Tweddle Place - 76 Street and 79 Street, and north of Millbourne Road West
Bylaw 18084 (July 10, 2017)
To accommodate a mixed use development primarily for medium rise apartment housing with a limited amount of commercial uses on the ground floor, as part of a high quality, integrated residential development, which is compatible and sympathetic to the surrounding residential area.
This DC2 Provision shall apply to 1.02 ha of land on Lot 126, Block 30, Plan 3100 TR; located between 76 Street and 79 Street, and north of Millbourne Road West as shown on Schedule “A” of the Bylaw adopting this DC2 Provision; Tweddle Place.
a. | Apartment Housing |
b. | Limited Group Homes |
c. | Minor Home Based Business |
d. | Major Home Based Business |
e. | Residential Sales Centre |
a. | Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs |
b. | Child Care Services |
c. | Commercial Schools |
d. | Convenience Retails Stores |
e. | General Retail Stores |
f. | Health Services |
g. | Indoor Participant Recreation Services |
h. | Personal Service Shops |
i. | Professional, Financial, and Office Support Services |
j. | Specialty Food Services |
k. | Restaurants |
a. | Fascia On-premises Signs |
b. | Projecting On-premises Signs |
c. | Freestanding On-premises Signs |
d. | Temporary On-premises Signs |
a. | The development shall be in general accordance with Appendix 1, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. Appendix 1 is conceptual in nature and minor variations shall be permitted at the Development Permit stage. Variations may be warranted by constraints due to drainage, site geometry, vehicular access, and construction conditions. | ||||||||
b. | The maximum number of Dwellings shall be 320 | ||||||||
c. | The maximum building Height shall be 42 m. | ||||||||
d. | The maximum Floor Area Ration shall be 3.5. | ||||||||
e. | The minimum building Setbacks shall be as follows:
f. | The maximum total Floor Area for non-Residential Uses shall not exceed 1,000 m2. | ||||||||
g. | A pedestrian walkway with a minimum width of 1.5 m shall be provided adjacent to the east façade of Building 2 to provide pedestrian access to commercial uses, as shown in Appendix I. | ||||||||
h. | Commercial uses shall be limited to the ground floor of the east building. | ||||||||
i. | The total floor area for Restaurants uses shall be limited to less than 208 Occupants and 250m2 of Public Space. | ||||||||
j. | The total floor area for Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs uses shall be limited to less than 116 Occupants and 140m2 of Public Space. | ||||||||
k. | Each Specialty Food Services use shall be limited to less than 125 Occupants and 150 m2 of Public Space. | ||||||||
l. | Temporary On-premises Signs shall be limited to project advertising associated with a Residential Sales Centre. | ||||||||
m. | No freestanding signage is permitted within the surface parking lot setbacks. | ||||||||
n. | Residential Sales Centres shall be limited to the sale or leasing of units located within this site. | ||||||||
o. | A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per Dwelling shall be provided.
p. | Private outdoor amenity space for street-oriented dwellings, shall be visually and physically defined with features such as (but not limited to) planting, fencing, low walls, and/or grade changes. Private outdoor amenity space for ground floor units will include individual entrances and connections to pedestrian walkways. |
DC2.955.6.2 Landscaping
a. | Landscaping shall be in general accordance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw. |
b. | Notwithstanding Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw, trees provided on City property shall count toward the on-site tree landscaping requirements of the Zoning Bylaw. |
c. | A Landscape Plan shall be completed by a registered Landscape Architect and submitted for review and approval by the Development Officer, prior to the issuance of any Development Permit. |
d. | Landscaping on the Site shall utilize plant materials that provide colour, and visual interest throughout the year to enhance the appearance of the development and create comfortable, attractive, and sustainable environment. |
e. | Where below Grade Parking Garages are built to the Lot line, raised planters shall be permitted within the Setback space at grade, to achieve sufficient soil depth required to support Landscaping. |
f. | Landscaping, lot grading, and boulevard trees installed along the perimeter of the site shall not interfere with sight lines for roadway users along the adjacent streets, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the Development Engineering and Drawing Review Unit, City Planning Branch. |
DC2.955.6.3 Parking, Access, Loading, and Storage
a. | Loading and passenger drop-off shall comply with Section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw and shall be located to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with Transportation. | ||||||||
b. | Notwithstanding Section 54.2, Schedule 1 of the Zoning Bylaw, the following regulations shall apply:
c. | All vehicular parking shall be provided as a combination of underground and surface parking spaces. A maximum of 70 surface parking spaces will be permitted on the Site. | ||||||||
d. | The below Grade Parking Garage shall not be subject to required Setbacks and may extend to all Lot lines. | ||||||||
e. | At-Grade Parking shall be setback a minimum of 1.0 m from the east lot line to allow for a landscaped buffer and pedestrian connections to the sidewalk. | ||||||||
f. | At-Grade Parking shall be setback a minimum of 7.0 m from the south lot line to allow for landscaping and/or outdoor amenity area. | ||||||||
g. | Adequate sight lines shall be maintained for vehicles entering and exiting the Below Grade Parking Garage, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and Transportation. | ||||||||
h. | Notwithstanding Section 54.3, Schedule 2 of the Zoning Bylaw, a minimum of 100 bicycle parking spaces for Residential and Residential-Related Uses shall be provided in a secure location within the below Grade Parking Garage. | ||||||||
i. | A minimum of 20 Bicycle Parking spaces for visitors and Non-Residential Uses shall be provided at grade in an easily accessible location and available for public use. | ||||||||
j. | Waste collection areas or outdoor storage areas shall not be developed within 3.0 m. of the property line. Outdoor waste collection shall be screened as per Section 55.5.6 and shall be located on the Site in accordance with Appendix I to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Waste Management Services and Transportation. | ||||||||
k. | At grade vehicular parking shall be partially screened through the use of decorative screens where it faces a public roadway other than a Lane. Height of screening shall not exceed 1.2 m. |
DC2.955.6.4 Building Design
a. | A variable Stepback distance shall be permitted from the façade of the Building abutting 76 Street NW as shown in Appendix 1. The Stepback distance may vary between 0m to 5.5m. |
b. | Any Family-oriented Dwellings shall be on the ground floor. |
c. | Ground floor Dwellings shall feature individual entrances and active residential frontages, as conceptually shown on Appendix I. |
d. | Commercial Uses at grade shall have individual external entrances. |
e. | High quality exterior finishing materials shall provide visual interest and may include materials such as, but not limited to, masonry, stone, metal, wood, cement paneling, acrylic stucco, and clear glass. The use of vinyl and masonry stucco as a finishing material shall not be permitted. |
f. | A minimum of 70% of the linear frontage of the commercial ground floor façade facing a public roadway, other than a Lane, shall have clear non-reflective glazing. Transparency is calculated as a percent of linear meters at 1.0 m above the finished Grade. |
g. | A maximum of 10% of the glazed area of a commercial frontage may be covered with signage. |
h. | A minimum of 40% of the façade of each Dwelling facing a public roadway, other than a Lane, shall have clear non-reflective glazing on the exterior of the first Storey. Transparency is calculated as a percent of linear meters at 1.0 m above the finished Grade. |
i. | Canopies and/or other architectural features shall be provided above the ground floor Façade facing public roadways to contribute to a comfortable pedestrian scale. |
j. | Design techniques including, but not limited to, the use of different materials and colours, shall be employed on all building Facades in order to minimize the perception of massing of the building when viewed from adjacent residential areas and roadways. |
k. | All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, surface level venting systems, and transformers shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the buildings. |
a. | Notwithstanding the other Development Regulations and the Appendices of this Zone, in the event that the owner/developer does not obtain a Building Permit and commence construction under a valid Development Permit for the development within 10 years of the passage of this Bylaw, development of the site shall be in accordance with this provision, except that:
b. | A Crime Prevention through Environmental Design Assessment shall be prepared at the Development Permit stage to the satisfaction of the Development Officer to ensure that the development provides a safe urban environment in accordance with the guidelines and principles established in the Design Guide for a Safer City (City of Edmonton, 1995). |
a. | Prior to Development Permit issuance, the Development Officer shall ensure that a signed agreement has been executed between the City and the Owner, requiring the Owner to provide the City at the time of Development Permit approval, the option to purchase 5 percent of the proposed number of residential units (rounded to the nearest unit) at 85 percent of market value. | ||||||||||||||
b. | Prior to the issuance of the Development Permit, a Servicing Feasibility Study shall be completed by a registered Professional Engineer and approved to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Drainage. LID measures may be implemented on the site to mitigate servicing impacts. | ||||||||||||||
c. | The Owner shall enter into a Municipal Improvement Agreement (MIA) and/or Servicing Agreement with the City of Edmonton, in conjunction with development permit(s), for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development. These off-site improvements shall include, but are not limited to:
d. | As a condition of development permit issuance and prior to release of drawings for building permit review, the developer shall enter into an agreement to contribute funds in the amount of $75,000 to the North Millbourne Community League for an offsite amenity for enhancements to Michael’s Park, with specific details to be determined between the Owner and City Administration in consultation with the North Millbourne Community League. The funds shall be submitted to the City of Edmonton at the time of agreement execution. | ||||||||||||||
e. | Notwithstanding 8.d of this Provision, if at the time of the agreement execution, if enhancements to Michael’s Park have already been completed or are funded, the funds shall be used for an alternative off site public amenity with specific details to be determined between the Owner and City administration in consultation with the North Millbourne Community. |