a. |
The design of any application for this Area of Application shall reflect the specific design concept and type of development as generally illustrated by the Site Plan shown on Appendix I. |
b. |
The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 0.25. |
c. |
The maximum building Height shall be 14.0 m. |
d. |
All development shall be required to comply with but is not limited to the following Architectural Guidelines:
i. |
All development on a Site shall be constructed using similar architectural themes unless individual development dictates a specific style or image to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. |
ii. |
Architectural treatments such as canopies, variation in building form, facades, varying heights and rooflines, the juxtaposition of the buildings on the Site, and the articulation of building walls are encouraged for all buildings to create visual interest and to minimize the perceived mass of buildings as viewed from Stony Plain Road and 100 Avenue. |
iii. |
The use of exterior wall finishing materials shall be harmonious with the architectural style established for the Area of Application, and predominantly composed of muted colours, with strong colours limited to use as an accent, so as to minimize the perceived mass of the building. |
iv. |
Exterior wall finish materials for all development shall be of high quality and consistent with the overall architectural style for the Area of Application. |
v. |
Exterior finish treatment of all sides of each building wall shall be consistent with one material predominant for the exterior finish of each building. On buildings situated closest to the corners of adjacent public roadway intersections, or internal accesses or intersections of the Area of Application, the facade treatment shall wrap around the sides of the building to provide a consistent high quality profile. |
vi. |
All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units shall be concealed by screening or incorporation within the building roof in a manner that is consistent with the finishing of the building and the overall architectural style of the Area of Application. |
vii. |
Any canopies shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the principal building, such that the canopy is not obtrusive and maintains consistency with the eave line of the principal building, and illumination is directed downwards. |
viii. |
There shall be no chain link fencing, or barbed wire combinations adjacent to major public roadways. |
ix. |
The Development Officer shall require building design plans to be submitted with development permit applications. Such plans shall include, details of overall site layout, building elevations, exterior building facade and treatment finishings and color scheme, scale of exterior finish patterns, roofline and roof materials and internal landscaping, fencing and screening, and parking layout. |
x. |
An application for a new development or for an addition to existing building(s) shall be accompanied by a site plan that shows the location of easement area(s) for all existing and proposed servicing infrastructure on the Site. The Development Officer, in consultation with the affected utility departments, shall require that the minimum building Setbacks and the minimum width of landscaped Yards be varied where such adjustments may be necessary to ensure:
A. |
that proposed buildings do not conflict with existing or proposed servicing infrastructure; and |
B. |
that the type, amount and location of Landscaping, including berms, can be provided in a manner that does not conflict with existing or proposed servicing infrastructure. |
e. |
A minimum building Setback of 14.0 m shall be provided adjacent to Stony Plain Road and 184 Street, except that:
i. |
for Building G shown on the attached Site Plan, provided the total Gross Floor Area of Building G does not exceed 1,200 m2 nor 7.0 m in Height, the Setback shall be not less than 7.5 m; |
ii. |
for Buildings H and K shown on the attached Site Plan, provided that the Height does not exceed 7.65 m, the Setbacks from 184 Street shall be not less than 9.0 m, provided that the Landscaped Yard shall be the full width of the setback (For Building H, any City sidewalk located within an easement shall be permitted to be within the Landscaped Yard), and |
iii. |
Where buildings do not exceed 1,000 m2 in Gross Floor Area, nor 7 m in Height, the Development Officer may, reduce the minimum required Setback adjacent to Stony Plain Road and 184 Street to the greater of 7.5 m or the minimum applicable Landscaped Yard requirement, provided that the landscaping and building treatments minimize the perception of massing and create a high standard of building appearance. |
f. |
A Landscaped Yard with a minimum width of 7.5 m shall be provided adjacent to Stony Plain Road and a Landscaped Yard with a minimum width of 6.0 m shall be provided adjacent to 184 Street.
i. |
Within all Yards specified above, a minimum of five deciduous trees (with a minimum Caliper of 6.0 cm), five coniferous trees (with a minimum Height of 3.0 m), and 20 shrubs shall be required for each 35.0 m of lineal Yard. |
ii. |
A landscaped Yard with a minimum average width of 2.0 m shall be provided along the portion of the site that abuts any Storm Water Management Facility and abutting properties. |
iii. |
In addition to the landscaping set out in i), ii), and iii) above, where the Landscaped Yards adjacent to Buildings H and K are increased to 9.0 m, or the building Setback adjacent to Building G is reduced to 7.5 m, there shall be an additional two coniferous trees (with a minimum Height of 3.0 m) required for each 35.0 m of lineal Yard, and landscaping and building treatments shall minimize the perception of massing and create a high standard of building appearance. |
g. |
Landscaping Plan and Design Guidelines
i. |
Any development application shall include a Landscaping Plan which shall be submitted with the initial Development Permit Application. |
ii. |
The Landscape plan shall be approved by the Development Officer prior to and as a condition of the issuance of a development permit. |
iii. |
All free-standing buildings for Restaurants, Convenience Retail Sales and Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services shall be separately landscaped and screened in a manner that conforms to City standards for the required parking. |
iv. |
Any required stormwater management facilities shall be integrated and form part of the Conceptual Landscaping Plan, as illustrated in the Site Plan shown in Appendix I, or as otherwise directed by the City of Edmonton. |
h. |
Any business premises or multiple occupancy building having a Floor Area greater than 3000 m2 or a single wall length greater than 40.0 m that is visible from an adjacent public roadway shall comply with the following development regulations:
i. |
the roof line and building façade shall include design elements that reduce the perceived mass of the building and add architectural interest; |
ii. |
the exterior wall finishing materials shall be predominantly composed of muted colours, with strong colours limited to use as an accent, so as to minimize the perceived mass of the building; and |
iii. |
Landscaping adjacent to exterior walls visible from an adjacent public roadway shall be used to minimize the perceived mass of the building and to create visual interest. |
i. |
Entrances, exits and on site routes of vehicles, bicycles and pedestrians (including handicapped) shall be designed in a manner that demonstrates and plans for safe, efficient and convenient circulation patterns and connections to the appropriate off site facilities. |
j. |
No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required Yard. Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent Sites or public roadways. |
k. |
There shall be no unscreened on-site outdoor storage of material or any trailer storage. |
l. |
All development permits shall be conditioned prohibited from conducting any activities that create noise between 10:00 p.m. each evening Monday through Saturday and 7:00 a.m. each following morning; and between 7:00 pm. Sunday – 9:00 a.m. Monday when the impacts would be most significant on surrounding residential uses south of 100 Avenue and west of 178 Street. |
m. |
Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Zoning Bylaw regarding adjoining sites and all on-site services, the Site Plan shall demonstrate optimum vehicle, pedestrian and bicycle movements between adjoining sites surrounded by the same major roadways. |
n. |
In addition to Schedule 59E and any other provisions of the Zoning Bylaw, the following shall apply:
i. |
Movement and brightness of perimeter signage shall be designed to minimize light pollution/visual intrusion on surrounding residential properties; |
ii. |
Individual business identification Signs located on the façades of buildings shall be similar in proportion, construction materials and placement. The Sign shall be designed and located so as to ensure that the signage does not detract from the overall appearance of the development and is not obtrusive, having regard to the scale of the buildings on the Site and to the distance of the building Setback. An exception may be made to this general requirement where the function of an individual business dictates a specific style or image associated with a company. In such cases, the development shall maintain harmony in terms of overall project design and appearance; and |
iii. |
Any signage developed on the south-facing walls or area of any of the buildings visible from 100 Avenue shall be designed to prevent light from emitting toward residential areas south of 100 Avenue. Only low light signs shall be used. |
o. |
All exterior lighting shall be designed such that all light is contained within the Area of Application, to be indirect from all angles of off site viewing, and not intrude into neighbouring residential area, and to incorporate design elements consistent with the architectural style for the Area of Application. |
p. |
Consideration to best exclude noise from the development from encroaching into the residential area to the south shall include but is not limited to the exclusion of external loud speakers or other loud sound generating equipment. |
q. |
All on-site services for power, telephone and C.A.T.V. shall be underground. Underground power services shall also be provided for Signs requiring such services. |
r. |
In addition to the requirements of Section 72, Gas Bars, Minor Service Stations and Rapid Drive through Vehicle Services shall be developed so that any canopy located over the gas pump islands shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the principal building, such that the canopy is not obtrusive and maintains consistency with the eave line of the principal building. |
s. |
An easement on the site shall be provided to allow for the operation of a full size transit bus through the site. The easement must be registered prior to or concurrent with the development of building H, but need not be registered prior to development of Building K. |