DC2 539

Kinokamau Plains - located immediately west of 170 Street and north of Yellowhead Trail

Bylaw 12388 (August 22, 2000)

To establish a District to accommodate the development of natural resource extraction as an interim use and the redevelopment of the clay pits with business industrial uses

This DC5 District shall apply to portions of Lot A and B, Plan 892 1403, located immediately west of 170 Street and north of Yellowhead Trail, Kinokamau Plains, as shown on Schedule "B"- Map of this bylaw, adopting this district.

a. Auctioneering Establishments, provided that all goods and equipment to be auctioned are stored and displayed within an enclosed building,
b. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
c. Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals
d. Business Support Services
e. Equipment Rentals, provided that all equipment and goods for rent are contained within an enclosed building
f. Farms
g. Fleet Services
h. Gas Bars
i. General Industrial Uses
j. Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries
k. Industrial Vehicle and Equipment Sales/Rentals
l. Limited Contractor Services
m. Minor and Major Service Stations
n. Natural Resource Development
o. Professional Financial and Office Support Services
p. Residential Security Unit
a. All development in this District shall comply with the requirements of sections 410.4 and 410.5 of the Land Use Bylaw pertaining to the Industrial Business District except as amended by this District;
b. Section 79H - Sign Schedule for Land Use Districts shall apply to development within this district.
c. An overall site reclamation plan shall be submitted to, and approved by, the Development Officer and affected Provincial Authorities having regulatory jurisdiction prior to decommissioning of the site.
d. All development shall comply with the Performance Standards for Industrial Development and the IB District under Section 73 of the Land Use Bylaw, with regard to emission of air and water contaminants, noise, fire and explosion hazards, and appearance.

Bylaw attachments