DC2 467

Oliver - 11010 Jasper Avenue NW

Bylaw 11784 (July 13, 1998)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate the conversion of an existing office building to Apartment Housing with a range of Commercial/Business/Office uses. This District also provides development regulations for the site in the event that the original building is demolished.

This district shall apply to Plan NB, Block 10, Lots 87 and 88, located at 11010 Jasper Avenue,Oliver, as shown on the attached map adopting this District.

a. Residential
i. Apartment Housing (above the ground floor only) 
b. Residential-Related
i. Apartment Hotels (above the ground floor only)
ii. Home Occupations, Minor
iii. Home Occupations, Major
c. Commercial
i. Alcohol Sales, Major
ii. Alcohol Sales, Minor
iii. Business Support Services
iv. Commercial Schools
v. Eating and Drinking Establishment, Minor
vi. Eating and Drinking Establishments, Major
vii. Health Services
viii. Personal Service Shops
ix. Professional, Financial & Office Support Services
x. Professional Offices
xi. Public and Private Education Services
xii. Residential Sales Centre
xiii. Retail Stores, Convenience
xiv. Retail Stores, General
d. Community, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Services 
i. Child Care Services
ii. Private Clubs

Residential Density: This site shall be developed to a maximum of 56 residential dwelling units.

Yards: There shall be no requirement for a rear yard setback.

Parking Spaces: On-site, at-grade interior parking shall be provided at 0.25 parking spaces per residential dwelling unit with a minimum of 11 parking spaces in total.There shall be no requirement for a rear yard setback.

The following regulations shall apply to new development:

a. the maximum total Floor Area Ratio shall be 6.0;
b. the maximum Floor Area Ratio for Commercial Uses shall be 3.0;
c. residential dwellings are not permitted in the lowest storey;
d. the business frontage for establishments located in the lowest storey shall be 10 m (32.8 ft);
e. the maximum total residential density shall be:
i. dwellings/ha (182 dwellings/acre) where development includes roof-top landscaped amenity in excess of the amenity space requirements of this Bylaw; and
ii. dwellings/ha (161 dwellings/acre) in all other cases;
iii. the maximum buildings height shall not exceed 36.6 m (120 ft.)
f. the minimum Front Yard shall be 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) except that this may be reduced to 2.0 m (6.5 ft.) subject to the approval of the building treatment and the landscaping of remaining open space by the Development Officer;
g. the minimum Rear Yard shall be 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) except that this may be reduced to 2.0 m (6.5 ft.) provided adequate access is provided for service vehicles and parking;
h. a minimum Side Yard of 2.0 m (6.6 ft.) shall be required when it abuts a flanking public roadway other than a lane;
i. in all instances, the residential use component of the building shall be setback 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) from the front and rear property lines;
j. parking for uses must be provided as per the Edmonton Land Use Bylaw
k. vehicular access to the site shall not be permitted at the front of the building; and
l. Signs shall be allowed in this District as provided for in Schedule 79F and in accordance with the general provisions of Section 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.


Development Guidelines

a. The Development Officer shall encourage the application of the following development guidelines to all development within this District.


Urban Character and Built Form

a. Jasper Avenue (west) has small scale store fronts and a diversity of commercial uses housed in two to five storey buildings built to property lines which creates a pedestrian friendly, and lively shopping environment that reflects elements of a linear open mall and an outdoor gallery. This should be reflected in any new development.
b. Infill development and public/private improvements should incorporate design elements which contribute to a shopping environment and a diverse mix of small store fronts and businesses that will strengthen the economic activities along Jasper Avenue.
c. New and renovated development should be similar in scale and form to the small-scale retail-oriented buildings prevalent along this stretch of Jasper Avenue.
d. Buildings greater than 6 storeys shall be in the form of a podium plus tower compositions or other configuration that ensures design treatments are compatible with the facades of adjacent, older or historical buildings in the immediate area. Development above the third storey should be setback at least 7.5 m (24.6 ft.) from Jasper Avenue to maintain human scaled buildings and allow for solar access at the sidewalk level.


Street Level Architecture

a. Primary emphasis should be placed on design elements and facade improvements, particularly to the first and second levels of buildings, to create a pedestrian friendly environment. Buildings on corner sites should address both the street and the avenue.
b. New and renovated development should incorporate the following architectural and urban design elements:
i. multiple and varied street entrances providing direct access to the sidewalk;
ii. provide clear glazing along the lower portions of the facade to promote pedestrian interaction and safety;
iii. compatibility with adjacent streetscape furniture elements, LRT entrances, bus stops/shelters and construction materials;
iv. minimize differences in grade at street level to reduce street-wall impact; and
v. canopies, awnings and arcades, where practical.

Bylaw attachments