DC2 334

Strathcona - 8430 - 103 Street NW

Bylaw 10564 (December 6, 1993)

To provide a site specific development control district to allow for the continued use of an existing building for commercial, community, educational, recreational or cultural uses with appropriate development criteria to ensure compatibility with the adjacent uses and compliance with the Old Strathcona Area Redevelopment Plan.

The site specific development control district will consist of a 0.07 ha (0.18 ac.) site legally described as a portion of Lot 8, Block 86, Plan I, located at 8430 - 103 Street, Strathcona.

a. Business Support Services.
b. Daytime Child Care Services.
c. Household Repair Services.
d. Indoor Participant Recreational Services.
e. Minor Eating and Drinking Establishments, limited to a maximum of 100 seats.
f. Personal Service Shops.
g. Private Education Services.
h. Professional, Financial, Office Support Services.
i. Professional Offices.
j. Public Education Services.
k. Public Libraries and Cultural Exhibits.
l. Retail Stores, Convenience.
m. Retail Stores, General.
a. The external appearance of the building shall be generally in keeping with the unique urban design and architectural character of the surrounding area, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. Should a redevelopment of the site occur, a new DC5 District will be required.
b. The lands north and east of the building shall be landscaped areas exclusively.
c. There shall be no expansion of the existing building. Only those alterations to the existing building that are necessary to facilitate development of the approved uses shall be allowed, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer.
d. 12 on-site parking stalls shall be provided for the uses to be developed within the building. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be allowed north and/or east of the building. One temporary on-site loading and unloading space shall be provided and shall be used in conjunction with the required parking during non-peak hours. Provision shall be made for recycling initiatives in conjunction with trash collection facilities.
e. Screening of the parking, loading, storage, and trash collection area west of the building shall be required along the south and west boundaries of the site, in accordance with Section 69.3 of the Land Use Bylaw, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer. Furthermore, trash collection shall be screened from view from 85 Avenue.
f. Landscaping shall be provided on the boulevards immediately north and east of the building, and shall consist of 2 trees (50:50 deciduous trees of a minimum 8 cm calliper and coniferous trees of a minimum height of 3 metres) and 4 shrubs for every 20 metres of linear frontage and flankage adjacent to the building, in compliance with Section 69.2(8) of the Land Use Bylaw and the Boulevard Bylaw No. 7829, to the satisfaction of the Development Officer and the General Manager of the Parks and Recreation Department. A sidewalk shall be provided on the north side of the building site from 103 Street west to the entrance of the parking lot.
g. To ensure a high standard of appearance, and a sensitive transition to the surrounding land uses, detailed landscaping plans, which comply with the landscaping requirements of this District, shall be submitted with the initial development application, for approval by the Development Officer.
h. The Development Officer shall require, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide cash or an irrevocable letter of credit, in the amount of 100% of the established landscaping costs, the conditions being that:
i. If the landscaping is not completed in accordance with the provisions of this district and the required landscaping plan, within two growing seasons after the completion of the development, then the amount fixed shall be paid to the City, for its use absolutely.
ii. The Development Officer shall not release the letter of credit until inspection of the site has demonstrated the landscaping has been well maintained and in a healthy condition two growing seasons after completion of landscaping.
i. Signage shall be limited to fascia and canopy business identification signage on the north and east facades. A Comprehensive Sign Design Plan shall be prepared having regard for Section 79.6 of the Land Use Bylaw and be submitted to the Development Officer prior to or concurrent with the application for any Development Permit.
j. Lighting of this site shall be in accordance with Section 62 of the Land Use Bylaw and shall create a safe lit environment.
k. A deck adjacent to an approved major or minor eating and drinking establishment use class may be erected adjoining the building on the south side. This deck shall only have access from the building and shall be fenced and landscaped.
l. Development in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the general development regulations of Sections 50 -79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
m. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to Sections 50 to 79 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District if, in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this District and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.

Bylaw attachments