DC2 501

Downtown - 10404 - 104 Avenue NW

Bylaw 12003 (as amended) - April 20, 1999

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate Commercial Use Classes with Residential; Residential-Related; Basic Services; Community Educational; Recreational and Cultural Services use Classes; and Office Use Classes according to the guidelines of the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan. The Site Specific Development regulations will ensure compatibility with existing and proposed land uses and ensure a high standard of appearance appropriate to the site"s location in the Downtown Core.

This DC5 District shall apply to Lot 1, Block 9E, Plan 972 4372 containing 1.72 ha (4.25 ac), Downtown, as shown on Schedule "C"- Map appended to the Bylaw adopting this DC5 District.

a.Apartment Housing
b.Apartment Hotels
c.Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios
d.Business Support Services
e.Child Care Services
f.Commercial Schools
g.Convenience Retails Stores
h.Custom manufacturing Establishments
i.General Retail Stores
j.Government Services
k.Health Services
n.Household Repair Services
o.Indoor Participant Recreation Services
p.Limited Contractor Services
q.Major and Minor Alcohol Sales
r.Major and Minor Amusement Establishments
s.Minor and Major Eating and Drinking Establishments
t.Minor Second Hand Stores with a gross floor area less than 275 m ².
u.Minor Veterinary Services
v.Non-accessory Parking
w.Personal Service Shops
x.Private Clubs
y.Professional Financial and Office Support Services
z.Professional Offices
aa.Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
bb.Public Parks
cc.Public and Private Education Services
dd.Residential Sales Centre
ee.Spectator Entertainment Establishments
ff.Stacked Row Housing
gg.Warehouse Sales

The overall site development shall be in accordance with the urban design guidelines and criteria established herein and in the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan.

a. The overall site development shall be in accordance with the urban design guidelines and criteria established herein and in the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan
b. Prior to issuance of any development permit, the applicant and/or owner shall provide proof satisfactory to the Development Officer in consultation with Alberta Environment Protection and the Capital Health Authority that if necessary the lands have been remediated to allow the intended use.
c. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 8:1.
d. The maximum building height shall not exceed 68.6 m (225 ft.) or 20 storeys.
e. The maximum total residential density shall be determined on the basis of the floor area ratio and other regulations of this District.
f. There shall be no minimum yard requirement for the east and west property line.
g. A minimum building setback of 3 m shall be provided from the property line along 104 Avenue.
h. Parking shall be located to the rear of the building, one row of parking can be located at the sides of the building. Where the parking is located on the side of a building facing a public roadway, an additional 3 m setback shall be required. Where parking is located adjacent to the west property line, a 1 m landscaped yard shall be required.
i. A detailed landscaping plan for the entire site shall be submitted and approved by the Development Officer prior to the approval of any Development Permits. These plans shall incorporate the design principles contained in the Downtown Area Redevelopment Plan and shall include details of pavement materials, exterior lighting, street furniture elements, pedestrian seating areas, and sizes and species of new planting for the entire site, including the boulevard along 104 Avenue (the boulevard shall contain tree planting and other landscaping elements to reflect the boulevard treatment in front of Grant MacEwan Community College.
j. Development in this District shall be in accordance with the following architectural guidelines, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
i. buildings shall be designed to provide a minimum of 2 m for a canopy area, awning or overhang where appropriate to protect the public from inclement weather;
ii. all exterior finishing materials must be of good quality, durable and attractive in appearance. Acceptable materials include, but are not limited to, either separately and/or in combination of brick, split stone, concrete, pre-cast concrete, stucco and cedar. The predominant exterior finishing materials shall have regard to the objective of ensuring that the development is of high quality that is compatible with the downtown and recognizing its entrance to the downtown;
iii. building roofs shall be finished in asphalt shingles, prefinished metal roofing or clay tiles, unless the roof is concealed from view by other building details when viewed from eye level;
iv. building corners should be prominent, building corners should address both streets at the intersection and entrances into the site; and,
v. all mechanical equipment on the roof of any portion of any building shall be completely screened or incorporated in the roof envelope.
k. A comprehensive Sign Design Plan schedule with the overall intent of Section 79 of the Land Use Bylaw shall be prepared for the development to be approved by the Development Officer. The architectural scheme established for the building shall be submitted for approval by the Development Officer prior to the issuance of any sign permits, having regard to the following additional requirements which shall supersede the relevant regulations in Section 79 of the Land Use Bylaw.
i. there shall be no signs located within the 3 m building setback at ground level;
ii. a maximum of four free-standing business identification signs shall be allowed per site. The signs shall be a minimum distance of 45.7 m apart. The maximum height of the sign shall be 3.65 m with a maximum sign area of 13.4 m². Tenant identification shall be consistent in colour and design with other fascia signs. The design of the free-standing sign shall be compatible with the design of the development;
iii. not more than six businesses may be identified on a free-standing sign. There shall not be multi-faced signs;
iv. the minimum height for individual business identification panels on a free-standing sign shall be 06. m and the maximum length shall be 2.5 m. The copy on such signs shall be limited to the name of the business and its logogram;
v. there shall be no general advertising signs;
vi. animated graphics and running lights shall be allowed on fascia, canopy and projecting business identification signs for Indoor Amusement Establishments, Major and Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments and Spectator Entertainment"s only;
vii. no permanent or temporary sign shall be allowed above the roof line; and,
viii. temporary signs, including portable signs of a freestanding nature, shall comply with the following criteria:
A. one temporary free-standing sign designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer may be allowed to be used exclusively for Building Construction Identification of the overall project in accordance with Section 79.9(3)(f)(ii) to (v), inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw;
B. two (2) temporary project advertising and real estate leasing sings be permitted for a period of no more than one (1) year from the issuance of a development permit for the project, such signs to be a maximum of 8 metres high and 12 metres wide;
C. real estate leasing signs shall be restricted to one window sign per business premise, located at the ground level of buildings. Such signs shall not cover more than 25 percent of the area of the window where the sign is displayed; and,
D. temporary portable signage shall be prohibited on this site.
l.The design of development shall foster urban safety and incorporate the "Crime Prevention through Environment Design (CPTED)" principles intended to promote a safer physical environment.
m.No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display areas shall be permitted adjacent to 104 Avenue, 105 Avenue and 105 Street except as allowed in other sections of this district. Loading storage and trash collection areas shall be screened from view from any adjacent sites or public roadways, in accordance with Section 69.3 of the Land Use Bylaw.
n.Appropriate lighting of this project shall be undertaken to provide security to the public and to add visual interest.
o.Development in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Sections 50-79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
p.The Development Officer may grant relaxations to Sections 50-79 of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District if, in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of the neighbouring properties.


a. The following regulations shall apply to Hotel developments only:
i. there shall be a 3 m landscaped yard between the parking area and the public sidewalk. This landscaped yard shall contain landscaping elements such as trees, shrubs, paving materials, exterior lighting and furniture. The landscaped yard shall also contain a colonnade to abut the sidewalk to provide a physical continuation of the adjacent buildings. The landscape plan shall be subject to the approval of the Development Officer;
ii. there shall be a covered pedestrian walkway providing a pedestrian link between the public sidewalk and the hotel entrance. This walkway corridor shall include special paving to further identify this pedestrian link; and,
b. Homecrafts shall be developed in accordance with Section 85 of the Land Use Bylaw.
c. Residential Sales Centres shall be developed in accordance with Section 95 of the Land Use Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments