DC2 527

Silver Berry - southeast corner of 34 Street and the proposed 28A Avenue

Bylaw 12255 (April 3, 2000)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate the development of a religious assembly and its accessory uses and housing for senior citizens and to establish sensitive site development regulations that will ensure compatibility with surrounding land uses.

This DC5 District shall apply to a portion of the S 1/2 of Section 6-52-23-W4M, located on the southeast corner of 34 Street and the proposed 28A Avenue, as shown on Schedule "C" - Map, Silver Berry.

a.Apartment Housing
b.Boarding and Lodging Houses for Senior Citizens
c.Community Recreation Services
d.Daytime Child Care Services
e.Private Education Services
f.Public Education Services
g.Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
h.Religious Assembly
a.The Use Classes listed in Section 3 above shall be developed in relation to the Religious Assembly.
b.A comprehensive site plan shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. The comprehensive site plan shall be provided so as to achieve a harmonious transition between the Religious Assembly and housing for senior citizens, particularly in areas such as separation spaces, yards, landscaping, parking areas and on-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation systems.
c.All development in this District shall comply with the requirements of Sections 210.4 of the Land Use Bylaw
d.The maximum density shall be 125 dwellings/ha (50.6 dwelling/acre).
e.The maximum building height for religious assembly shall be 12.0 m.
f.The maximum height shall not exceed 14.0 m nor 4 storeys for residential development
g.The maximum floor area ratio shall be 1.0.
h.The yard adjacent to a street shall be 6.0 m
i.A minimum yard on the east to south boundaries of the site adjacent to residential development shall be 30.0 m for apartment housing or 20.0 m for all other uses.
j.Separation Space for residential uses shall be provided in accordance with Section 58 of the Land Use Bylaw.
k.A uniform screen fence of 1.83 m (6.0 ft.) in height shall be constructed on the east and south boundaries of the site.
l.A minimum Amenity Area of 7.5 m2 per dwelling shall be provided.
m.Traffic analysis and site plan shall be submitted for any roadway access on 28A Avenue and 34 Street to the site to the satisfaction of Transportation and Streets Department and the Development Officer.
n.A Parking Study for Religious Assembly shall be submitted to the satisfaction of the Transportation and Streets Department and the Development Officer
o.Notwithstanding Clause (1) of Section 210.4 of the Land Use Bylaw, Housing for Senior Citizens shall be developed in accordance with Section 87 of the Land Use Bylaw.
p.Notwithstanding the minimum site area and minimum site width provisions of Section 210.4 of the Land Use Bylaw, Religious Assembly shall be developed in accordance with Section 81 of the Land Use Bylaw
q.Daytime Child Care Services shall be developed in accordance with Section 93 of the Land Use Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments