DC2 396

Terra Losa, West Jasper Place - southeast corner of 178 Street and 100 Avenue 

Bylaw 11178 (January 15, 1996)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District to accommodate vehicle orientated commercial uses, with site development regulations that will ensure that development will be compatible with adjacent land uses and roadways and will ensure a high standard of appearance appropriate to the sites location on a major entrance route to the City.

This District shall apply to a 0.60 hectare site described as Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 872 0417, a portion of Lot 3, Plan 772 1705, a portion of Lot B, Plan 5903 KS and a portion of NE 33-52-25-W4M all to be consolidated in Lot 1, Block 1, Plan 962 ____ (Plan to be registered); located at the southeast corner of 178 Street and 100 Avenue, Terra Losa, West Jasper Place, shown on the map attached to this District.

a. Alcohol Sales, Minor
b. Business Support Services
c. Convenience Retail Stores
d. Drive-in Food Services
e. Eating and Drinking Establishments, Minor
f. Gas Bars
g. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
h. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
i. Service Stations, Minor and Major
a. The maximum floor area ratio (FAR) shall be 1.0, except that the maximum FAR for Professional, Financial and Office Support Services shall be 1.5.
b. The maximum building height shall not exceed 10 m nor 2 storeys, except that the maximum height for Professional, Financial and Office Support Services shall not exceed 4 storeys nor 14 m.
c. A building setback a minimum of 14 m in width shall be provided from the northern and western property lines being adjacent to 100 Avenue and 178 Street, respectively. This building setback may be reduced in accordance with the provisions of Section 814 of the Land Use Bylaw being the Major Commercial Corridors Overlay.
d. A landscaped yard a minimum of 7.5 m in width shall be provided abutting the north and west property lines of the site. These yards may be reduced in accordance with the provisions of Section 814 of the Land Use Bylaw being the Major Commercial Corridors Overlay. Landscaping in this yard shall consist of a berm 1.0 m in height and the planting of five deciduous trees (a minimum of 8 cm in calliper) and three coniferous trees (a minimum of 3.0 m in height) and twenty shrubs for every 35 m of lineal yard, with the plant material being grouped within modules not greater than 25 m in length or 4.5 m in width.
e. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required yard. Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear of sides of the principal buildings and shall be screened from view for any adjacent sites or public roadways. Waste collection siting shall provide opportunities for recycling initiatives.
f. Development in this District shall comply with the provisions of Section 814 of the Land Use Bylaw, being the Major Commercial Corridors Overlay.
g. Signs shall be allowed in this District as provided for in Schedule 79E and in accordance with the general provisions of Sections 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive, of the Land Use Bylaw.
h. Developments in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Sections 50 to 79 inclusive, and the Special Land Use Provisions of Sections 82 and 98 of the Land Use Bylaw.
i. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to the regulations contained in Sections 50 to 79 inclusive, and Sections 82 and 98 of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District if, in the opinion of the Development Officer, such a variance would be in keeping with the General Purpose of the District and would not adversely affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.

Bylaw attachments