DC2 768

McCauley - 9009 - 111 Avenue NW

Bylaw 15416 (May 25, 2010)

To accommodate a high quality four storey apartment building with commercial uses on the ground floor designed to provide an active pedestrian environment fronting onto 111 Avenue.

This provision shall apply to Lots 15 - 17, Block A, Plan 1573ET; 9009 - 111 Avenue NW, McCauley, as shown on Schedule ”A” of the Bylaw adopting this DC2 Provision.

a. Business Support Services
b. Commercial Schools
c. Convenience Retail Stores
d. Equipment Rentals, provided that all equipment and goods for rent are contained within and enclosed building
e. General Retail Stores
f. Household Repair Services
g. Personal Service Shops
h. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
i. Restaurants, for less than 200 occupants and 240 m² of Public Space
j. Specialty Food Services, for less than 100 occupants and 120 m² of Public Space
k. Fascia On-premises Signs
l. Projecting On-premises Signs
m. Temporary On-premises Signs
n. Apartment Housing
o. Child Care Services
p. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
q. Residential Sales Centres
a.The development shall be generally in accordance with the following regulations and the attached Appendices, to the satisfaction the Development Officer.
b.As per section 720.3(3) of the Zoning Bylaw, all regulations in the Zoning Bylaw shall apply to this Direct Control Provision unless specifically excluded or modified by the regulations contained herein.
c.The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 2.0
d.The maximum Building Height shall not exceed 15.5 m nor four Storeys.
e.The maximum number of dwelling units shall be 23.
f.The development shall include at least three barrier free units.
g.A minimum Landscaped Yard of 1.22 m shall be required where Site abuts a public roadway, other than a Lane and 111 Avenue.
h.A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5m2 per dwelling unit shall be provided, which may include private, common and public spaces on site, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
i.The applicant and/or owner shall provide proof satisfactory to the Development Officer in consultation with Alberta Environment, Alberta Health, and The City of Edmonton Transportation Department that, if necessary, the lands have been remediated to allow for the intended use. Upon issuance of the Development Permit, the Development Officer shall impose this requirement as a condition of approval. The Development Officer shall not physically release the development permit for the purposes of a building permit until this condition has been adequately satisfied.
a.The development shall provide vehicular parking in accordance with Schedule 1 of Section 54.2 of the Zoning Bylaw, with the reduction of up to six stalls from the requirements to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
b.Surface vehicular parking shall be at the rear of the building.
c.Vehicular access and egress shall be provided off the alley abutting the development.
d.Interior and Exterior bicycle parking located on the south side of the building shall be developed in accordance with Section 54.3 of the Zoning bylaw.
e.Loading, storage and garbage collection areas shall be concealed from view from adjacent sites and public roadways by a 1.83 metre wood fence, in accordance with the provisions of Section 55 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw.
f.Garbage enclosures shall be located entirely within private property and gates and/or doors of the enclosure shall not open into road right-of-way or encroach into road right-of-way.
a. Landscaping for the Site shall be in accordance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw and generally in accordance with Appendix 2, Landscape Concept Plan.
b. A detailed Landscape Plan for the Site, including all existing and proposed utilities within the road right-of-way must be submitted for review and approval by the City of Edmonton, prior to the approval of any Development Permit.
c. The Landscape Plan shall include pavement materials, sizes and species of new tree plantings; detailed and other landscaping elements as applicable.
d. Landscaping on the Site shall consider the use of plant materials that provide colour throughout the year to enhance the appearance of the development during cold weather months.
e. The detailed Landscape Plan shall include fencing and planting, to screen the surface parking area from 90th Street, to the satisfaction of the City of Edmonton.
a. Sign types permitted by this Direct Control Provision may be allowed in accordance with Schedule 59B and in accordance with the General Provisions of Section 59 of the Zoning Bylaw. Notwithstanding Schedule 59B, Temporary Signs shall be limited to project advertising and rental purposes only.
b. Notwithstanding 7(a), commercial fascia signage shall be limited to band along the north and east facades of the ground floor, in general accordance with Appendices 3 and 4, north and east elevations.
a. Commercial Uses shall have separate access at grade from Residential Uses.
b. Commercial uses shall be located on the ground floor only.
Architecture and Site Planning
a. The exterior of the building shall be finished with high quality materials that wrap around to provide a consistent profile, in general accordance with the attached Appendices and shall be finished with a combination of the following materials to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
i. The ground floor exterior shall be finished with clear storefront glazing, masonry, stone, pre-finished metal and/or painted metal;
ii. Floors two through four exterior shall be finished with vinyl windows, cementitous envelope materials excepting stucco, pre-finished metal, and/or painted metal.
b. Decorative and security lighting shall be designed and finished in a manner consistent with the design and finishing of the development and shall be provided to ensure a well-lit environment for pedestrians, and to highlight commercial tenancies at night time, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
c. Night-time pollution shall be reduced by avoiding over-illumination of the development and use low cut-off exterior lighting fixtures which direct light downward, not upward and outward to ensure illumination does not extend beyond the boundaries of the development site.
d. All mechanical equipment shall be screened from public view or be concealed by incorporating it within the roof envelope or by screening it in a way that is consistent with the character and finishing of the development in general accordance with Appendices 3 through 6, building elevations.
e. The street frontage on 111 Avenue shall incorporate overhead recessed weather protection at the commercial entrances on the north façade, wherever active commercial exists to create a comfortable environment for pedestrian, in general accordance with Appendices 3 and 4, north and east elevations.
f. The building shall incorporate well articulated façades and architectural treatments that establish the building as signature feature on the site and distinctive landmark for the surrounding areas in general accordance Appendices 3 through 6, building elevations.
a. Main building entrances for any Use shall be designed for universal accessibility as per the Barrier Free Design Guide published by the Safety Codes Council (Alberta) 1999, as amended.
b. The elevation of the sidewalks and store / building entrances shall generally be consistent.
c. The Commercial Entrances on the North side of the building shall be physically and visually separate, in general accordance with Appendix 3, north elevation.
Commercial Frontage
a. Active commercial frontages shall be developed in accordance with the Appendices 1, 3 and 4, the site plan and north and east elevations, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
i. The placement and type of ground floor windows shall allow viewing into the building to promote a positive pedestrian-oriented shopping street.
ii. At least 70% of ground floor commercial façades fronting 111 Avenue shall have clear glazing.
iii. Each ground floor commercial unit shall have a maximum frontage of 10 m on 111 Avenue.
Green Sustainable Practices and Targets
a. This project shall achieve the LEED Canada-NC 1.0 LEED Certified standard.  Demonstration of compliance at the development permit application stage shall be provided through letters by an accredited professional, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
Off-site Improvements to Serve the Development
a. Prior to the issuance of any development permit, the owner shall enter into an Agreement with the City of Edmonton for off-site improvements necessary to serve the development, including but are not limited to the following:
i. Removal of all existing accesses to 111 Avenue with the construction of the curb and gutter and restoration of the boulevard to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department and Asset Management & Public Works;
ii. Utilities within road right-of-way must be considered during construction. The owner/applicant shall be responsible for the relocation of all underground and above ground utilities and maintaining required clearances as specified by the utility companies. Any costs associated with relocations and/or removals shall be at the expense of the owner/applicant;
iii. Repair of any damage to the abutting roadways, sidewalks and/or boulevards resulting from construction of the development, to the satisfaction of the Transportation Department.

Bylaw attachments