DC2 522

Ermineskin - south of 29 Avenue and east of 109 Street

Bylaw 12219 (February 8, 2000)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate an auxiliary hospital, and accessory rehabilitation, administration, pastoral care and other support service areas; and to establish sensitive site development criteria to ensure that development will be compatible with surrounding land uses.

This DC5 District will apply portions of Lot 45, Block 27, Plan 902 0272; located south of 29 Avenue and east of 109 Street, Ermineskin.

a.Extended Medical Treatment Services
a. The maximum number of continuing care beds shall be limited to 272 beds total. 204 beds are located in the existing hospital, 14 beds will be located in the detached building located on the northwest corner of the existing hospital and 54 beds will be located in the attached addition located on the southeast corner of the existing hospital and a day hospital with a maximum of 30 spaces per day.
b. The maximum building height measured from grade to the ridgeline inclusive of a mechanical penthouse shall not exceed 18.0 m (59.1 ft) except that at the Development Officer's discretion an additional 4.0 m (13.1 ft) in height may be allowed for architectural features such as towers or spires. The maximum vertical wall height shall not exceed 14.0 m (46 ft) with the balance consisting of sloped roof treatments. The maximum building height of the 14-bed single storey residence shall not exceed 8.0 m (26.2 ft) maximum height at the peak.
c. A landscaped yard a minimum of 6.0 m (19.7 ft) in width shall be provided adjacent to 29 Avenue. Within the required yard, there shall be a landscaped berm having an average height of 1 m with a minimum side slope of 3:1. Landscaping shall consist of five deciduous trees, a minimum caliper of 5.5 cm and five coniferous trees, a minimum height of 3.0 m (9.8 ft) together with a mixture of 20 deciduous and coniferous shrubs for every 30.0 m (98.4 ft) of frontage.
d. A landscaped yard having an average width of 4.5 m (14.8 ft) shall be provided adjacent to western, eastern and southern property lines. No portion of the western yard shall be less than 3.0 m in width and no portion of the southern and eastern yards be less than 1.0 m (3.3 ft.) in width. Extensive plantings of groups of mature evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs shall be provided to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in all three aforementioned yards
e. Landscaping shall be provided adjacent to the northwestern and northeastern corners of the proposed building in order to enhance the appearance of the site and partially screen the building from adjacent residential areas and public roadways, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. This landscaping shall consist of groupings of two deciduous trees a minimum caliper of 5.5 cm and three coniferous trees a minimum height of 3.0 m (9.8 ft) together with a mix of deciduous and coniferous shrubs.
f. The following building setbacks for the building walls shall be provided:
i. a minimum setback of 60 m (196.9 ft) shall be provided from 29 Avenue;
ii. a minimum setback of 15 m (49.2 ft) shall be provided from the west boundary of the site;
iii. a minimum setback of 5 m (16.4 ft) shall be provided from the east boundary of the site; and
iv. a minimum setback of 5 m (16.4 ft) shall be provided from the south boundary of the site.
g. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required yard. Parking, loading, storage, and trash collection areas shall be located in such a manner as to be screened from view from adjacent residential sites and public roadways in accordance with the provisions of Section 69.3 of the Land Use Bylaw.
h. Three vehicular access points shall be allowed to the site from 29 Avenue with the spacing of the access points to the satisfaction of the Development Officer in consultation with the City Engineer.
i. Landscaping and hardsurfacing of the parking area shall be completed with the first phase of development on the site.
j. To ensure that a high standard of appearance and a sensitive transition to the surrounding land uses are achieved, detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted with the initial development permit application for approval by the Development Officer which, in the opinion of the Development Officer, comply with the planting requirements specified by Clauses 4e), f), and g) of this District.
k. The Development Officer shall require, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of the established landscaping cost, the conditions of the security being that:
i. if the landscaping is not completed in accordance with the provisions of the District and the landscaping plan, within one growing season after the completion of the development, then the amount fixed shall be paid to the City for its uses absolutely; and
ii. the Development Officer shall not release the Landscaping bond until an inspection of the site has demonstrated that the landscaping has been well maintained and is in a healthy condition two growing seasons after completion of the landscaping.
l. Development in this District shall comply with the following architectural guidelines, all to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
i. the perceived massing of the building when viewed from the adjacent residential area to the north and west shall be minimized through the use of building setbacks, the articulation of the building facade and roof lines, and the choice and colour of finishing materials;
ii. all exterior finishing materials must be of good quality, durable and attractive in appearance, with consistent treatment on all faces of the building;
iii. an architectural theme compatible with the adjacent residential neighbourhood shall be created through the use of sloped roof elements;
iv. exterior finishing materials shall be primarily neutral or pastel tones with brighter colours used for accents and feature elements; and
v. all mechanical equipment on the roof of any building shall be completely screened or incorporated in the building roof.
l. Development in this District shall comply with the following architectural guidelines, all to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
m. Any exterior lighting of the site shall be designed so that the lighting is directed away from the adjacent residential development to the west, and the intensity of illumination shall not extend beyond the boundaries of the site.
n. Signs may be allowed in this District in accordance with Schedule 79A and in accordance with the general provisions of Sections 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw, except that the Development Officer may allow additional identification and on-site directional signs, which in his opinion, would be consistent with the scale and character of the development and would not prejudice the amenities of the surrounding residential neighbourhood.
o. A minimum of 164 parking spaces shall be provided on site

Bylaw attachments