DC2 995

Queen Alexandra - northwest corner of 79 Avenue NW and 105 Street NW

Bylaw 18370 (May 28, 2018)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control Provision to accommodate the development of a small scale neighbourhood commercial building. Development regulations ensure that the development will be compatible with the surrounding residential and commercial development.

This Provision shall apply to Lot 28, Block 45, Plan I11, at the northwest corner of 79 Avenue NW and 105 Street NW, as shown on the attached Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this Provision.

a. Convenience Retail Stores
b. Health Services
c. Personal Service Shops, excluding Body Rub Centres
d. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
e. Restaurants
f. Specialty Food Services
g. Urban Gardens
h. Fascia On-premises Signs
i. Freestanding On-premises Signs
j. Projecting On-premises
a. Site development shall be in general conformance with the Site Plan attached as Appendix 1.
b. The maximum gross Floor A rea of any individual business premise shall not exceed 220 m2.
c. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 1.0.
d. The maximum Building Height shall not exceed 10.0 m.
e. The minimum Setbacks shall be:
i. 10.0 m to the north lot line;
ii. 4.5 m to the south lot line;
iii. 0.9 m to the east lot line; and
iv. 0.9 m to the west lot line.
f. Notwithstanding the other regulations of the Zoning Bylaw or this Provision, if redevelopment of this Site includes the removal and replacement of the principal building, the minimum Setbacks shall be in conformance with Appendix 2 and shall be:
i. 10.0 m to the north lot line;
ii. 4.5 m to the south lot line;
iii. 0 m to the east lot line; and
iv. 1.8 m to the west lot line.
g. Parking spaces shall be located in conformance with Appendix 1. A minimum of three hard surface parking stalls shall be provided.
h. There shall be a minimum of eight bicycle parking spaces for the development, in general accordance with Appendix 1.
i. Landscaping shall comply with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw.
j. Notwithstanding the other regulations of the Zoning Bylaw or this Provision, if redevelopment of this Site includes the removal and replacement of the principal building existing at the time of approval of the Bylaw adopting this Provision, active commercial frontages facing 105 Street NW shall be required and meet the following, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
i. Building entrances shall be oriented to front onto a public roadway;
ii. The placement and type of windows shall allow viewing into the building to promote a positive pedestrian-oriented street;
iii. Weather protection, where appropriate, in the form of canopies or other architectural elements shall be provided to create a comfortable environment for pedestrians;
iv. A minimum of 55% of the linear frontage shall consist of transparent glazing.  Linear Frontage shall be measured as the horizontal plane at 1.5 m above Grade; and
v. Building Setbacks at Grade in front of Commercial Uses shall be integrated with the pedestrian oriented public realm using hard and/or soft Landscaping to create Public Amenity Space.
k. Signs shall comply with the regulations contained in Schedule 59D of the Zoning Bylaw, except:
i. Freestanding Signs shall be limited to placement along the eastern and southern frontages of the site.
ii. Fascia On-premise Signs shall be limited to the south, east and north façades.

Bylaw attachments