DC2 554

Lauderdale - northeast corner of 101 Street and 130 Avenue

Bylaw 12516 (March 14, 2001)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate an office support service use and semi-detached housing, and to establish sensitive site development criteria to ensure that this development will be compatible with the surrounding low density residential land uses.

This DC2 District will apply to Lots 26 and 27, Block 10, Plan 618KS; located on the northeast corner of 101 Street and 130 Avenue, Lauderdale, as shown on Schedule "A" annexed to the Bylaw adopting this DC2 District.

a.Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
b.Semi-detached Housing
a. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 0.60.
b. The maximum building height shall not exceed 10 m nor 2 1/2 stories.
c. The general site layout and building location shall be substantially in accordance with the site plan as illustrated in Appendix I.
d. Development of the Uses Listed shall be in accordance with the following criteria:
i. The maximum number of dwelling units shall not exceed 6 units
ii. The gross floor area for office space shall not exceed 325 m2. Such premises shall be oriented so that the primary business exposure is towards 130 Avenue
e. Landscaping, fencing, and hardsurfacing of the parking area shall be completed with the first phase of development on the site.
f. Vehicular access shall be allowed to the site from only 101 Street and from the north/south lane located to the east of the site. Vehicular access from 101 Street shall be limited to two 7.5 m accesses.
g. A landscaped yard, a minimum of 2 m in width shall be provided adjacent to the north boundary of the site, together with a 1.8 m high cedar fence to be located on the property line. The fence shall not encroach into the 4.5 m yard provided adjacent to 101 Street.
h. Development in this District shall comply generally with the drawing in Appendix II and Appendix III, along with the following architectural guidelines:
i. The perceived massing of the buildings when viewed from adjacent residential areas shall be minimized through the use of building setbacks, the articulation of the dwellings and building façade and roof lines, the use of shrubbery and other landscaping against building walls, and the choice and colour of finishing materials.
ii. The exterior finishing materials shall be durable, attractive and limited to brick and stucco of a residential scale and character and restricted to neutral
iii. muted earth tones, with brighter colours reserved for accents and feature elements compatible with the adjacent residential neighbourhood. Consistent treatment must be maintained on all faces of the dwelling units and the building
iv. The Development Officer may require that all development on the site be constructed using a specified, consistent architectural theme, which may include, but is not limited to, elements such as sloped roofs, specific roofing materials, roof and parapet details, exterior finishing materials and colours, and window and door dimensions and placement. The Development Officer may require architectural consistency where in the Development Officer’s opinion, there is a defensible basis for such a requirement, including but not limited to a municipally approved planning policy, defined architectural context or an established historical context.
v. All mechanical equipment on the roof of the building shall be completely screened, hidden or incorporated in the building roof so that it is not visible from at-grade view, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
i.A minimum number of six parking stalls shall be provided on site for the Office Development as shown on the Site Plan.
j.Exterior lighting of the entire site shall be provided and designed so that the lighting is directed away from the adjacent low-density residential development in the area and the intensity of illuminations shall not extend beyond the boundaries of the site and be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
k.To ensure that a high standard of appearance and a sensitive transition to the surrounding land uses are achieved, a Final Landscaping Plan which ensures a high standard of appearance and a sensitive transition to the surrounding land uses shall be submitted with the initial development permit application for approval by the Development Officer.
l.Signage on the site shall be limited to one freestanding sign and one fascia sign. The freestanding sign shall be located in the southeasterly portion of the site adjacent to 130 Avenue and shall not exceed a vertical height of 2m and an area of 1.5 m2. The fascia sign shall provide for business identification only and shall be located on the southern and eastern face of the building and shall not exceed a maximum length of 7.5 m.


Bylaw attachments