DC2 903

North Glenora - located north of 109A Avenue and west of 139 Street NW

Bylaw 17395 (October 19, 2015)

To accommodate a Stacked Row Housing building with site specific development regulations, a site for religious assembly, and other community supportive services. 

This Provision shall apply to Lots 39 - 41, Block 11, Plan 3624HW; located north of 109A Avenue and west of 139 Street NW, North Glenora, as shown on Schedule A of this Bylaw, adopting this Provision.

This Provision establishes two sub areas identified in Appendix 1 and as follows:

Area A – Religious Assembly, Child Care Services, Community Recreation Services (1,049.62 sq. m).

Area B – Stacked Row Housing, including Row Housing with live/work provisions and Minor Home-Based Business opportunities (2,342.17 sq. m).

a. To create a neighbourhood centre, with spaces and opportunities to enhance social interaction and recreation.
b. To enliven the streets and promote walkability by designing residential and public buildings with active frontages, and multiple doorways and windows.
c. To provide places and facilities that support a mixed neighbourhood demographic for existing and future residents.
d. To contribute to a socially sustainable community by providing housing for a range of household types, physical abilities, ages, incomes and demographics.
e. To encourage alternatives to the automobile, the development will be walkable, conducive to cycling, and transit supportive by giving high planning priority to compact, human-scale and mixed land use.

4.1.         Within Area A

a. Child Care Services
b. Community Recreation Services
c. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
d. Religious Assembly
e. Fascia On-premises Signs
f. Freestanding On-premises Signs


4.2.        Within Area B

a. Live Work Units
b. Minor Home Based Business
c. Stacked Row Housing
d. Row Housing
e. Fascia On-premises Signs
f. Projecting On-premises Signs
g. Freestanding On-premises Signs, limited to project identification, building construction identification and real estate advertising signs of a limited duration
a. The Site layout and building envelopes shall be in general accordance with the Site Plan as illustrated on Appendix 1
b. The maximum number of Dwellings shall be 16.
c. The maximum Floor Area Ratio for the entire Site shall be 1.3.
d. The maximum Site coverage shall be 40% of the entire site, with a maximum of 28% for Site B and a maximum of 12% for Site A.
e. Within Area A, the maximum Height shall not exceed 12.0 m.
f. Within Area B, the maximum Height for residential development shall not exceed 14.0 m.
g. Setbacks shall be in general accordance with the Site plan shown on Appendix 1, and as follows:
  i. The Setback from 109 A Avenue shall be a minimum of 5.0 m;
  ii. The minimum Setback from 139 Street shall be 6.0 m reducing to 0 m at the south west corner of 139 Street;
  iii. The minimum Setback along 138 Street NW shall be 0.5 m;
  iv. The Setback at the intersection of 138 Street and 109 A Avenue shall be a minimum of 2.7 m.
h. The minimum Rear Setback shall be 7.5 m.
i. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per Dwelling shall be provided.
j. Signs shall comply with Schedule 59E.
k. The Development Officer shall permit additional Setbacks for architectural features such as recesses, entrance-ways, patios, or other features that add to the architectural interest of the building or to the pedestrian experience.


a. The elevations of the buildings shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer with all exterior finishing materials of durable and attractive appearance.
b. The Facades facing the public roadways other than Lanes, shall include architectural elements such as windows, recessed entries, building articulation, active frontages, and variable material colours to create an interesting streetscape.
c. Row Housing or Stacked Row Housing shall be developed to provide a visual break/articulation in the building Façade. The break shall be articulated by a combination of recesses, projections and change in building materials or colours.
d. All ground Storey Row or Stacked Row Housing Dwellings adjacent to a public roadway other than a Lane shall have a private exterior entrance that fronts onto the roadway. Sliding patio doors shall not serve as this entrance.
e. All exterior lighting of the Site shall be designed so that the light source is directed away from adjacent residences and both placement and illumination of lighting shall be configured in consideration of crime prevention principles and security of building entries. Lighting shall not interfere with the effectiveness of any traffic control devices.
f. Quality finishing materials for all of the development shall be used such as stone, masonry, fiber cement siding, cementitious panels, stucco, wood panel, metal and glass.
g. The use of vinyl as a finishing material shall not be permitted.
h. All building Facades shall use compatible and harmonious exterior finishing materials.
a. Vehicular access shall be from 139 Street or the abutting Lane, in general accordance with Appendix 1.
b. A minimum of 31 resident parking spaces shall be accessible from the private driveway or abutting Lane, in general accordance with Appendix 1, which includes 28 resident stalls and 3 visitor parking stalls.
c. A minimum of 6 parking spaces to serve Area A shall be accessible from the private driveway, in general accordance with Appendix 1.
d. Bicycle Parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 54.3 and located to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
e. A garbage and recycling collection area shall be located off the Lane, in general accordance with Appendix 1.
a. A stamped landscaping plan prepared by an Alberta Association of Landscape Architects member shall be submitted in accordance with Section 55.
b. Existing plant material shall be maintained where possible.
a. The Lane shall be paved to City commercial standards to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Transportation Services Department.


a. The development shall incorporate recycling facilities, water conservation strategies (including xeriscaping, native planting, low flow fixtures, and energy efficient appliances), energy efficient lighting, triple glazed windows and may incorporate photo voltaics and geothermal.


Bylaw attachments