DC2 562

Huff Bremner - 11110 - 142 Street NW

Bylaw 12423 (May 30, 2001)


To establish a District for businesses which require large sites and a location with good visibility and accessibility along, or adjacent to, major public roadways.

This area shall apply to Lot 1A, Block 1, Plan 002 2918 located at 11110 - 142 St, as shown on Schedule "A" of the Bylaw adopting this DC2 District, Huff Bremner

a.Alcohol Sales, Minor
b.Animal Hospitals and Shelters
c.Auctioneering Establishments
d.Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
e.Automotive/Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals
f.Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios
g.Business Support Services
i.Child Care Services
j.Commercial Schools
k.Convenience Vehicle Rentals
l.Cremation and Interment Services
m.Custom Manufacturing
n.Drive-in Food Services
o.Equipment Rentals
p.Flea Markets
q.Fleet Services
r.Funeral Services
s.Gas Bars
t.General Retail Stores
u.Government Services
v.Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries
w.Health Services
y.Household Repair Services
z.Indoor Participant Recreation Services
aa. Limited Contractor Services
bb. Major and Minor Amusement Establishments
cc. Major Eating and Drinking Establishments
dd. Major Secondhand Stores
ee. Major Service Stations
ff.Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments
gg.Minor Secondhand Stores
hh. Minor Service Stations
ii.Minor Veterinary Services
jj.Mobile Catering Food Services
ll.Non-accessory Parking
mm.Outdoor Amusement Establishments
nn.Personal Service Shops
oo.Private Clubs
pp.Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
qq.Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
rr.Recycled Materials Drop-off Centres
ss.Recycling Depots
tt.Residential Sales Centres
uu.Spectator Entertainment Establishments
vv.Spectator Sports Establishments
ww.Truck and Mobile Home Sales/Rentals
xx.Warehouse Sales
a.Development in this District shall comply with the provisions of Sections 340.4 and 340.5 of the Land Use Bylaw.
b.A development permit shall not be issued for any development on the site until the site has been shown to be suitable for the full range of allowable uses from a contamination perspective, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with Alberta Environmental Protection and the Capital City Health Authority.

Bylaw attachments