DC2 436

Downtown - 10365 - 111 Street NW

Bylaw 11429 (May 12, 1997)

This area is intended to provide a mixture of at grade retailing and associated office space. It also is intended to provide medium rise residential development adjacent to the open space corridor. This residential use will help support commercial activities, provide housing in the proximity of Grant MacEwan Community College, benefit from the open space corridor and provide casual surveillance to the public open space.

This DC5 district shall apply to a portion of Block 9B, Plan 1282 R.S., containing 1.58 ha (3.9 acres), more or less (to be subdivided as agreed by parties) (The CP Lands), as illustrated on the sketch plan attached to the Bylaw adopting this DC5 District, Downtown.

a. Residential
i. Apartment Housing
ii. Linked Housing
iii. Row Housing
iv. Stacked Row Housing
b. Residential Related
i. Apartment Hotels
ii. Boarding and Lodging Homes
iii. Foster Homes
iv. Homecrafts
v. Offices-in-the-Home
vi. Residential Sales Centre
c. Commercial
i. Broadcasting and Motion Picture Studios
ii. Business Support Services
iii. Commercial Schools
iv. Convenience Retail Stores
v. Cremation and Interment Services
vi. Custom Manufacturing Establishments
vii. Drive-in Food Services
viii. Funeral Services
ix. General Retail Stores
x. Health Services
xi. Hotels
xii. Major and Minor Alcohol Sales
xiii. Major and Minor Amusement Establishments
xiv. Limited Contractor Services
xv. Major and Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments
xvi. Minor Veterinary Services
xvii. Personal Service Shops
xviii. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
xix. Major and Minor Secondhand Stores
xx. Spectator Entertainment Establishmen
d. Basic Services
i. Extended Medical Treatment Services
ii. Government Services
iii. Protective and Emergency Services
e. Community, Educational, Recreational and Cultural Services
i. Community Recreational Services
ii. Daytime Child Care Services
iii. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
iv. Private Clubs
v. Private Education Services
vi. Public Education Services
vii. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits
viii. Public Park
ix. Religious Assembly

The Development Officer shall have regard to the following guidelines when reviewing development applications for Discretionary Uses:

a.Parking and loading shall be internalized on site.
b.Parking shall be encouraged to locate below grade in covered structures.
c.Surface parking lots shall be internalized on site and shall require screening when visible from the open space corridor, the Streets or the Avenues.
d.Residential development shall be encouraged at the southeast corner of the site abutting the open space corridor.

The following shall apply to all development within this area:

a. The site development and building form shall be developed in accordance with the urban design guidelines and massing concepts established herein and in the CP Downtown Lands Master Plan and to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
b. The maximum total floor area ratio shall be 3.0, except that the floor area of Spectator Entertainment Establishments, Cultural Exhibits and Public Libraries, and Daytime Child Care Services shall be exempt from floor area calculations.
c. The maximum floor area ratio for all other use classes shall be 2.0.
d. The maximum floor area ratio may be increased to 3.0 if residential is built on site at the time of a commercial development.
e. The maximum height of a commercial only building shall be 10 m or 2.5 storeys.
f. The maximum residential density shall be 224 units/ha.
g. The maximum height of a residential development shall be 28 m, or 8 storeys.
h. The maximum height within 10 m of the open space corridor property line shall be 14 m, or 4 storeys.
i. A minimum 3.0 m setback shall be provided along the open space corridor.
j. A minimum 6.0 m diagonal cut shall be provided at the intersection of the open space corridor with 103 Avenue.
k. A consistent 3.0 m setback shall be provided along 103 Avenue, 110 Street and 111 Street.
l. A detailed landscaping plan for the entire project incorporating 4.(g), 4.(h) and 4.(i) above shall be submitted to and approved by the Development Officer prior to the approval of any development permit. These plans shall include fencing details, exterior lighting and street furniture elements, pedestrian seating areas, sizes and species of new plantings, and soil depth including special provisions to facilitate natural plant growth, for the entire project.
m. The Development Officer shall require, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide an irrevocable letter of credit in the amount of 100% of the established landscaping cost, the conditions of a security being that:
i. if the landscaping is not completed in accordance with the provisions of this District and the landscaping plan, within one growth season after the completion of the development, then the amount fixed shall be paid to the city, for its use absolutely; and
ii. the Development Officer shall not release the Letter of Credit until an inspection of the site has demonstrated that the landscaping has been well maintained and is in a health condition one growing season after completion of the landscaping.
n. A minimum setback of 6 metres is required along 104 Avenue.
o. Parking and loading facilities shall not be located within 10 m of the open space corridor.
p. Parking and loading facilities shall not be accessed from the open space corridor, nor from internal roads or accesses located within 10 m of the open space corridor.
q. Separation Space shall be provided in accordance with Section 58 of Land Use Bylaw.
r. A minimum Amenity Area of 4% of the non-residential gross floor area shall be provided and such Amenity Area shall be exempted from floor area calculations to a maximum of 10% of the gross floor area of the development.
s. A minimum amenity of area 7.5 m2 per dwelling shall be provided and shall be exempted from floor area ratio calculations to a maximum 20% of the gross floor area of the development.
t. Recreation Facilities that require a user charge and are provided in addition to the minimum required Amenity Area shall be exempt from floor area ratio calculations.
u. Appropriate lighting of the project shall be undertaken to provide security and to add visual interest. Lighting shall be directed away from the residential areas and from the adjacent roadways.
v. A Comprehensive Sign Design Plan and Schedule with the overall intent of Section 79.6 of the Land Use Bylaw shall be prepared for the Development to be approved by the Development Officer.
w. Temporary signs, including portable signs of a freestanding nature, shall comply with the following criteria:
i. one temporary freestanding sign designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer may be allowed to be used exclusively for Building Construction Identification of the overall project in accordance with Section 79.9(3)(f)(ii) to (v), inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw;
ii. two temporary freestanding signs, designed to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, may also be used for Project Identification and Real Estate Advertising purposes. Such a sign shall not exceed a maximum height of 6.0 m2 (19.6 ft.) nor a sign area of 18 m2 (193.7 sq. ft.) and shall be used for a period of 90 consecutive days, after the completion of each phase of the project; and
x.Portable signage shall be prohibited on this site.
y.Development in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of sections 50-79 of the Land Use Bylaw.
z.The Development Officer may grant relaxations to Sections 50-79 of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District, if in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of the neighbourhood properties.

Bylaw attachments