DC2 614

Belvedere - 6410 – 134 Avenue and 6205 – 135 Avenue

Bylaw 13411 (June 11, 2003)

To accommodate low and medium density housing uses, with site specific development regulations applied in a manner sensitive in scale and design to surrounding existing developments, while maintaining the character and pedestrian streetscape of this established neighbourhood.

Plan 2676 MC, Block 1, Lot 40 and Plan 798 MC, Block 1, Lot 39, located at 6410 – 134 Avenue and 6205 – 135 Avenue, as shown on Schedule A of this Bylaw adopting this provision, Belvedere.

a. Child Care Services
b. Minor Home Based Business
c. Residential Sales Centre
d. Single Detached Housing
e. Fascia On-premises Signs
a. The site layout and building locations shall be in accordance with the Site Plan as illustrated on Appendix I, except that the building shapes and locations may be altered by the Development Officer if such alteration is in compliance with the following development regulations and consistent with the purpose of this Provision.
b. The maximum number of dwellings shall be 28.
c. The minimum Site area shall be 300 m² for each Dwelling.
d. The minimum Site Width shall be 10 m for each Dwelling.
e. The minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m for each Dwelling.
f. The maximum Height shall not exceed 8.6 m nor 2 Storeys.
g. The following minimum Yards shall be provided for each Site:
i. the minimum Front Yard abutting 65 Street and 62 Street shall be 4.5 m;
ii. the minimum Side Yard shall be 1.2 m; and
iii. the minimum Side Yard abutting a public roadway other than a Lane shall be 20% of the Site Width or 2.4 m, whichever is greater.
h. The Rear Yard for each Dwelling shall be based on a consideration of the requirements of (i) to (l) and in no case shall be less than 4.0 m.
i. The maximum total Site Coverage shall not exceed 47% with a maximum of 35% for a principal building, and a maximum Site Coverage of 17% for Accessory buildings.
j. Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with Section 48 of this Bylaw, except that Separation Space shall not be required between Dwellings where a minimum Side Yard of 1.2 m has been provided on the abutting Site.
k. A minimum Private Outdoor Amenity Area of 30 m² per Dwelling shall be located immediately to the rear of the Dwelling. Neither the width nor length of the Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be less than 4.0 m. This Amenity Area may be located within a required Yard, other than a Front Yard. This Private Outdoor Amenity Area shall be permanently retained as open space, unencumbered by an Accessory Building or future additions.
l. Parking shall be provided at the rear of each Dwelling with access from the private lane. The distance from the Rear Lot Line to a detached Garage where the vehicle doors face the lane shall be 1.2 m.
m. Site Plans must show Setbacks, Dwelling entrances and orientation, massing, roof lines, the location and elevational treatment of wall openings, building façades, and finishing materials for all developments. Dwellings shall display individuality and variety of building design in terms of Setbacks, entrances, elevations and finishing materials.
n. Individual Development Permit applications shall be evaluated in terms of compatibility with existing structures on the block face, taking into account proposed development Setbacks, Dwelling entrances and orientation, massing, roof lines, the location of windows and other openings in walls and elevational treatment of wall openings, building façades, and finishing materials.
o. Buildings on corner sites shall have similar architectural treatments to both front and flanking elevations.
p. Each Dwelling shall have an entrance door or entrance feature such as a front porch, deck or landing area, at the front of the structure and oriented to the roadway.
q. Each Site must be serviced by both a public roadway and a private Lane.
r. Landscaping shall be provided in yards adjacent to public roadways, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, in accordance with the following:
i. one deciduous tree, one coniferous tree and four shrubs shall be required for each Dwelling;
ii. one deciduous tree and two shrubs shall be required on each flanking yard abutting 134 and 135 Avenues; the required Site Plan shall also identify the proposed Landscaping and screening for any required private yard area, which is not provided with external access from a Lane, Side Yard or passageway through a Garage; and
iii. all required Landscaping shall be consistent with the relevant requirements of subsection 55.4.
s. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59A.
a. Child Care Services
b. Minor Home Based Business
c. Residential Sales Centre
d. Semi-Detached Dwellings
e. Fascia On-premises Signs
a. The site layout and building locations shall be in accordance with the Site Plan as illustrated on Appendix I, except that the building shapes and locations may be altered by the Development Officer if such alteration is in compliance with the following development regulations and consistent with the purpose of this Provision.
b. The maximum number of Dwellings shall be 40.
c. The minimum Site area shall be 225 m² for each Semi-detached Dwelling.
d. The minimum Site Width shall be 7.5 m for each Semi-detached Dwelling.
e. The minimum Site depth shall be 30.0 m.
f. The maximum Height shall not exceed 8.6 m nor 2 storeys.
g. The minimum Front Yard shall be 5.5 m.
h. The minimum Rear Yard shall be 7.5 m.
i. The minimum Side Yard shall be 1.2 m.
j. The maximum total Site Coverage for the principal building with front attached garage shall be 38%.
k. Vehicular access and egress to each Dwelling shall be from the private road.
l. Each Dwelling shall have a front attached Garage not exceeding 60% of the width of the principal building.
m. Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with Section 48 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw.
n. Landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw.
o. Development in this Provision shall be in accordance with the following architectural guidelines:
i. the roof line of buildings shall consist of sloped roofs of varying pitches and may include gable-ends, dormers or steeples, and be finished in a variety of complementary materials;
ii. the use of exterior wall finish materials for all Dwellings shall be high quality and with harmonious materials and colours;
iii. all exposed sides of the buildings and the roofs shall be finished in a consistent harmonious manner; and
iv. Dwellings on corner sites shall have flanking side treatments similar to the front elevation;
p. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59A of the Zoning Bylaw.
a. Apartment Housing
b. Boarding and Lodging Houses
c. Minor Home Based Business
d. Residential Sales Centre
e. Freestanding On-premises Signs
f. Projecting On-premises Signs
g. Temporary On-premises Signs
a. The site layout and building locations shall be in accordance with the Site Plan as illustrated on Appendix I, except that the building shapes and locations may be altered by the Development Officer if such alteration is in compliance with the following development regulations and consistent with the purpose of this Provision.
b. The maximum number of Dwellings shall be 234 and the maximum Floor Area Ratio shall not exceed 1.5.
c. The maximum building Height shall not exceed four storeys nor 14 m, except where located adjacent to 134 Avenue and 135 Avenue, where the maximum building Height shall not exceed 2 storeys nor 8.6 m adjacent to the public roadway, with 3 storeys nor 11.5 m towards the interior of the site. Loft space may be developed within the roofline of the building provided it is incorporated within the Dwelling on the top storey and is less than 50% of the floor plates of the Dwelling below.
d. A minimum building Setback and Landscaped Yard of 7.5 m shall be provided along the north, south, east and west boundaries of Area C.
e. Landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Section 55 of the Zoning Bylaw.
f. Vehicular access and egress shall be provided to 134 Avenue and 135 Avenue as shown on Appendix I.
g. Parking requirements shall be as specified in Section 54 of the Zoning Bylaw, with residential vehicular parking provided both underground and at grade and visitor parking at grade. Notwithstanding clause (d) above and the parking design shown on Appendix I, one single row of surface parking accessed from the private lane may be provided on the east side of the eastern building in Area C as illustrated in Appendix II of this Bylaw. This row of parking must be separated from the building by a 7.5 m landscaped Yard and include the provision of landscaped islands every 10 stalls measuring a minimum of 1.3 m in width x 5.5 m in length.
h. Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with Section 48 of the Edmonton Zoning Bylaw.
i. A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m² per Dwelling shall be provided.
j. Outdoor parking, loading, trash collection and service areas shall be located, constructed and screened from the adjacent residential sites to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
k. Development in this Provision shall be in accordance with the following architectural guidelines:
i. All mechanical equipment, including rooftop mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building or shall be concealed by incorporating it within the building roof;
ii. The roofline and building façade shall include design elements that reduce the perceived mass of the building and add architectural interest;
iii. The exterior wall finishing materials shall be predominantly composed of muted colours, with strong colours limited to use as an accent, so as to minimize the perceived mass of the building; and
iv. Landscaping adjacent to exterior walls visible from 134 Avenue and 135 Avenue shall be used to minimize the perceived mass of the building and to create visual interest.
l. Signs shall comply with the regulations found in Schedule 59B of the Zoning Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments