DC2 644

Girard Industrial - south of 76 Avenue NW and west of Girard Road NW

Bylaw 13791 (August 25, 2004)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control Provision to accommodate the expansion of an existing Casino facility and associated uses with appropriate regulations to ensure a high standard of appearance and sufficient on-site parking appropriate to the site’s location in the Girard Industrial area.

This DC2 Provision shall apply to Lot 8, Block 2, Plan 9824945 and Lot 7, Block 2, Plan 9021542, Girard Industrial, as shown on Schedule "A" appended to the Bylaw adopting this Provision.

a.Casino and Other Gaming Establishments
b.Bars and Neighborhood Pubs, as part of and accessory to, a Casino and other gaming Establishment.
c.Restaurants, as part of and accessory to, a Casino and other Gaming Establishment
d.Spectator Entertainment Establishment, as part of and accessory to, a Casino and other Gaming Establishment
e.Fascia On-premises Signs
f.Freestanding On-premises Signs
g.Temporary On-premises Signs
a.All development shall be in accordance with the site plan and elevations contained in Appendix I.
b.The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 0.30 m.
c.The maximum building Height shall not exceed 10.5 m. An additional allowance of 2.5m shall be permitted to accommodate ventilation equipment or other similar features for a maximum total height of 13.0 m.
d.Minimum Landscaped Yards shall be provided as follows:
e.3.0 m for the west property line along Argyll Road
f.3.0 m for the north property line along 76 Avenue
g.6.0 m landscaped yard for the southern portion of the site adjacent to the existing building along Girard Road
h.No landscaped yard for the property line adjacent to the balance of Girard Road and for the property line to the southwest.
i.A detailed Landscaping plan for the entire site shall be submitted and approved by the development officer prior to the approval of a Development Permit. The quantity and location of landscaped islands, and general site landscaping, shown on Appendix I is for illustration purposes only. Landscaped islands and landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Sections 54.2.3.b and 55 of the Zoning Bylaw respectively. The Development Officer shall consider variances to the landscaping requirements in the Zoning Bylaw subject to the submission of a detailed site plan.
j.A 1.5 m sidewalk is required to be constructed on road right-of-way adjacent to the site along 76 Avenue. A transit pad is required on Girard Road, adjacent to the existing building. The owner of the Site shall enter into a Municipal Improvement Agreement with the City to construct the roadwork required to accommodate the development.
k.Vehicular access to the Site shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in consultation with the Transportation and Streets Department.
l.A minimum of 618 parking spaces shall be provided on site.
m.Curb-stops are required for all parking stalls located adjacent to Girard Road. The design and location of the curb-stops are subject to the approval of the Development Officer and the Transportation and Streets Department.
n.All parking areas shall be hardsurfaced and adhere to Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles. A CPTED assessment shall be reviewed and accepted by the Development Officer prior to the approval of a development permit being issued.
o.The existing landscaping feature (ferris wheel) is 12.8 metres in height and remains in the location specified on Appendix I.
p.All exterior finishing material must be of high quality, durable and attractive in appearance and are subject to the discretion of the Development Officer. All faces of the addition must be consistently treated and in keeping with the existing building;
q.All mechanical equipment, including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or shall be concealed by incorporating it within the building.
r.Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be incorporated into the east side of the building adjacent to Girard Road and screened from view from any adjacent sites and public roadways.
s.Bicycle parking shall be provided in accordance with Section 54.3 of the Zoning Bylaw.
t.Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59F.

Bylaw attachments