DC2 289

Tawa - east of 66 Street and south of 31 Avenue

Bylaw 10195 (September 14, 1992)

To establish a site specific development control district to accommodate a low intensity medical office park development with limited ancillary commercial uses intended to serve the medical office development and to accommodate temporary shelter services, as well as to establish sensitive site development regulations to ensure compatibility with surrounding land uses.

This DC5 District shall apply to Condominium Plan 902 1440, Units 1 to 27, inclusive, located east of 66 Street and south of 31 Avenue, Tawa, Mill Woods.

a. Business Support Services
b. Daytime Child Care Services
c. General Retail Stores
d. Government Services
e. Professional, Financial and Office Support Services
f. Temporary Shelter Services, which shall be limited to Units 19 and 20 of Condominium Plan 902 1440
g. Health Services
a. The maximum floor area ratio shall be 0.4.
b. The maximum building height shall not exceed 10 m (32.8 ft.), nor two and one half storeys.
c. A maximum of thirty (30) individual buildings will be permitted on the site. The gross floor area of any individual building shall be not less than 98.9 m2 (1,065 sq. ft.), nor greater than 246 m2 (2,650 sq. ft.), except that the gross floor area of an individual building shall not be greater than 316 m2 (3400 sq. ft.) when developed for Daytime Child Care Services pursuant to Clause 5a) of this District.
d. A landscaped yard, a minimum of 3 m (9.84 ft.) in width shall be required adjacent to 66 Street, 62 Street and the north and south property lines. Within this yard, a solid screen fence not greater than 1.2 m (4 ft.) in height shall be provided, except that portion used to screen the Daytime child Care Services, pursuant to Section 5a) of this District. The screen fence shall be located on the north and south property lines but shall be set back a minimum of 2 m (6.56 ft.) from 66 and 62 Streets. Landscaping of the yard shall consist of a mixture of mature evergreen and deciduous trees and shrubs.
e. No parking, loading, storage, trash collection, outdoor services or display area shall be permitted within a required yard. Loading, storage and trash collection shall be located to the satisfaction of the Development Officer, and shall be screened from view from any adjacent buildings and public roadways in accordance with the provisions of Section 69.3 of the Land Use Bylaw.
f. There shall be no parking of motor vehicles, recreation vehicles and/or equipment that is not accessory to the uses of this District.
g. Development in this District shall comply with the following architectural guidelines:
i. all exterior finishing materials must be of good quality, durable and attractive in appearance with consistent treatment on all faces of the building as well as compatible with all buildings to be located on the site. Acceptable materials also include but are not limited to, brick, cedar, split stone concrete or precast concrete. No painted and/or scored concrete block construction will be permitted on any building;
ii. a consistent architectural and landscaping theme shall be created through the exterior treatment of buildings (i.e., materials, colours and design) on the site and through the use of landscaping techniques and planting materials;
iii. building roofs shall be sloped and shall be finished in cedar shakes, cedar siding, asphalt shingles or clay tiles, unless the roof is concealed from view by other building details such as a parapet wall when viewed at normal eye level; and
iv. all mechanical equipment on the roof of any building shall be completely screened or incorporated within the building roof.
h. Prior to approval of any sign application, detailed signage criteria shall have been submitted to and approved by the Development Officer. The detailed sign criteria shall be considered through a Comprehensive Sign Design Plan pursuant to Section 79.6 of the Land Use Bylaw. The sign criteria shall include provisions for individual business premises as well as public information and directional signs.
i. Development in this District shall be evaluated with respect to compliance with the General Development Regulations of Section 5079 inclusive of the Land Use Bylaw.
j. The Development Officer may grant relaxations to Sections 5079 of the Land Use Bylaw and the provisions of this District, if, in his opinion, such a variance would be in keeping with the general purpose of this district and would not affect the amenities, use and enjoyment of neighbouring properties.
a. The following regulations shall apply to Daytime Child Care Services:
i. the total maximum permitted gross floor area for Daytime Child Care Services shall not exceed 316 m2 (3,400 sq. ft.) for the site as a whole; and
ii. the Daytime Child Care Services building shall be located in the northeastern portion of the site, with outdoor play space to be provided adjacent to the building and screened with a 1.85 m (6.1 ft.) solid screen fence.
b. General Retail Stores shall be limited to the sale of merchandise related to the proposed medical offices, including medical, pharmaceutical and optical supplies. The total maximum gross floor area for General Retail Uses shall not exceed 242 m2 (2,600 sq. ft.) for the site as a whole.
c. The following regulations shall apply to each Temporary Shelter Services Use within a building unit of Condominium Plan 902 1440:
i. the total number of bedrooms shall be limited to five per building unit;
ii. the total gross floor area per building unit shall be limited to 200 m2 (2,152 sq. ft.); and
iii. four parking spaces shall be provided for each building unit.

Bylaw attachments