DC2 654

CPR West - located north of 65 Avenue, and west of Gateway Boulevard

Bylaw 13931 (March 7, 2005)

To accommodate a range of commercial uses and industrial business uses which carry out their operations such that no nuisance factor is created or apparent outside an enclosed building, and such that future users are protected from environmental contamination of this site.

A portion of Lot B, Descriptive Plan 992 3278, containing 3.54 ha and Block A, Plan 992 3358, located north of 65 Avenue, and west of Gateway Boulevard, CPR West, as shown on Schedule ”B” - Map of this Bylaw, adopting this Provision.

a. Auctioneering Establishments, provided that all goods and equipment to be auctioned are stored and displayed within an enclosed building
b. Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals
c. Bars and Neighbourhood Pubs
d. Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios
e. Business Support Services
f. Convenience Retail Stores
g. Convenience Vehicle Rentals
h. Drive-in Food Services
i. Equipment Rentals, provided that all equipment and goods for rent are contained within an enclosed building
j. Flea Markets
k. Gas Bars
l. General Industrial Uses, provided that all industrial businesses carry out their operations such that no nuisance factor is created or apparent outside an enclosed building and such that the use is compatible with any adjacent non-industrial uses
m. General Retail Stores
n. Greenhouses, Plant Nurseries and Market Gardens
o. Health Services
p. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
q. Limited Contractor Services
r. Major and Minor Alcohol Sales
s. Major and Minor Service Stations
t. Minor Amusement Establishments
u. Nightclubs
v. Personal Service Shops
w. Private Clubs
x. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
y. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
z. Restaurants
aa. Residential Sales Centre
bb. Residential Security Unit
cc. Veterinary Services
dd. Warehouse Sales
ee. Fascia On-premises Signs
ff. Freestanding On-premises Signs
gg. Projecting On-premises Signs
hh. Roof On-premises Signs
ii. Temporary On-premises Signs 
a. The site layout and location of buildings shall be generally in accordance with the Site Plan, as illustrated in Appendix 1
b. Any amendment to the Use Classes of this Provision will require a reevaluation of the risk assessment/management report for the site to the satisfaction of Alberta Environment and the Capital Health Authority, to ensure continued protection of future users from environmental contamination.
c. A development permit shall not be issued for any development on the Site until remediation of soil contamination identified in the risk management report, approved by Alberta Environment and the Capital Health Authority, or an agreement, on terms as required by the Development Officer, providing for the remediation of the entire Site to the satisfaction of Alberta Environment and the Capital Health Authority has been executed by the City of Edmonton and the owners of the Site.
d. Sealed asphalt paving or building foundations shall cover the area outlined in Appendix 2, at all times, for all uses, except for landscaped areas where clean soil to a minimum depth of 0.5 m shall be provided prior to any planting. If the landscaping is removed, the area shall be hard surfaced with sealed pavement. The sealed asphalt paving or foundations shall be maintained in reasonable condition and no activities which involve permanently removing the sealed pavement or foundations shall be allowed without a reevaluation of the risk assessment management report to be approved by Alberta Environment and the Capital Health Authority.
e. The maximum Floor Area Ratio shall be 0.55.
f. A minimum Yard of 4.5 m shall be required where any lot line of the site abuts Gateway Boulevard or 104 Street and 3.0 m shall be required where any lot line of a site abuts other public roadways, as illustrated in Appendix 3.
g. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with the Site Landscape Plan, as illustrated in Appendix 3.
h. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 13.5m.
i. Loading areas adjacent to Gateway Boulevard and 104 Street shall be provided in accordance with the Site Plan, as illustrated in Appendix 1.
j. Vehicular access to the site shall be provided in accordance with the Site Plan as illustrated in Appendix 1.
k. Signs shall be developed in accordance with Schedule 59E and Section 59 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw.
a.Gas Bars, Minor Service Stations, Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services and Drive-in Food Services shall be developed in accordance with Section 72 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments