DC2 88

Downtown - north of 100 Avenue and east of 107 Street

Bylaw 8270 (July 8, 1986)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate the existing hotel and parking structure and to allow for a mix of residential and residential related uses having development regulations which will enable future redevelopment to occur generally in accordance with the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan.

This DC5 District shall apply to Lots 51, 52, 53 and a portion of Lot 54, Block 6, Plan B, located north of 100 Avenue and east of 107 Street, Downtown, Hudson's Bay Reserve.

a. Hotels (including minor eating and drinking establishments, meeting rooms and personal service shops)
b. Apartment Housing
c. Apartment Hotels
d. Duplex Housing
e. Linked Housing
f. Row Housing
g. Semi-detached Housing
h. Single Detached Housing
i. Stacked Row Housing
j. Boarding and Lodging Houses
k. Foster Homes
l. Fraternity and Sorority Housing
m. Group Homes
n. Home Crafts
o. Offices-in-the Home
a. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 8.0.:1.
b. The maximum height shall not exceed that established by the Municipal Airport Protection Overlay, Section 810A of the Land Use Bylaw.
c. A minimum of 50% of at grade street frontage shall be developed for retail commercial purposes.
d. A minimum building setback line of (a) 2.5 m from the property line shall be provided on 107 Street and (b) 3.65 m on 100 Avenue, consistent with the existing building line.
e. A minimum Amenity Area of 4% of the non-residential gross floor area shall be provided and such Amenity Area shall be exempted from floor area calculations to a maximum of 10% of the gross floor area of the development.
f. Recreational facilities involving a user charge that are in addition to the minimum required Amenity Area shall be exempt from floor area calculations.
g. Detailed landscaping plans for both the interior and exterior amenities including non-standard sidewalks and parking areas, other than the parkade must be submitted to and approved by the Development Officer, in consultation with the Parks and Recreation Department, at the time of a development permit application. These landscaping plans are to include the following:
i. all existing planting and species including their common and botanical names, sizes of all new plantings and locations and planting installation specifications;
ii. all street furniture elements
iii. pavement type and pattern similar to that approved for the adjacent office commercial buildings or as deemed appropriate by the Development Officer.
iv. pedestrian lighting
v. details on the soil depth and any special provisions for plants to enable their natural growth;
h. Access to loading/unloading and vehicular parking shall be restricted to the abutting lane upon redevelopment of the site.
i. Expansion of the hotel or redevelopment of the site shall ensure that any new expansion or proposed development reflect the predominant architectural elements of the surrounding area.
j. The developer shall ensure that internal pedways to adjoining building that are necessary to provide access to the L.R.T. system shall conform to the standards and policies enunciated in the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan.
k. Development in this district shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Sections 59 through 79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw. In this evaluation, the Development Officer may grant relaxation to the regulations contained in Sections 59 through 79 inclusive and the provisions of this district if, in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this district and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.
l. The Development Officer upon receipt of any application for renovations to the existing structure may grant variances to the provisions of this Bylaw provided that there are no significant increases to the F.A.R. of the existing structure and provided that the function of the existing streetscape is not significantly altered.
m. Prior to the issuance of development permits for any signs, the developer shall submit for approval a sign criteria for building identification and the commercial signage to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

Bylaw attachments