a. |
The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 2.0. |
b. |
The maximum building Height shall not exceed 12.0 m. |
c. |
Buildings shall be built to the front and side property lines. The Development Officer may allow a building Setback up to a maximum of 2.5 m to accommodate street related activities, such as sidewalk cafes, architectural features, bicycle parking facilities and Landscaping that contribute to the pedestrian-oriented shopping character of the area. |
d. |
Apartment Housing and Lodging Houses:
i. |
shall be permitted only in buildings where the first Storey is used for commercial purposes; |
ii. |
shall only be permitted as one or the other; |
iii. |
shall have access at Grade, which is separate from the access for the commercial premises; |
iv. |
shall have a maximum Floor Area Ratio of 1.5; and |
v. |
shall not require parking. |
e. |
Apartment Housing shall provide a minimum of 7.5 m2 of Amenity Area per Dwelling where a development contains two or more Dwellings. |
f. |
Lodging Houses shall provide a minimum communal indoor Amenity Area of 15 m2. |
g. |
The maximum occupancy of a Lodging House Use on this site shall be 5 residents. |
h. |
Notwithstanding Section 76.4 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw, a Lodging House may be developed within a commercial building (above the first storey.) |
i. |
Notwithstanding Section 96.3.a of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw, a Lodging House Use shall not be subject to the threshold for the number of Special Residential Facilities per neighbourhood. |
j. |
Equipment Rental shall require that all equipment and goods for rent be contained within an enclosed building. |
k. |
General Retail shall not exceed 300 m2 of Floor Area. |
l. |
Restaurants are limited to less than 200 occupants and 240 m2 of Public Space. |
m. |
Specialty Food Services are limited to less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space. |
n. |
All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or concealed by incorporating it within the building. |
o. |
The architectural treatment of the building shall include, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, features such as:
i. |
placement of windows to allow for viewing in the building by pedestrians; |
ii. |
entrance features; |
iii. |
canopies; and |
iv. |
features that lend visual interest and create a human scale. |
p. |
Signs shall be provided in accordance with Schedule 59E of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw except that:
i. |
a projecting Sign may be used to identify businesses that are located entirely at or above the second Storey level; |
ii. |
the top of a Projecting Sign on a building two Storeys or higher shall not extend more than 75 cm above the floor of the second or third Storey, nor higher than the windowsill level of the second or third Storey; and |
iii. |
a maximum of 10% of any first Storey windows may be covered for the purposes of signage or advertising and the remainder of the windows shall remain free from obstruction. |
iv. |
Minor Digital On-premises Signs, as a Permitted Use under this Provision, shall be subject to Schedule 59.E.3, Regulations for Discretionary Signs. |
q. |
Vehicular access shall be from the abutting Lane. |
r. |
No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a Setback. Vehicular parking, loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent Sites or public roadways. |
s. |
A minimum of three parking stalls shall be provided on site. |
t. |
Notwithstanding Section 720.3.2 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw, there is no Site plan appended to this Provision. |
u. |
Notwithstanding Section 800.2.2.a. of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw, any redevelopment of the site shall comply with any Overlay applicable within this block of 97 Street at the time of Development Permit Application, except where regulations are otherwise stipulated in this Provision. |