DC2 695

Queen Mary Park - west of 109 Street, north of 105 Avenue

Bylaw 14597 (June 11, 2007)

To establish a district that will allow for conversion and redevelopment of obsolete industrial uses to commercial office and general business uses along a main street commercial format.

Lots 217 and 218, Block 9, Plan B4, located west of 109 Street, north of 105 Avenue, as shown on the sketch plan attached hereto as Schedule ”B” - Map, Queen Mary Park.

a.Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios
b.Business Support Services
c.Convenience Retail Stores
d.Daytime Child Care Services
e.General Retail Uses
f.Health Services
g.Indoor Participant Recreation Services
h.Limited Contractor Services
i.Minor Veterinary Clinics
j.Personal Service Shops
k.Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
l.Restaurants, for less than 200 occupants and 240 m2 of Public Space
m.Specialty Food Services, for less than 100 occupants and 120 m2 of Public Space
n.Warehouse sales
a.Notwithstanding Section. 720.3 (2) of the Zoning Bylaw, a Site Plan is not appended to this Provision. Future development shall be in accordance with the following regulations.
b.The maximum building height shall not exceed 23 m (75.45 ft) nor 6 storeys.
c.The maximum floor area ratio shall be 3.0.
d.A minimum yard with an average depth of not less than 3 m (9.8 ft.) shall be required where a site abuts a public roadway, other than a lane, except that no yard shall be required for the building in existence on the date of the enactment of this DC2 which abuts the property line. The yard may be reduced to 1.0 m (3.28 ft.) at the discretion of the Development Officer to reflect adjacent development designed as ”Main Street Commercial.”
e.In addition to the yard requirements in Clause (c) above, the Development Officer may require an additional setback for that portion of any development which exceeds 14 m (45.93 ft.) in height in order to protect the privacy of development in any adjacent residential zone. The Development Officer shall not require a total setback greater than the height of the building.
f.No parking, loading, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required yard. Loading, storage, and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from the view of adjacent sites and public roadways in accordance with the provisions of Section 54, 55.4, 55.5 and 57.2 of the Zoning Bylaw. If the rear or sides of a site are used for parking, an outdoor service or display area, or both, and abut a residential zone or a lane serving a residential zone, they shall be screened in accordance with the provisions of Section 54, 55.4, 55.5 and 57.2 of the Zoning Bylaw.
g.The maximum gross floor area for a Warehouse Sales establishment shall not exceed 1000 sq. m (10,764.2 sq. ft.) unless at least fifty percent of the gross floor area of the establishment is used for warehousing or storage of the goods sold or distributed from the establishment.
h.Signs shall be allowed in this provision as provided for in Schedule 59H, as applicable, and in accordance with the general provisions of Sections 59.1 to 59.3, inclusive, of the Zoning Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments