DC2 439

The Meadows - NE ¼ Section 7-52-23-W4M

Bylaw 11523 (June 17, 1997)


To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate single detached residential housing on lots less than 9.0 m in width. This district establishes sensitive site development regulations to ensure that development will be compatible with the surrounding residential development and will comply with the Larkspur East design brief architectural and site planning guidelines. Dwellings will be developed primarily in the neo-traditional style and will include design elements and architectural details to enhance the appearance of development.

This area shall apply to a portion of NE ¼ Section 7-52-23-W4M consisting of approximately 3.3 ha as shown on Schedule "B" Map to this District, Larkspur, The Meadows.

a.Single Detached Housing
b.Minor Home Occupations
c.Residential Sales Center
a. The site shall be developed substantially in accordance with Appendix I attached to this District.
b. The minimum site area shall be 270 m2 per Dwelling.
c. The minimum site width shall be 7.92 m.
d. The minimum site depth shall be 30.0 m.
e. Any lot less than 9.0 m, but greater than 8.0 m in width shall be a minimum of 33.0 m in depth.
f. Any lot 8.0 m or less in width shall be a minimum of 40.0 m in depth.
g. No more than 70% of the lots in this District shall be less than 9.0 m in width.
h. No more than 10% of the lots in this District shall be less than 8.0 m in width.
i. All lots flanking a public roadway shall be a minimum of 9.0 m in width.
j. Lots being less than 8.0 m in width shall not be in groupings of more than three (3) contiguous lots.
k. The maximum height shall not exceed 10.0 m nor 2 1/2 storeys.
l. The minimum front yard shall be 4.5 m; however, the Development Officer, having regard for the siting and appearance of adjoining residences and other residences within the block face, may increase the Front Yard requirement to improve sunlight exposure, views, privacy and to add general interest to the streetscape.
m. The minimum required Side Yard shall be 1.2 m except that a minimum Side Yard for buildings over 7.5 m in height shall be 2.0 m.
n. The minimum Side Yard abutting public roadway other than a lane shall be 20% of the site width or 2.4 m, whichever is greater. Where a garage is an integral part of the building in which the Dwelling is located, and the vehicle doors of the garage face a flanking public roadway other than a lane, the distance between any portion of these vehicle doors and the flanking public roadway shall be not less than 4.5 m. The minimum Side Yard abutting a lane shall be 1.2 m.
o. The minimum Rear Yard shall be based on a consideration of the requirements of Clauses p, q r, and u, and in no case shall be less than 6.0 m.
p. A minimum private Yard area of 30 m2 per Dwelling shall be designated on the site plan for the active or passive recreation use of the occupants. This Yard area shall be located immediately adjacent to, and with direct access from the Dwelling it is intended to serve. Neither the width nor length of such a Yard shall be less than 6.0 m. This minimum private Yard may be located within a required Yard, other than a Front Yard.
q. Separation Space shall be provided between two or more dwellings or portions thereof on the same site, in accordance with Section 58 of this Bylaw.
r. The maximum total site coverage shall not exceed 45% with a maximum of 35% for a principal building, and a maximum site coverage of 15% for accessory buildings. Where a garage is attached to or designed as an integral part of a Dwelling, the maximum site coverage for the principal building shall be 45%.
s. Each lot, or potential lot, shall be serviced by both a public roadway and a paved lane.
t. The lanes in blocks abutting the alignment for 43A Avenue shall have direct access to 43A Avenue.
u. A two vehicle garage pad shall be clearly demarcated both on the site and on the plan accompanying any application for a principal building. All garage pads shall meet the following requirements:
i. the garage pad shall be a minimum of 6 m in width and a minimum of 5.5 m in length, this pad or an equivalent area must always be maintained for vehicle parking;
ii. where the garage pad is to accessed from an abutting lane, it shall be setback 1.5 m from the abutting lane;
iii. the garage pad shall be constructed in conjunction with the principal structure;
iv. the garage pad shall be constructed on a sub-grade compacted to a minimum depth of 150 mm and shall consist of a minimum 75 mm of crushed gravel being 20 mm in diameter; and
v. electrical power and a stand up plug in shall be provided at the garage pad.
v. Individual Development Permit applications will be evaluated in terms of compatibility with existing structures on the block face, taking into account proposed development setbacks, Dwelling entrances and orientation, massing roof-lines, the location of windows and other openings in walls and elevational treatment of wall openings, building facades and finishing materials.
w. Where several Development applications are received simultaneously, the Development Officer shall require the submission of site plans showing setbacks, Dwelling entrances and orientation, massing, roof-lines, the location and elevational treatment of wall openings, building facades, and finishing materials for all of the developments. The Development Officer shall require that the exteriors of the Dwellings which are the subject of the applications provide individuality and variety of building design in terms of setbacks, entrances, elevations and finishing materials.
x. Identical floor plans with similar front elevations must be separated by a minimum of 1 lot unless finishing treatments are substantially different to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
y. The Development Officer may require a graduated transition between different house styles which shall be accommodated by varied roof lines, architectural projections, and/or the interjection of bi-level or split-level designs between bungalows and two-storey designs.
z. Principal buildings on corner lots shall have flanking side treatments similar to the front elevation.
aa. Entryways shall not be placed on side walls abutting a lane.
bb. All roof drainage shall be directed away from buildings to a public roadway, including a lane, or to a drainage work. Applications for a Development Permit shall include a detailed drainage plan showing the proposed drainage of the site.
cc. General site landscaping shall be developed in accordance with the following.
i. all front yards shall be sodded with the construction of the principal structure;
ii. a shrub bed, and one deciduous tree, or one coniferous tree shall be required for each Dwelling;
iii. all applications for a Development Permit shall include a site plan which identifies the location, species and size of landscaping required in Section cc) ii;
iv. the required site plan shall also identify the proposed landscaping and screening for any required private Yard area, Side Yard or passageway through a garage; and
v. all required landscaping shall be consistent with the relevant requirements of Section 69.4, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
dd.  A 1.8 m high uniform screen fencing shall be provided within private property lines along the alignment for 43A Avenue and a 1.2 m high uniform fence shall be provided along the south and west boundary of this District.

Bylaw attachments