DC2 384

Rampart Industrial - north of 137 Avenue and east of St. Albert Trail

Bylaw 10976 (May 8, 1995)

To establish a Site Specific Development Control District for a limited range of general business and retail uses having specific site Development Criteria which will ensure compatibility with existing and proposed surrounding commercial land uses and promote the orderly development of a high quality urban environment. This District also contains Development Criteria consistent with the intent of the Major Commercial Corridor Overlay.

This District shall apply to Lot 7A, Plan 4577 T.R. located north of 137 Avenue and east of St. Albert Trail, Rampart Industrial

a. Minor Amusement Establishments
b. Automotive and Minor Recreation Vehicle Sales/Rentals
c. Business Support Services
d. Convenience Retail Stores
e. Custom Manufacturing Establishments
f. Drive-in Food Services
g. Equipment Rentals, provided that all equipment and goods for rent are contained within an enclosed building
h. General Retail Stores with a maximum gross floor area of 5,000 sq. m
i. Household Repair Services, provided that all repairs and appliances or equipment being held for repair are contained within an enclosed building
j. Minor Alcohol Sales
k. Minor and Major Eating and Drinking Establishments
l. Minor Service Stations
m. Personal Service Shops
n. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
o. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
p. Warehouse Sales with a maximum gross floor area of 5,000 sq. m
a. The maximum floor area ratio shall not exceed 1.0.
b. The maximum building Height shall not exceed 10.0 m or three (3) storeys
c. A minimum building Setback of 14 m shall be provided adjacent to St. Albert Trail. At the discretion of the Development Officer, this minimum building Setback requirement may be reduced to the minimum applicable landscaped Yard requirement specified by this District where:
i. the proposed development, or the proposed development in conjunction with any existing development, does not exceed a gross floor area of 1,000 sq. m or 7 m in Height; or
ii. where the proposed development lies adjacent to an existing service road, provided that landscaping and building treatments minimize the perception of massing and create a high standard of building appearance.
d. For buildings greater than 3,000 sq. m in gross floor area and with a Height greater than 8 m, the Development Officer may require that the building Setbacks required in Clause 4(c) above be increased to minimize the perceived mass of the building and to ensure a high standard of appearance. The maximum building Setback required by the Development Officer shall not exceed one-half of the length of the building wall located next to the property line from which the Setback is measured. For the purpose of determining Height in this Clause, an architectural feature such as a tower or peak which is proposed to reduce the perceived mass of the building or to add architectural interest, shall be excluded from the calculation of the Height of the building.
e. A landscaped yard with a minimum width of 7.5 m shall be provided adjacent to St. Albert Trail. However, the Development Officer may reduce this Yard requirement to a minimum width of 4.5 m provided that:
i. the average width of the landscaped Yard is not less than 6 m; and
ii. in the opinion of the Development Officer this Yard width relaxation is required to allow for a more efficient utilization of the site and the relaxation will result in an articulation of the Yard width that will enhance the overall appearance of the site.
iii. Within the Yards specified above, a minimum of five deciduous trees (a minimum caliper of 6 cm), three coniferous trees (a minimum height of 3 m) and 20 shrubs shall be required for each 35 m of lineal Yard frontage. A continuous screen, an average of 0.75 m in height, shall be provided within the Yard through a combination of berming and shrub planting.
f. The Development Officer may waive the requirement for compliance with Clause 4(e) if, in his opinion, the proposed development makes substantial use of the existing structure and the application does not represent a comprehensive redevelopment of the site. Any application for a comprehensive redevelopment of this site shall meet the requirements of Clause 4 (e). In that case, there shall be no reduction or waiver of the landscaping requirements.
g. Any business premise or multiple occupancy building having a ground floor area greater than 2,000 sq. m shall comply with the following design guidelines to the satisfaction of the Development Officer:
i. the roof line and building facade shall include design elements and variations that reduce the perceived mass of the building and add architectural interest; and
ii. the exterior wall finishing material shall be composed of materials and colours to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
h. An application for a new development or for an addition to existing building(s) shall be accompanied by a site plan which shows the location of easement area(s) for all existing and proposed servicing infrastructure on the site. The Development Officer, in consultation with the affected utility departments, may require that the minimum building Setbacks and the minimum width of landscaped Yards specified in this District be varied, where such adjustments may be necessary to ensure:
i. that proposed buildings do not conflict with existing or proposed servicing infrastructure; and
ii. that the type, amount and location of landscaping, including berms, can be provided in a manner that does not conflict with existing or proposed servicing infrastructure.
i. Where off-street parking for 25 or more vehicles is required, and is being provided at grade, dispersed landscaped areas shall be provided within the interior or the parking area(s) for the purpose of providing visual relief and to break-up large areas of parking into smaller cells. This landscaping treatment shall be in the form of: (i) landscaped islands, particularly at the termini of long rows of parking; (ii) tree lines separating facing rows of parking stalls; or (iii) some other form or combination of landscaping treatments, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. A minimum of 1.7 sq. m of landscaping in the interior of the parking area(s) shall be required for each parking space provided and shall consist of deciduous trees (a minimum caliper of 6 cm), coniferous trees (a minimum height of 3 m) and shrubs. The location, extent and type of plantings and other landscaping treatment shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
j. Conceptual landscaping plans shall be submitted with the initial Development Permit application for review by the Development Officer. Prior to the issuance of the Development Permit, detailed landscaping plans shall be submitted to and approved by the Development Officer. All landscaping plans shall comply with the requirements of this District and Section 69 of the Land Use Bylaw to ensure a high standard of appearance and a sensitive transition to the surrounding land uses.
k. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display areas shall be permitted within a required yard, and trash collection areas shall be screened from view from any adjacent site and public roadway or otherwise in accordance with Section 69.3 of the Land Use Bylaw. Waste collection siting shall provide opportunities for recycling initiatives.
l. Development shall be such that all exterior finishing material be of high quality, durable and attractive in appearance to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
m. All development on site shall be constructed using a similar architectural theme and exterior finishing / colour, unless the function of individual buildings dictate a specific style or image associated with a particular company. In such instances, development must maintain harmony in terms of building lines, mass and quality of exterior treatment to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
n. All mechanical equipment including roof mechanical units, shall be concealed by screening in a manner compatible with the architectural character of the building, or concealed by incorporating it within the building roof.
o. Development in the District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Sections 50 to 79, inclusive, of the Land Use Bylaw.
p. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to Section 50 to 79, inclusive, of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District, if in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.
q. Signs maybe allowed in this District in accordance with Schedule 79E and in accordance with the general provisions of Section 79.1 to 79.9, inclusive, of the Land Use Bylaw.
r. All on-site services for power, telephone and C.A.T.V. shall be underground. Underground power services shall also be provided for Signs requiring such services.
s. Notwithstanding any other provision of the Land Use Bylaw, a portable Sign shall be allowed for only a new business for a maximum of 90 days within its first year of operation on the site.
t. Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Land Use Bylaw, individual Business Identification Signs located on the facades of buildings shall be similar as to proportion, construction materials and placement. The design, placement and scale of the Sign shall be to the satisfaction of the Development Officer so as to ensure that the signage does not detract from the overall appearance of the development and is not obtrusive, having regard to the scale of the buildings on the site and the distance of the building Setback.
a. Drive-in Food Services, Minor Service Stations and Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services shall be developed in accordance with Section 82 of the Land Use Bylaw.
b. Minor Alcohol Sales shall be developed in accordance with Section 98 of the Land Use Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments