DC2 524

Rural South West - west of 156 Street and south of Ellerslie Road

Bylaw 12241 (March 14, 2000)


To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate an outdoor oil field equipment museum and associated private club with site specific development regulations that will ensure compatibility with adjacent agricultural and residential development

The DC5 district shall apply to Block B, Plan 4781 RS located west of 156 Street and south of Ellerslie Road, Rural South West, as shown on Schedule "A" attached to this bylaw.

a.Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
b.Private Park
c.Residential Security Unit
d.Minor and Major Home Occupations
e.Private Club
a. A minimum yard of 6 m (19.6 ft.) shall be required where any lot line of a site abuts a public roadway.
b. A minimum yard of 15 m (49.2 ft.) shall be required where any lot line abuts an adjoining parcel.
c. The maximum building height of the Private Club (Fin Lineham Pavilion) shall be limited to 10m (32.8 ft.) with a maximum floor area of 1210 m2 (13,000 sq. ft.) and a maximum occupancy load of 820 persons.
d. The maximum height of a Residential Security Unit shall not exceed 10 m (32.8 ft.) nor 2 ½ storeys.
e. The maximum height of oil field exhibits shall be at the discretion of the Development Officer having regard to the visual impact on adjoining properties.
f. Residential Security Unit shall be limited to one residential unit on the site.
g. The maximum total site coverage of a Residential Security Unit, including both the principle building and accessory buildings, shall not exceed 375 m2 (4036.59 sq. ft.).
h. Parking shall be provided in accordance with a Parking Demand Study, having regard for environmental impacts, river bank stability and creek water quality, submitted to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
i. Signs shall be developed in accordance with Section 79A of the Land Use Bylaw
j. Lighting of the site shall be developed in accordance with Section 62 of the Land Use Bylaw.
k. All development proposals may be required to submit an environmental impact assessment as determined by the Development Officer. The assessment shall provide the following information:
i. the adverse and beneficial impacts of the development on the natural environment:
A. in terms of changes in air and water quality anticipated when designed capacity of the development is reached;
B. in terms of changes with respect to increase or decrease in bank stability; and
C. in terms of changes in wild life, historical, scenic or geological features which occur as a result of the proposed development;
ii. the adverse and beneficial impacts which may occur as a result of:
A. increased traffic on approach roads, trails and adjoining park facilities; and
B. the number of persons likely to be attracted to the proposed use or development; and
iii. the ways in which any adverse effects of the proposed development may be minimized and any recommended design alternatives to the proposed development;
l. the following conditions shall apply to all development:
i. design of the development shall minimize or eliminate potential instability of adjacent slopes and allow for settlement on areas of fill;
ii. removal of vegetation shall be avoided or minimized and deposition of fill prohibited;
iii. natural drainage lines shall be respected and surface ponding of water avoided;
iv. denuded areas shall be restored to control erosion; and
v. where fill has been dumped directly into the river channel, development shall be contingent upon:
A. removal of fill until the river channel assumes its original shape;
B. regradation of the river bank to the low angle of rest;
C. installation of gabions along the base of the slope; and
D. revegetation of the slope area immediately behind.

Bylaw attachments