW THEREFORE the Municipal Council of The City of Edmonton, duly assembled, enacts as follows:
1. That all that portion of the un-named road (Municipally known as St. Albert Trail) in the City of Edmonton, Province of Alberta, as shown on a subdivision plan of record in the Land Titles Office for the North Alberta Land Registration District as LX, which lies North of the North Limit of Muskoka Avenue (Municipally known as 111 Avenue) drawn across the said un-named road and West of the production Southerly of the West Limit of the North-South Lane in Block Three (3) in the said Plan and which lies Southeast of the following described line:
Commencing at a point in the West boundary of Lot Six (6) in
Block Eight (8) in the said plan, Fifty-one and Three Tenths
(51.3) feet Southerly from the North Corner thereof;
Thence: Easterly and perpendicular to the said West Boundary
of the said Lot, Fifty-seven and six tenths (57.6) feet;
Thence: Northeasterly in a straight line to intersect with
the southwest corner of lot Twelve-A (12-A) in the said
Block Three (3) as shown on a subdivision plan of record in
the said Land Titles Office as 2194-K.S..
(Westmount, S 1/2 12-53-25-4)
Excepting thereout all Mines and Minerals.
2. That when a title or titles are created for the former portions of highway as described in Section 1 of this Bylaw, it is understood and agreed that such title or titles for the former portions of highway may be issued excepting Mines and Minerals, the City, however, reserving the right to said Mines and Minerals if in fact the City is the owner thereof.