DC2 422

Dunluce - North of 153 Avenue NW, 11410 - 11510 - 153 Avenue NW

Bylaw 11354 (October 21, 1996)

To establish a District which allows private or public recreation, institutional and community service uses.

This DC5 District shall apply to a portion of Lot 4, Block 40, Plan 752 1648, Dunluce, as shown on Schedule "A" appended to the Bylaw adopting this DC5 District.

a.Indoor Participant Recreation Services
b.Community Recreation Services
c.Child Care Services
d.Health Services
f.Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments
a.Development in this District shall be in general conformance with the concept illustrated in Appendix I.
b.Community Recreation Services, Child Care Services, Health Services, Private and Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments shall only be developed as accessory uses to an Indoor Participant Recreation Service.
c.The minimum Front Yard shall be 6 m (19.68 ft.).
d.The minimum Building Setback from the south property line shall be 30 m (93.43 ft.).
e.There shall be no required Rear Yard and no required Side Yards.
f.The maximum Height shall not exceed 13 m (42.65 ft.), except that the maximum Height of a building, or that portion of a building, housing a swimming pool shall not exceed 16 m (52.49 ft.).
g.General Advertising Signs will not be allowed in this District. One Free-standing Business Identification Sign will be allowed in this District. This Sign shall not exceed 8 m (26.25 ft.) in Height nor 20 m2 (215.28 sq. ft.) in area and may include Electronic Changeable Copy pursuant to Section 79.7 3) of the Land Use Bylaw. Illuminated Signs shall be oriented so as to minimize impacts on adjacent residences, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.

Bylaw attachments