DC2 449

Miller - east of 50 Street and south of 144 Avenue

Bylaw 11658 (February 9, 1998)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate general business uses that will provide employment opportunities with site specific development criteria that will ensure a compatible relationship with adjacent residential land uses and will achieve a high standard of appearance appropriate for the sites prominent location adjacent to a major entrance route to the city.

This District shall apply to Block B, Plan 972 3469 and Lot 2, Block 6, Plan 972 4257 located east of 50 Street and south of 144 Avenue, Miller, as shown on the attached sketch plan.

a. Alcohol Sales - Minor
b. Alcohol Sales - Major
c. Amusement Establishments - Minor
d. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
e. Automotive and Minor RV Sales/Rentals
f. Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios
g. Business Support Services
h. Child Care Services
i. Commercial Schools
j. Convenience Vehicle Rentals
k. Custom Manufacturing Establishments
l. Drive-in Food Services
m. Eating and Drinking Establishments - Minor
n. Eating and Drinking Establishments - Major
o. Equipment Rentals
p. Gas Bars
q. Government Services
r. Greenhouse and Plant Nurseries
s. Health Services
t. Household Repair Services
u. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
v. Personal Service Shops
w. Private Clubs
x. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
y. Professional Offices
z. Protective and Emergency Services
aa. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
bb. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
cc. Retail Stores - Convenience
dd. Retail Stores - General limited to a maximum floor area of 1,000m2
ee. Veterinary Services - Minor
ff. Warehouse Sales
a. All development in this District shall comply with the requirements of Sections 320.4 and 320.5 of the Land Use District pertaining to the CSC District and to Sections 813 and 814 of the Land Use Bylaw pertaining to major entrance routes and commercial corridors, except as specifically excluded or modified by this District.
b. Signs shall be allowed in this District in accordance with Schedule 79D and in accordance with the general provisions of Section 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
c. The maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) shall be 2.0.
d. The maximum building height shall not exceed 12.0 m nor 3 storeys.
e. Minimum landscaped yards shall be provided as follows:  a minimum of 7.5m in width adjacent to the east (Manning Drive) and west (50 Street)boundaries of the site; and, a minimum of 4.5m in width adjacent to the north and south boundaries of the site.  The north landscaped yard may be reduced to 3.0m in width adjacent to the neighbourhood collector roadway (Miller Boulevard).
f. A 1.0m high berm, topped with a 1.8m high solid screen fence, shall be provided centered on the north boundary adjacent to Block C, Plan 9723469.
g. Development setbacks from 50 Street and Manning Drive shall be established in accordance with Section 814 (Overlay Schedule for Major Commercial Corridors) of the Land Use Bylaw.  Minimum development setbacks of 6.0m and 4.5m shall be provided adjacent to the north and south property lines respectively.
a. All activities associated with the operations of a Greenhouse or Plant Nursery shall take place within an enclosed structure except  that an outdoor display area for trees and shrubs shall be permitted with a maximum area of 500m2.
b. Protective and Emergency Services shall be limited to a facility for the provision of ambulance, police and fire safety services.  Training facilities shall be excluded.
c. Household Repair Services shall be limited to front access only for the receiving of goods and materials.  Outdoor storage shall be prohibited.
d. Minor vehicle servicing and cleaning associated with Convenience Vehicle Rentals must be performed within an enclosed building.  The maximum number of vehicles associated with this use permitted on the site shall not exceed 15.
e. All activities associated with Equipment Rentals shall be contained within an enclosed structure only. Outdoor storage shall be prohibited.
f. Automotive and Minor Recreational Vehicle Sales/Rentals shall be limited to new car sales only and shall comply with the following requirements:
i. the primary sales operations shall take place within an enclosed showroom which shall not exceed a maximum floor area of 930m2;
ii. a maximum of 20 vehicles may be displayed for sale or demonstration purposes in an outdoor display area; and
iii. lighting for the outdoor display area shall be mounted on lamp standards and be of a scale and intensity consistent with that utilized on the balance of the site.  No exposed bulbs or strings of lights shall be used.

Bylaw attachments