DC2 560

Mill Woods Town Centre - east of Hewes Way NW and south of 25 Avenue NW

Bylaw 12572 (May 30, 2001)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate low rise apartment housing and to establish site development regulations which will ensure both compatibility with surrounding land uses and a high quality of appearance that will ensure compliance with the Mill Woods Town Centre Area Structure Plan, as amended.

This DC2 District shall apply to Lot 2, Block 8, Plan 932 2232 and Lot 3A, Block 8, Plan 002 0952, Mill Woods Town Centre, as shown on Schedule "B" Map of the Bylaw adopting this DC2 District.

a.Low Rise Apartment Housing
b.Minor Home Occupation
c.Residential Sales Centre
a.All development in this District shall comply with the requirements of Section 210.4 and 210.5 of the Land Use Bylaw, unless otherwise amended in this District and in general accordance with the tentative site plans attached to this District as shown on Appendices I, II and III.
b.The maximum number of dwelling units shall be 202 units.
c.The maximum building height shall not exceed 11.0 m to the eaves, 14.75 m to the top of roof and 16.0 m to the top of chimneys, nor 4 storeys in accordance to Appendix II attached to this District
d.Landscaped Yards shall be provided in accordance to Appendices I and III attached to this District.
e.Landscaped Yards required under Clause 4(e) shall be landscaped with one mature evergreen tree a minimum of 2.5 m in height, one mature deciduous tree a minimum of 8 cm caliper, and five shrubs for each 46 m2 of required yard.
f.A 1.83 m high solid screen fence shall be provided in accordance to Appendix I attached to this District.
g.The major vehicular and pedestrian entrance points to the site shall be accentuated by means of landscaping, signage, lighting and other urban design techniques
h.Minimum vehicular parking requirement shall be 1 parking space per bed-sitting room Dwelling, 1 parking space per 1 bedroom Dwelling, 1.5 parking spaces per 2 bedroom Dwelling and 1.75 parking spaces per 3 bedroom Dwelling or larger. Of the total number required, 1 guest vehicular parking space per every 7 Dwellings must be readily available at grade to an entrance of the building to be served, and must be clearly identified as guest parking. Visitor Parking shall be integrated with the design of the landscaping to minimize its visibility and overall impact on the development through the use of landscaped berms, landscaped central islands, and 1.8 m high privacy fencing, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer
i.Resident parking shall be underground.
j.An open terrace or patio may be allowed to project into a yard or separation space, if such terrace or patio is unenclosed except by a guard rail or parapet wall not exceeding a maximum height of 1.2 m. No terrace or patio shall project into any required yard more than 2.0 m.
k.The roof of any building shall consist of cedar shakes, clay tiles, asphalt shingles or materials having a similar character unless hidden from view by a parapet wall, when viewed from normal standing eye level at grade.
l.Signs shall be allowed in this District as provided for in accordance with Schedule 79B and in accordance with the general provisions of Section 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments