DC2 332

Calgary Trail South - Calgary Trail Southbound at 28 Avenue

Bylaw 10550 (November 15, 1993)

To establish a Direct Control District for retail and highway commercial uses with good visibility and accessibility along Calgary Trail Southbound.

Lot 4, Plan 663 R.S. located on Calgary Trail Southbound at 28 Avenue, Calgary Trail South.

a. Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops
b. Business Support Services
c. Commercial Schools
d. Custom Manufacturing
e. Equipment Rentals
f. Gas Bars
g. General Retail Stores up to a maximum gross floor area of 2 500 m2 (26,910.7 sq. ft.)
h. Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries
i. Health Services
j. Household Repair Services
k. Indoor Participant Recreation Services
l. Limited Contractor Services
m. Major and Minor Alcohol Sales
n. Major and Minor Eating and Drinking Establishment
o. Minor Service Stations
p. Minor Veterinary Services
q. Personal Service Shops
r. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
s. Warehouse Sales up to a maximum gross floor area of 2 500 m2 (26,910.7 sq. ft.)
t. Minor and Major Secondhand Stores
u. Recycled Materials Drop-off Centres
v. Drive-in Food Services
w. Hotels
x. Motels
y. Non-accessory parking
z. Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services
aa. Convenience Vehicle Rentals
bb. Apartment Hotels
cc. Residential Sales Centres

The following regulations shall apply to all uses:

a. the minimum size frontage shall be 30 m unless access is provided from a service road;
b. the maximum floor area ratio shall be 2:1;
c. a minimum yard of 14 m shall be provided adjacent to the Major Arterial Roads within the Major Commercial Corridors. At the discretion of the Development Officer, this minimum building setback requirement may be reduced to the minimum applicable landscaped yard requirement specified under Section 814 where:
i. the proposed development, or the proposed development in conjunction with any existing development, does not exceed a gross floor area of 1000 m2 or 7 m in height; or
ii. where the proposed development lies adjacent to an existing service road;
iii. provided that the landscaping and building treatments minimize the perception of massing and create a high standard of building appearance;
d. for buildings approved for this site prior to the passage of this Bylaw a minimum yard of 2.4 m shall be required where the rear or side lot line of the site abuts the lot line of a site in a Residential District. In all other cases a 15 m buffer strip shall be provided along the rear boundary of this DC5 District, containing a 2 m berm having a side slope of 3:1 with the apex of the berm located not less than 7.5 m east of the rear boundary of this DC5 District. The buffer strip shall also contain a continuous screen consisting of sporadic groupings of coniferous and deciduous trees and a continuous 1.8 m uniform screen to the satisfaction of the Development Officer;
e. architectural treatments shall be provided in accordance with Section 814.5 of the Land Use Bylaw, Overlay Schedule for Major Commercial Corridors;
f. landscaping shall be provided in accordance with Section 814.5 of the Land Use Bylaw, Overlay Schedule for Major Commercial Corridors;
g. no parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor service or display area shall be permitted within a required yard. Loading, storage and trash collection areas shall be located to the rear or sides of the principal building and shall be screened from view from any adjacent sites or public roadways in accordance with the provisions of Section 69.3. If the rear or sides of a site are used for parking, an outdoor service or display area, or both, and abut a Residential District or a lane serving a Residential District, they shall be screened in accordance with the provision of Section 69.3 of the Land Use Bylaw. Trash Collection facilities shall make provisions for recycling initiatives;
h. the maximum building height shall not exceed 14 m nor four storeys, except for Hotel developments and Apartment Hotels; which may be developed to 30 m. No portion of a development within 7.5 m of the west property line may be higher than 8.5 m, or two storeys. No portion of a development within 30 m of the west property line may be higher than 15 m, or four storeys;
i. signs may be allowed in this District as provided for in Schedule 79E and in accordance with the general provisions of Section 79.1 to 79.9 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw and provided that, in the opinion of the Development Officer, the scale, colour and general character of all signs shall not detract from the overall appearance of the development and be appropriate to the entrance location of this site;
j. the Development Officer shall require, as a condition of approval, that the applicant provide an irrevocable letter of credit or a performance bond, in the amount of 100% of the established landscaping cost, the conditions of a security being that:
i. if the landscaping is not completed in accordance with the provisions of this District and the landscaping plan, within one growing season after the completion of the development, then the amount fixed shall be paid to the City, for its use absolutely;
k. developments in this district shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Sections 50 to 79 inclusive, of the Land Use Bylaw;
l. the Development Officer may grant relaxations to the regulations contained in Sections 50 through 79, and the provisions of this District, with the exception of Clauses 4(b) and 4(h), if in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the General Purpose of this District and would not affect the privacy, amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties. No variance of Clauses 4(b) and 4(h) shall be granted by the Development Officer, and;
m. notwithstanding the Development Criteria presented in this Bylaw, Section 814 of the Land Use Bylaw, Overlay Schedule for Major Commercial Corridors, shall be applied in conjunction with this District, with the more restrictive provisions being applied where provisions may be in conflict.
a. Drive-in Food Services, Gas Bars, Minor Service Stations and Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services shall be developed in accordance to Section 82 of the Land Use Bylaw.
b. Custom Manufacturing, Minor Veterinary Services, Equipment Rentals and Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops may be developed only within a totally enclosed building,
c. Drive-in Food Services, Automotive and Equipment Repair Shops, Gas Bars, Minor Service Stations, Rapid Drive-through Vehicle Services and Non-accessory Parking shall be developed with a minimum setback of 30 m from the west property line.
d. Greenhouses and Plant Nurseries shall be developed only as an accessory use.
e. Any outdoor display area for trees or shrubs shall be limited to a maximum of 200 m2.
f. Indoor Participant Recreation Services and Convenience Vehicle Rentals shall be developed only in conjunction with Hotel or Motel uses.
g. Recycled Materials Drop-off Centres shall be developed in accordance with Section 97 of the Land Use Bylaw.
h. Residential Sales Centres shall be developed in accordance with Section 95 of the Land Use Bylaw.
i. Major and Minor Alcohol Sales shall be developed in accordance with Section 98 of the Land Use Bylaw.

Bylaw attachments