DC2 537

Parson’s Industrial - south side of 34th Avenue between Calgary Trail North and 99th Street

Bylaw 12351 (August 21, 2000)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District for Casinos and Other Gaming Establishments in addition to the uses and regulations provided for in the IB (Industrial Business) District. The additional Site Specific Development Control regulations for Casinos and Gaming Establishments will ensure compatibility with surrounding land uses and ensure a high standard of appearance appropriate to the site's location adjacent to a major arterial street.

This district shall apply to Lot 45, Block 2, Plan 962 1228 located on the south side of 34th Avenue between Calgary Trail North and 99th Street, Parson’s Industrial, as shown on Schedule "A" of this bylaw, adopting this district.

a.Alcohol Sales, Major
b.Alcohol Sales, Minor
c.Auctioneering Establishments, provided that all goods and equipment to be auctioned are stored and displayed within an enclosed building
d.Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
e.Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals
f.Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios
g.Business Support Services
h.Casino and Other Gaming Establishments
i.Commercial Schools
j.Convenience Retail Stores
k.Convenience Vehicle Rentals
l.Drive-in Food Services
m.Equipment Rentals, provided that all equipment and goods for rent are contained within an enclosed building
n.Flea Markets
o.Fleet Services
p.Gas Bars
q.General Industrial Uses
r.Health Services
s.Indoor Participant Recreation Services
t.Limited Contractor Services
u.Minor Amusement Establishments
v.Minor and Major Eating and Drinking Establishments
w.Minor and Major Service Station
x.Minor Veterinary Services
y.Mobile Catering Food Services
z.Outdoor Participant Recreation Services
aa.Personal Service Shops
bb.Private Clubs
cc.Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
dd.Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
ee.Recycled Materials Drop-off Centres
ff.Recycling Depots
gg.Residential Security Unit
hh.Warehouse Sales
a. Development in this District shall comply with Sections 410.4 and 410.5 excepting Sections 410.5 (5) and 410.5 (9) of the Land Use Bylaw and except as noted under Section 4(b) herein.
b. The following regulations shall apply to uses on the site.
i. If Casino and Other Gaming Establishment uses are developed on this site, the combined total occupant load for all uses on the site shall be 750 people or 1.933 people per on-site parking stall, whichever is less. The approved occupant load shall be posted in a visible public space in the building and, in any event, no less than a 10 inch by 24 inch occupant load sign shall be posted in the main lobby/vestibule of the main casino entrance.
ii. The minimum number of parking stalls required for Casino and Other Gaming Establishment uses shall be set using a ratio of 1 parking stall per 1.933 occupants.
iii. Landscaping shall be in accordance with Section 69 of the Land Use Bylaw. The requirement for trees and shrubs as outlined under Section 69.4(7) shall be amended so that 1 tree for every 20.0 square meters and 1 shrub for every 10.0 square meters shall be provided to all landscaped areas of the development.
iv. Appropriate lighting shall be undertaken to provide security to the public and to add visual interest.
v. The development shall be fenced with a minimum 1.3 m high barrier to abutting private property, save and except where access easement to abutting property prohibits said barrier.
vi. Signs shall be allowed in this district as provided for in Schedule 79H and in accordance with the general provisions of Sections 79.1 and 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw. However, notwithstanding Schedule 79H, the maximum area of a freestanding sign shall be 288 square feet. Animated graphics and running lights shall be allowed on fascia, canopy and projecting business identification signs for Casino and other gaming establishments. The Development Officer may require the preparation of a Comprehensive Signage Plan prior to issuance of a Development Permit.

Bylaw attachments