DC2 609

Glenwood - south of 100 Avenue between 168 Street and 170 Street

Bylaw 13277 (April 9, 2003)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control Provision to accommodate general business and office uses in accordance with the 100 Avenue Planning Study, with site development regulations that will ensure compatibility with adjacent land uses and the function of existing roadways adjacent to the site.

This provision shall apply to a portion of Lot 12, Block 10, Plan 902 0257, Lot 9A, Block 10, Plan 942 0932 Lot 11A, Block 10, Plan 952 4440; located south of 100 Avenue between 168 Street and 170 Street, Glenwood, as shown on Schedule D Map of this Bylaw, adopting this provision.

a.Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
b.Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios
c.Business Support Services
d.Commercial Schools
e.Convenience Retail Stores
f.Convenience Vehicle Rentals
g.Custom Manufacturing
h.Drive-In Food Services
i.Equipment Rentals, provided that all equipment and goods for rent are contained within an enclosed building.
j.Gas Bars
k.General Retail Stores
l.Health Services
m.Household Repair Services
n.Indoor Participant Recreation Services
o.Major and Minor Alcohol Sales
p.Major and Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments
q.Minor Amusement Establishments
r.Minor Service Stations
s.Minor Veterinary Services
u.Personal Service Shops
v.Private Clubs
w.Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
x.Rapid Drive-Through Vehicle Services
y.Minor and Major Second Hand Stores
z.Warehouse Sales, up to a maximum Gross Floor Area of 2,500 m2

Notwithstanding Section. 720.3 (2) of the Zoning Bylaw, no Site Plan is appended to this Provision.

The following regulations shall apply to all uses:

a. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 1.0, except that the maximum floor area ratio for Professional, Financial and Office Support Services shall be 1.5.
b. The maximum building height shall not exceed 10 m or two storeys, except the maximum height for Professional, Financial, and Office Support Services shall not exceed three storeys or 12 m.
c. A minimum building setback of 14 m shall be provided from the property line adjacent to 170 Street and the property line adjacent to 100 Avenue. For developments which are less than 1,000 m2 in gross floor area and less than 6 m in height, these building setbacks may be reduced to the minimum yard requirements of Clauses (d) and (e) below at the discretion of the Development Officer where, in his opinion, the provision of landscaping, building facade treatment, the colour of finishing materials or other design features will minimize the perception of massing and create a high standard of building appearance.
d. A landscaped yard a minimum of 6.0 m in depth shall be provided adjacent to 170 Street. This yard shall contain a berm of an average height of 1.0 m and be planted with a minimum of four deciduous trees (8.0 cm in caliper), four coniferous trees (3 m in height) and 20 shrubs, all for each 35 m of frontage. The plant material shall be grouped into modules not exceeding 25 m in length.
e. A landscaped yard a minimum of 4.5 m in depth shall be provided adjacent to 100 Avenue. This yard shall contain a berm of an average height of 1.0 m and planting of three deciduous trees (8.0 cm in caliper), two coniferous trees (3 m in height) and ten shrubs, all for each 35 m of frontage. The plant material shall be grouped into modules not exceeding 25 m in length.
f. A minimum building setback of 6 m shall be provided adjacent to the rear property lines of all lots backing on to the storm water facility and the adjacent park.
g. A landscaped yard a minimum of 10 m in depth shall be provided adjacent to the south property line of this area. This landscaped yard shall contain a 1.5 m high berm, the planting of mature deciduous and coniferous trees at a maximum spacing of 5 m, and dense planting of shrubs, all to provide a continuous landscape screen along the apex of the berm.
h. A solid cedar screen fence a minimum of 1.8 m in height shall be located adjacent to the rear property lines of all lots backing onto the storm water facility and the park.
i. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service, or display area shall be permitted within a required yard. Loading, storage, and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent sites or public roadways.
j. A minimum building setback of 5 m shall be required along the eastern boundary of this area, and also from any interior lot line for any developments which occupy a single lot or any developments which occupy multiple lots and terminate adjacent to an interior lot line.
k. The Development Officer shall ensure that any buildings which provide for multiple business occupancy are designed:
i. such that businesses which occupy space at the ground floor level have individual and direct exterior access to grade;
ii. such that there is no enclosed corridor or passageway available for public use that provides for interior connection between the businesses; and

so as to preclude an arrangement of buildings or structures which would constitute an enclosed and climate controlled mall.

The above regulations shall not apply to buildings used exclusively for Professional, Financial, and Office Support Services or, in the case of a mixed office/commercial building, preclude the development of a ground floor lobby area intended to provide access to office development located above the ground floor. Access may be provided to ground floor businesses adjacent to such a lobby, provided that the businesses also have exterior access to grade.

l. Development in this Provision shall comply with the following architectural guidelines:
i. All exterior finishing materials must be of good quality, durable and attractive in appearance with consistent treatment on all faces of a building. No painted and/or scored concrete block construction will be permitted on any building facade.
ii. A harmonious and common architectural and landscaping theme shall be created for all developments on the individual lots within this District, through the exterior treatment of buildings (i.e., materials, colours and building designs) and through the use of landscaping techniques and planting materials.
iii. Any business premise or multiple occupancy building having a ground floor area greater than 2,500 m2 shall comply with the following design guidelines to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
A. the roof-line and building facade shall include design elements and variations that reduce the perceived mass of the building and add architectural interest;
B. the exterior wall finishing materials shall be predominantly comprised of light earth tone or muted colours, and consist of brick, pre-cast concrete, textured concrete, stone, glazing or stucco, with pre-finished metal or wood limited to use as an accent;
C. the finishing treatment of exterior walls shall be consistent on all building faces; and

the provision of landscaping to minimize the perceived mass of the building and create visual interest.

The Development Officer may also require that such developments have a building setback greater than the requirements of Clause 4.0(c), to minimize perceived massing of the development when viewed from adjacent public roadways.

m. Signs shall comply with the Regulations found in Schedule 59E of the Zoning Bylaw.
a. The siting, access, and traffic impact of the following developments shall be to the satisfaction of the General Manager of the Transportation and Streets Department, who shall ensure that such developments do not prejudice the safety and transportation function of the adjacent public roadways:
i. Drive-In Food Services;
ii. General Retail Stores;
iii. Major Eating and Drinking Establishments;
iv. Private Clubs;
v. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services;
vi. Rapid Drive-Through Vehicle Services; and
vii. Warehouse Sales.
b. The Development Officer, based upon the advice of the General Manager of the Transportation and Streets Department, may, as a condition of approval limit the gross floor area or seating capacity for any of the above-noted uses and require that the developer enter into an agreement to pay for the costs of additional roadway improvements to provide access to the development.
c. The following regulations shall apply to Convenience Vehicle Rental developments:
i. the size, location, screening and landscaping of the outdoor vehicular display areas for Convenience Vehicle Rentals shall be subject to the approval of the Development Officer, who shall ensure that development of the site is compatible with the appearance or site design of surrounding development;
ii. all storage, display or parking areas shall be hard-surfaced in accordance with Section 54.6 of the Zoning Bylaw; and
iii. lighting for the display areas shall be mounted on lamp standards and no exposed bulbs or strings of lights shall be used.
d. The minimum gross floor area for a Warehouse Sales Establishment shall not be less than 1,000 m2 unless at least fifty percent of the gross floor area of the establishment is used for warehousing or storage of the goods sold or distributed from the establishment.
e. Gas Bars, Minor Service Stations, Rapid Drive-Through Vehicle Services, Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops and Drive-In Food Services shall be located a minimum of 24 m from the south property line adjacent to the lanes abutting the RF1 lands. The overhead doors for the above noted uses shall not be oriented towards the single family lands south of the lanes.

Bylaw attachments