DC2 427

Rideau Park - north of 40 Ave, east of 105 St

Bylaw 11396 (February 10, 1997)

To provide a site specific development control district for a mixed use residential development including semi-detached, row housing and low rise apartments, with special regulations to ensure an appropriate transition between existing single family development to the south, and major commercial corridor development to the north.

The subject site includes a portion of Lot 3, Block 35, Plan 852 2249 containing approximately 1.47 ha (3.73 ac.). The site will be separated into two areas with an internal roadway as depicted generally in Appendix 1. Area A (comprising the southern and western portion of the property) contains approximately .87 ha (2.13 ac.) and Area B (comprising the northern portion of the property) contains approximately .6 ha (1.5 ac.), Rideau Park.

Area A
a. Row Housing, Linked Housing, Semi-detached and Duplex Housing
b. Minor Home Occupations
c. Major Home Occupations
d. Residential Sales Centre
Area B
a.Apartment Housing
b.Stacked Row Housing including Row Housing and Linked Housing but excluding Semi-detached and Duplex Housing.
c.Minor Home Occupations
d.Major Home Occupations
e.Residential Sales Centre

The following regulations shall apply to all uses:

a. The maximum density shall be 51 dwellings/ha (20 dwellings/acre), restricted to 75 units in total.
b. The maximum building height in Area A shall not exceed 4.3 m (14. ft.) nor one storey. The maximum building height in Area B shall not exceed 11 m (36 ft.) nor three storeys.
c. The maximum floor area ratio in Area A shall be .4 to 1. The maximum floor area ratio in Area B shall be 1.4 to 1.
d. Building setbacks and yards will be as follows:
i. There will be a minimum setback and landscaped yard of 13.76 m (45. ft.) from the south property line allowing for the Trans Mountain right-of-way easement. There will be no projections into the Trans Mountain right-of-way, without permission of Trans Mountain Pipelines.
ii. There will be a minimum setback and landscaped yard of 6 m (19.6 ft.) on the north property line adjacent to 42 Avenue.
iii. There will be a minimum 6 m (19.6 ft.) setback from the internal roadway that separates Areas A and B.
iv. There will be a minimum setback of 3 m (9.8 ft.) on the east and west property line.
v. There will be a minimum side yard of 2.5 m (8 ft.) between each row house or semi-detached structure.
e. Landscape treatment shall include the following:
i. Area A will provide spruce trees a minimum height of 3.5 m (11.5 ft.) along the south property line spaced no more than 5 m (16.4 ft.) apart to provide year round privacy between the adjacent single family dwellings to the south.
ii. Area A will provide deciduous trees a minimum of 50mm calliper along the internal roadway at intervals averaging every 10m (32ft).
iii. Area B will provide a total of 20 coniferous trees 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) in height, and 12 deciduous trees 80 mm calliper, and 30 deciduous trees 50mm calliper to be placed in clusters around the apartment building to enhance the privacy space for each dwelling, and planted in linear fashion along the internal roadway and along 42 Avenue, to define the residential environment south of 42 Avenue. The boulevard planting along 42 Avenue, will consist of 80mm calliper deciduous trees, planted at regular intervals, a minimum of 9 m (29.4 ft.) apart. Deciduous trees will be planted along the interior roadway at intervals averaging every 10 m (32 ft.).
iv. Building and site entrances in Area B will be defined with landscaped details.
v. A minimum of 25 trees to be a mixture of coniferous and deciduous variety will be planted along the west property line. Coniferous trees will be a minimum of 2.5 meters (8.2 ft) in height and deciduous trees will be a minimum of 50 mm calliper.
f. There will be a private outdoor amenity area a minimum of 30 square meters (322.9 sq. ft.) at grade per dwelling unit in Area A, and a minimum amenity area of 7.5 square meters (80.7 sq. ft) per dwelling unit in Area B, in accordance with Sections 56 and 57 of the Land Use Bylaw.
g. In addition to the private outdoor amenity space, a landscaped communal recreation space a minimum of 700 sq. ft. shall be provided on the site. The space will consist of a hard surface area surrounding a masonry fire pit with durable benches. The area will also include trees and shrubbery to provide privacy and wind protection, while retaining visibility into the space.
h. Parking within Area B will be underground, except for required visitor parking.
i. If the development is staged, the undeveloped remainder of the site shall be levelled and maintained to a standard acceptable to the development officer.
j. Fences will not be constructed within 1.5m of the pipeline right-of-way without the written consent of Trans Mountain Pipeline.

Bylaw attachments